Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 185: When it’s over, brush off your clothes and go away, hiding your merit and fame

The second brother, who had just fainted from anger, was awakened by the third brother's last desperate cry.

Seeing the corpses of the third and fourth brothers, the second brother's eyes darkened, and he sighed sadly:

"I knew this day would come. I told you to stop, but you just didn't listen!"

Liu Nan put away the golden light, looked at the sad second brother, and mocked:

"I see that you still have some humanity, and you are better than your brothers.

However, you are still going to die, including your eldest brother Qian Long, and I will send him down to accompany you soon,"

The second brother smiled bitterly and said:

"It seems that you all know. In fact, these things are not all my fault. When my eldest brother opened this hotel for us, his original intention was to give us a safe place.

Unexpectedly, two years of torture in prison would change the temperament of the third brother and the others. The third brother, the fourth brother, and the sixth brother became happy to torture and kill, while the third sister..."

"According to what you said, you and your eldest brother are innocent, so why not stop them?"

Liu Nan asked.

"Oh, the eldest brother originally disagreed, but when the third brother and the others presented the vain money to the eldest brother, the eldest brother acquiesced.

As for me, I did try to persuade them at first, but then I gave up. After all, they are my brother and sister, and this is the world of cannibalism..."

At this time, the second brother seemed to suddenly think about it, and the sadness on his face disappeared, but he lay there quietly,

"You have to know that even if you say this, I won't let you go!"

Liu Nan held a bullet in his hand and said.

The second brother smiled and said:

"I know that my sins are serious and I deserve to end up in this situation. Maybe you are the one sent by God to collect us.

Several younger brothers and sisters have also gone, and I don’t want to live anymore. You can send me to reunite with them! "

With that said, the second brother closed his eyes,

"Good deeds will be rewarded with good deeds, and evil deeds will be rewarded with evil deeds. It's not that there will be no retribution. The time has not yet come!"

A bullet passed through the second brother's head, killing him.

"Okay, the matter is settled, go and bring your sisters out!"

Liu Nan turned his head and said warmly to the girl Xiaohua peeking behind.

It turned out that after Liu Nan came out of the house, among the women, Xiaohua, a girl who was a little more courageous, also secretly walked out and hid by the door frame, watching everything silently.


After the girl came to her senses, she stuttered back,

She had just seen Liu Nan show off his power, killing five people who were like demons in her eyes, and blocking the bullets with golden light. She had already regarded Liu Nan as a god who came down to earth to save them.

When the girl took the remaining women out of the house,

These women all cried with joy. When they saw the five dead people on the ground, instead of being afraid, they had red eyes and shed tears. They rushed towards the corpses like crazy, punching and kicking them to vent their anger.

However, Liu Nan still discovered that among the five corpses, only the second brother's corpse had few people coming forward.

After Yifan vented his anger, the six women knelt down in front of Liu Nan and kowtowed in thanks:

"Thank you, Lord Immortal, for saving my life!"

Liu Nan quickly helped them up one by one and said:

"I'm not a fairy. You guys should wait for me at the hotel door. I still have some things to deal with. I'll meet you at the door soon!"

The girls nodded obediently and went to the door to wait for Liu Nan.

Liu Nan went back to his room, retrieved his suitcase first, then thought about it, then returned to the house in the backyard of the hotel, walked around, and found a safe.

After using the skills learned in the military academy, he easily cracked the safe, packed up all the cash and valuables inside, and took it to the door.

In fact, the continuous gunshots in the backyard had awakened the other guests in the hotel. However, everyone was frightened and did not dare to come out to check. Until now, they are still staying in their respective rooms.

Liu Nan didn't care about them, but brought the six girls directly to the old man driving the car.

"Mr. Xiao Liu, what's going on? I just heard gunshots, and these girls..."

The old man had already come down from the carport. When he saw Liu Nan coming out, he hurried forward and asked.

Liu Nan raised his hand to interrupt the old man's speech and ordered:

"Lao Li, you can ask these girls about these things when you have time later, I won't go into details.

This is the money obtained from killing people and selling goods in this black shop. When you go back, give it to Section Chief Wang and ask him to arrange these girls! "

The old man was startled when he heard this, and said with confusion on his face:

"Mr. Xiao Liu, what are you talking about? I don't know Section Chief Wang, I'm just a driver!"

Liu Nan waved his hand impatiently and said:

"Okay, stop pretending. I know how many times you have secretly passed on information in the past few days. I have other things to do, so I will leave first.

I will go to Foshan in a while. If you need my help in any way, you can leave a mark for me at the Ye family’s old residence! "

After saying that, Liu Nan disappeared in a flash.

The old man is an agent of the military command. He has known it for a long time. He can understand Wang Tianfeng's concern for this body, and he has nothing shameful to do. Fortunately, it has not been revealed.

It just so happened that he had no way of relocating these girls after rescuing them. Let's leave it to Wang Tianfeng. Moreover, he also gave him all the money from the black shop as a reward, so he didn't have to use military funds. Wang Tianfeng would not care about it either.

As for why they are not given to these girls, they are all weak women. Don't you know the principle of "every man is not guilty, but he is guilty of having a jade".

After Liu Nan left the old man and others, he used his strength and strode towards Shuangfeng County ahead.

Yes, the eldest brother of these people, Qian Long, is the county magistrate of Shuangfeng County.

Shuangfeng County is not far from the hotel. With Liu Nan's current foot power, he should be able to arrive early tomorrow morning!

After Liu Nan left, the old man sighed and had no choice but to let the girls get into the carport, pick up the old horse, and slowly return to the road.

Xiaohua sat at the end of the carport, opened the coarse curtain, silently looked at the hotel getting further and further away, and then looked up towards the road ahead, as if saying goodbye to something.

Maybe it was the hotel, maybe it was the tragic fate before, but more probably it was the fairy-like man who saved them from the sea of ​​misery!

The incomplete moon slowly sets, a ray of sunlight pierces the darkness again, the sun rises, and a new day begins,

In Shuangfeng County, a man wearing a coat and carrying a suitcase appeared on the road covered in dust.

He randomly found a breakfast shop, ate some breakfast, and then asked the boss about the county magistrate's house, then disappeared again.

In the center of the county, at the door of a house with the largest area and the most gorgeous construction, a man appeared again,

Then not long after, a scream rang out from the house,

It turned out that their county magistrate was killed in his sleep!

Moreover, the safe in the county magistrate's house was also opened and the contents disappeared.

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