Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 176 Diamond Sutra

And for some reason, the name Wang Tianfeng felt slightly familiar to him from the first time he heard it, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it before.

He didn't care, after all, there were too many people with the same name and surname. Maybe it was a classmate, colleague or friend who had this name before he time traveled, so it left an impression in his mind.

But it will definitely not be after time travel, because after time travel, he will have the ability to remember everything, and he will never forget anyone again.

Putting the box in the cabinet, Liu Nan closed the door and left the dormitory. His class in the morning was about to start. It would be bad to be late. After all, it was the last class for this group of students.

As for this box of Buddhist scriptures and Buddhist classics, he will study them slowly when he comes back in the evening. He just has some ideas. How could he find the answer so quickly?

After attending class in the morning and taking classes in the afternoon, and having dinner with Wang Tianfeng in the cafeteria in the evening, Liu Nan returned to the dormitory again.

Turning on the light, Liu Nan took the box containing Buddhist scriptures from the cabinet to the table again, reached out and casually took out a Buddhist scripture from the box,

I took a look at the cover. The title of the book is "Vajra Prajna Paramita", also known as the Diamond Sutra.

Opening the first page, Liu Nan started reading word for word, and couldn't help but read:

"I have heard that at one time the Buddha was in the country of Savatthi, in the Solitary Garden, with a group of great bhikkhus, numbering one thousand two hundred and fifty people. At that time, the World Honored One, wearing robes and holding an alms bowl while eating, went to the great city of Savatthi to beg for food. In the city, after begging from time to time, he returns to his home place. After finishing his meal, he collects his clothes and bowl, washes his feet, and sits down."

Sections of Buddhist scriptures appeared in Liu Nan's mind. For some reason, Liu Nan always felt that the obscure Buddhist scriptures he received for the first time seemed to have already existed in the depths of his memory, but now they were being opened again.

As Liu Nan read sentence by sentence, a wave of insights about Buddhist scriptures came to his heart.

At the same time, Liu Nan's power gained from practicing the Golden Bell's Iron Cloth Shirt actually began to move independently along the route of the Golden Bell.

And he constantly modified the route during the operation. When Liu Nan finished reading the Diamond Sutra, a new golden bell operating route appeared in his body.

Liu Nan tried to run according to the new golden bell operation route, and was suddenly shocked.

Because he discovered that the internal force increased by this new golden bell operating route was actually ten times that of the original golden bell operating route.

This is very scary. Liu Nan feels that if he continues to practice in this way, it won't be long before he can reach the power he achieved after swallowing the strange flower in the late Qing Dynasty.

Putting down the Diamond Sutra, Liu Nan picked up a copy of the "Saṅgāra" again, and the familiar feeling came to his heart again. However, this time, when Liu Nan finished reading the entire "Saṃsaka", the internal force of the golden bell in his body did not change.

It seems that not every Buddhist scripture and classic can activate the inner power of the golden bell.

In order to verify his ideas, Liu Nan continued to take out the Vinaya, Sutra, Universal Door, Ksitigarbha, Amitabha, Infinite Life Sutra, and Surangama Sutra. ”, “Miaofa Lotus Sutra”, “Huayan Sutra”, “Heart Sutra”, “Sixth Patriarch Altar Sutra”, “Perfect Enlightenment Sutra”, “Agama Sutra”, “Nirvana Sutra”, “Mahaprajna Sutra”, "Contemporary Sutra of Infinite Life".

Until the next morning, Liu Nan had read all the scriptures that Wang Tianfeng had brought to him, and there was no change in the inner strength of the golden bell in his body.

It seems that the Golden Bell Mask he practices is mainly related to the Buddhist "Diamond Sutra", but why is it the first time for him to read these sutras? It does feel so familiar.

Who is the old monk who gave himself the golden lotus pendant? Is it because of him that I have the ability to travel through time? Then why did I give myself this lotus pendant? Why am I so familiar with these Buddhist scriptures?

At this time, although Liu Nan had made huge gains from the "Diamond Sutra", he also had deeper doubts buried in his heart.

It seems that the military academy is not a place to stay for a long time. After you have learned and mastered all these useful knowledge, you can leave. The world is such a big place. If you want to gain more, you still need to go out and see.

As for Wang Tianfeng, as one of the top leaders of the national army and the chief of the Intelligence Section, he is in charge of intelligence work. There should be no major problems in a short period of time.

After all, the Japanese army's war of aggression against China has not yet broken out, and it has not yet reached the point where the chief of the intelligence department needs to go to the battlefield.

In fact, what Liu Nan can do is to save Wang Tianfeng as much as possible when he is in danger. It is impossible to be like a bodyguard and follow him every day to protect him.

After coming to this world, Liu Nan also had his own plans and goals.

Liu Nan, who had not slept all night, did not feel any discomfort. His strong physical fitness and the unknown power in his body allowed him to go without sleep, water or food for ten and a half days without any discomfort.

Maybe after practicing to a certain level in the later stage, he can be like the legendary gods and can live without grains. However, even if he can really live without grains, Liu Nanjue himself will not go without food and water.

Eating food and drinking drinks is a hobby and enjoyment. Why give it up? You must know that one of the most attractive things about Wang Yun at that time was his unparalleled cooking skills.

Of course, if the power in his body is exhausted, such as after transforming into a golden giant last time, he will still feel very hungry.

In fact, Liu Nan sometimes speculates that the strength he has developed may not be internal strength, because the martial arts masters seen on TV do not seem to be able to live apart or transform into giants like him.

But now, he can't do some of the things that martial arts masters with internal strength can do, such as sword energy, light kung fu, etc.

However, Liu Nan felt that he had not yet found the correct way to use this power. Maybe, of course, it was just Liu Nan's secret and bold guess that maybe this power was the legendary magic power!

Because only mana can possess so many supernatural powers,

Liu Nan repacked all the Buddhist scriptures and Buddhist classics into the box, and then put the box into the cabinet.

Brush your teeth, wash your face,

Let go of all the speculations and confusions in your mind, and a new day begins!

Today is the graduation day for the students he taught.

When Liu Nan came, Guo Qiyun said that this batch of students was about to graduate from the military academy. Now one month has passed, and this batch of students has indeed graduated.

After Liu Nan had breakfast in the cafeteria, he rushed to the auditorium.

There will be a graduation ceremony for these students in the auditorium today. As a martial arts instructor, Liu Nan was also invited to attend yesterday.

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