Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 165 What a young instructor

Wang Tianfeng turned to look at Guo Qiyun and said with a smile:

"Fighting instructor, do you know Instructor Guo Qiyun who I sent to pick you up? He is the instructor with the strongest fighting ability in the school.

In general, instructor Guo is responsible for the combat training of students in schools! "

Liu Nan glanced at Guo Qiyun, "This is the strongest one. I don't see what makes him so strong."

That's right, compared to ordinary people, they should be considered very powerful. After all, the main way for people like them to kill is with guns and thermal weapons, rather than just relying on their own fighting ability.

In fact, it is unfair to compare the fighting abilities of people like Guo Qiyun with those martial arts masters who have practiced martial arts for many years.

Under normal circumstances, a true martial arts master has laid a solid foundation of martial arts since childhood, and then practices Sanjiu in winter and Wufu in summer.

After more than ten years of hard training, one must have the talent and inheritance in this area to become a true martial arts master.

Many agents and spies like Guo Qiyun may have started out as students or ordinary people.

In order to defend the country and realize their ambitions, they join the army. The time they learn fighting is in the few years in the military academy.

And if you don't pay attention to your foundation, you just take advantage of your youth and strength to train and squeeze your body as if it's consuming your potential. And you don't follow any routines, with the ultimate goal of killing people.

Because fighting ability is only one of the skills of an agent, they also have to learn a lot about firearms, latent tracking and other knowledge.

So based on just a few years of study, how can they compare to real martial arts masters in fighting?

However, if the two sides are enemies and fight to the death, the one who survives is very likely to be this agent, who has only been trained in the military academy for a few years.

It doesn't need to be too difficult. A long-range shot from a sniper rifle might be enough.

This is one of the reasons why Chinese martial arts slowly declined after the Western invasion.

You have worked hard for more than ten years, but you can't stand up to someone's shot.

Of course, real martial arts masters may be able to avoid danger by relying on their own intuition of danger, such as masters at Liu Nan's level, but how many such masters are there?

Guo Qiyun saw Liu Nan's surprised glance and instantly understood his thoughts through his expression. The veins in the corners of his eyes couldn't help but twitch.

Why, am I so weak in your heart? I know you are very powerful, but I am not a vegetarian. In terms of combat ability in this military academy, apart from the section chief, I am the most powerful!

"Instructor Guo is no match for me in unarmed fighting. Let's do this. Instructor Guo uses guns and weapons, and I use my bare hands. This is fairer!"

Liu Nan said calmly to Wang Tianfeng.

In fact, it was not that Liu Nan deliberately wanted to pretend to be thirteen. There was no need. It was just a bare-handed competition between Guo Qiyun and Guo Qiyun. Even if he won, it would not necessarily attract too much attention.

As we all know, no matter how powerful you are, you can't be more powerful than someone else's gun.

Wang Tianfeng frowned, was he confident or arrogant?

Although he knew about Liu Nan's performance on the train from Guo Qiyun, he didn't see it with his own eyes after all, and Guo Qiyun was not one of those miscellaneous agents on the train, but someone who was truly close to a top agent, at least In terms of combat capability,

But after thinking about it, if he wins, it means that this son is really strong in this aspect, and then the training in the military academy will definitely be very beneficial.

If you lose, that's fine. You can take the opportunity to send him away. It's fine not to get into this quagmire. It's fine to go to another school with peace of mind.

"Okay, since you are confident, let's compete on the training ground!"

Wang Tianfeng finally replied.

Guo Qiyun couldn't help but feel speechless when he saw that the father and son settled the matter without asking for his opinion.

Well, he thought he was no match for Liu Nan in unarmed fighting. After all, he had witnessed Liu Nan's attack on the train.

But if there is a gun, that is not necessarily the case. He still has some confidence in his shooting.

On the military academy training ground, Guo Qiyun and Liu Nan were ten meters apart, standing opposite each other.

Liu Nan was wearing a gray long coat and standing with her hands behind her back. Although she looked young, she felt inexplicably very majestic.

Guo Qiyun changed into a military uniform, and on his right hand was an American Browning pistol. The pistol was not filled with live ammunition, but with lead bullets. Although it would be injured if hit, it would not kill anyone. In fact, Wang Tianfeng still didn't believe it in his heart. Liu Nan would be so powerful,

There is a military dagger stuck on the left hand. The weapon is too big to match the pistol, but the military dagger is very suitable.

Outside the training ground, Wang Tianfeng ordered the guards to keep the military students away from the training ground.

"What's going on? Who is that young man on the field? I've never seen him before!"

"I don't know. Our class was doing target practice just now, and we were suddenly kicked out by an order!"

"Hey, isn't that Instructor Guo? I haven't seen him for more than a month. Now he's back. Why is he standing on the training ground, still confronting that boy!"

"I don't know, but I just heard from my classmates that that boy was just brought back from outside today by Instructor Guo!"

A group of military academy students, both male and female, gathered outside the training ground and started chatting.

In fact, before these students went out to perform tasks in the military academy, they were not very different from students in ordinary schools.

Although in the military academy, they learned a lot of special knowledge and even experienced some relatively cruel training,

But in essence, they are still a group of passionate students who also like to gossip and laugh.

After they graduated, they entered the true battlefield of spies and survived death and darkness.

Of course, most of them may not survive, but as long as they survive, they will transform into spies walking in the darkness and wearing countless masks.

Brightness and smiles never come back, especially for female agents!

Wang Tianfeng looked at the two people in the field, and without explaining anything to the students, he shouted:


As Wang Tianfeng's voice fell, Guo Qiyun's right hand quickly reached for the gun holster at his waist.

Just like a veteran agent who has experienced life and death many times, he opens the holster, draws the gun, triggers the safety, aims, and shoots. The whole process can be said to be completed in one go.

However, it is of no use!

When Guo Qiyun pointed his pistol at Liu Nan in less than a second,

Another thing that made his hair stand on end happened, because at this time, Liu Nan had already appeared less than two meters away from him with a smile on his face.

Damn it! What speed is this? In less than a second, you crossed seven or eight meters!

This is not a 100-meter race. When sprinting, you sprint seven or eight meters in one second. Instead, you start from the same spot and sprint seven or eight meters in one second. This is terrifying!

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