Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 162 First Arrival at Military Academy

Liu Nan sighed. Sure enough, he had learned from Wang Xiaofeng's memory that his father had joined the army to serve the country.

If you have been messing around until now, you are either the Kuomintang or the Red Party. It can’t be from the Wang Puppet Government. Then you are not serving the country but betraying it.

Judging from Guo Qiyun's performance today, it is obvious that he is not with the two Red Party members. If it is not the Red Party, it is most likely the Kuomintang Party.

That’s why Liu Nan asked Guo Qiyun if he was a member of the Kuomintang party.

Kuomintang! This reminded him of people like Sun Wen, Lu Haodong, Chen Shaobai and Li Yutang again.

It is a pity that the current Kuomintang Party is no longer as pure as that time. He who has studied history knows that the current leader of the Kuomintang Party has always advocated that when fighting against foreign aggression, one must first settle the domestic problem.

In other words, before dealing with the invading foreigners, we must first get rid of the red parties in the country.

In order to get rid of the Red Party first, when the Japanese army invaded the Northeast, they actually ordered Zhang Xueliang in the Northeast to adopt a non-resistance policy and try not to conflict with the Japanese.

To delay time, they tried their best to wipe out the Red Party, and even ordered all soldiers to be given guns but not bullets for fear of causing conflicts.

In the end, the three eastern provinces were occupied by the ambitious and premeditated Japanese army without any resistance.

The occupation of the three eastern provinces nakedly demonstrated the Japanese army's ambition to invade and occupy the entire China. This made the Kuomintang give up on annihilating the Red Party and unite to resist Japan and save the building from collapse.

However, even the current Kuomintang Party is still not pure enough. Many top leaders of the Kuomintang Party are enriching the country for their own benefit, and all kinds of conspiracies and schemes are endless.

Surprised, Guo Qiyun took Liu Nan on foot into the city of Guangzhou. After staying in the city for one night, he continued to take the train to Hunan the next day.

In this way, I experienced many transfers and encountered many things. After spending a week, I finally arrived in Qianyang County.

When they arrived in Qianyang County, they were basically within the sphere of influence ruled by the Kuomintang, and a large military troop transport truck, informed by Guo Qiyun, was already waiting for the two of them in the county seat.

Liu Nan and Guo Qiyun got into the truck and drove for more than an hour and passed three checkpoints before arriving at their destination, a secret spy training military academy.

It was around ten o'clock in the morning, and the military academy was in the middle of a heated training session.

On the training ground, fighting, assassination, firearms, and shooting are everywhere. In the classroom, students are also learning some knowledge that spies must master, such as stealth operations, stealing intelligence, and deciphering codes.

The arrival of Guo Qiyun and Liu Nan did not attract too much attention. The strict military school discipline and high-intensity military training prevented these military school students from paying too much attention to other things.

Liu Nan followed Guo Qiyun and carefully observed the military academy. With his powerful five senses, he captured a lot of information in less than ten minutes.

Guo Qiyun sent Liu Nan to the room with the sign of the principal's office, poured him a cup of tea, motioned for him to sit down, and said:

"Xiao Feng, you sit here for now, I'll notify the section chief to come over!"

Seeing Liu Nan nodded, he turned around and left first.

Liu Nan, who was sitting in the principal's office, took a moment to look at the principal's office. The decoration was very simple and the furnishings were also very simple. Except for a table, two chairs, and a small bed in the corner, there was no other furniture.

I didn’t think about the various calligraphy, antiques and some exquisite furnishings in the offices of other high-level officials of the Kuomintang Party. Some were just some books and documents.

It seems that his father is not an officer who likes luxury and enjoyment, but he is probably also a practical man.

As he approached the military academy, perhaps because he felt safe or perhaps for other reasons, Guo Qiyun finally revealed some information about his father.

Currently, his father is considered a high-level officer of the Kuomintang. The principal of this military academy is his father.

However, through a few details, Liu Nan felt that his father was far from as simple as Guo Qiyun said.

Judging from what he saw and heard just now, this is not an ordinary military school. Ordinary military schools do not teach so many things.

And since his father is the principal, shouldn't Guo Qiyun be called the principal? Why is it always mentioned as section chief? What military rank does this section chief refer to?

But before Liu Nan and Guo Qiyun came here, they just wanted to see his father in this physical body. If his father in this physical body was in any danger, he would try to protect him.

If the situation is very safe, then after meeting him, he will leave first and do what he wants to do.

After all, when he came to this world, he also wanted to find or learn something useful to himself.

It would be best if you could find a secret book like the Golden Bell Cover that can cultivate your inner strength or a method to use your inner strength.

He is now cultivating the Golden Bell Shield, and the power he has developed has no other uses besides enhancing his defense.

Although this power circulates in his body and can enhance his power to use fists and kicks, he always feels that it is not that simple.

It's just that he doesn't have information in this area, so he never knows how to develop it. Now that he has come to this world, he might actually be able to find something useful.

And since the legendary internal power is there, is there any magical magic?

But now, he has some new ideas. After just observing, he feels that maybe he needs to stay in this place for a while, and he is not in a hurry to leave immediately.

He found that the knowledge taught in this military school seemed to be helpful to himself, not in terms of his kung fu, but in other aspects.

After all, apart from his martial arts and medical skills, he is just an ordinary person. Although he has grown a lot over the years, there is still something missing.

This era can be said to be the peak era of espionage agents. The knowledge and skills possessed by a top agent are definitely very powerful.

And this is what Liu Nan wants. He thinks that no matter how powerful the world is, there will be wars and some conspiracies. No matter how powerful the people are, there will be weaknesses.

And the skills of a top agent can allow Liu Nan to live longer in the powerful world that may appear in the future.

And I need to know that it is not always the body that goes to different worlds, sometimes it is the soul that travels.

As the soul travels, you don’t know the physical condition of the person you possess. Just like him this time, if his kung fu didn’t recover so quickly,

When he is weak, an ordinary person can kill him. At this time, having top agent skills can also make him live better when he is weak in the early stage.

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