Now, he doesn't need to do anything else. He can start the second step of the plan after waiting for the reply from the Kuomintang Party.

Oh, no, I still need a handy weapon, but where can I find the weapon now?

In the past, there were many martial arts schools in Foshan Wuguan Street. If you want to find a good cold weapon, you can still do it.

However, since the Japanese army occupied Foshan, the major martial arts schools have been running out of business and collapsed, and now they have ceased to exist in name only.

He had never paid attention to this aspect when he was in Foshan before, and he was even less clear about it now.

Well, let's wait until Li Zhao gets it done. Let's ask Li Zhao. He used to be the squad leader of the Foshan Police Department. He was mainly responsible for the Wuguan Street area.

Now as a Japanese translator, I also find various martial arts masters to participate in competitions organized by Miura.

He basically knows all the martial arts masters who are still alive in Foshan at this time. He should know best where there is a better collection of weapons.

Before Liu Nan returned to the cotton factory, he spent another half an hour disguising himself as Ip Man again.

When Ye Wen and the others left Foshan with the car, only a few workers unloading cotton saw it. Zhou Qingquan had already given instructions in advance, so there was no need to worry about getting involved.

As for Liu Nan using the identity of Ip Man, the excuse for staying in the factory is also very simple. To the workers, it is that Zhou Qingquan deeply felt the importance of martial arts because of Jinshan's investigation, and invited Ip Man to teach everyone in the cotton factory. Practice Wing Chun,

Ye Wen, the number one expert in Foshan, easily helped them drive away the tiger-like Jinshan Zhanhe bandits. He was respected by the cotton factory workers.

So when Liu Nan appeared in the cotton factory in front of Ip Man, he was thanked and welcomed by the collective workers of the cotton factory.

At the Japanese military camp, Sato took a stick and beat Li Zhao all over his head and face. While beating him, he cursed:

"You loser, it's all because of you that Ip Man ran away!"

Li Zhao lay on the ground with his head in his hands, not daring to hide. He apologized and argued:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Even Director Sato can't stop Ip Man. Even if I'm here, I can't do anything. I'm sorry!"

However, Sato turned a deaf ear and kept holding the stick in his hand while still shouting "Trash, trash!"

Sato led people to capture Ip Man. He thought it was a sure thing, but was easily knocked down by Ip Man. You can imagine the humiliation in his heart.

He couldn't find Ip Man, so he could only vent his anger on Li Zhao, who was also Chinese.

Miura, who was sitting aside and watching indifferently the whole time as Li Zhao was beaten by Sato, saw that Li Zhao was beaten to a bloody head and was unconscious, so he spoke to stop Sato.

It's not that Miura sympathizes with Li Zhao, but that Li Zhao is one of the few translators in the military department who is still valuable, and he still relies on Li Zhao to find Ip Man, so he can't kill Li Zhao yet.

"Send the order and go find Ip Man for me!"

Miura ordered,

"Yes, General!"

Sato responded respectfully,

At this time, an urgent piece of information was secretly sent to the Hunan Military Academy via telegram at a secret location of Foshan Military Command's special operations.

At the military academy, Guo Qiyun took the urgent information from the telegraph office and knocked on the door of the principal's office.

"Come in!"

Wang Tianfeng's calm voice came from inside the door,

Guo Qiyun pushed open the door, handed the translated information to Wang Tianfeng, and hurriedly reported:

"Section Chief, the intelligence coming from Foshan is that the 'Poison Tiger' sent a coded message saying that they want to kill the entire Japanese military commander in Foshan!"


Wang Tianfeng exclaimed, quickly dropped what he was doing, reached out to take the information in Guo Qiyun's hand, and read it carefully.

After reading it, Wang Tianfeng frowned and fell into thinking.

"Section Chief, do you think he can really kill the entire Foshan Japanese military commander by himself?

There are a large number of elite soldiers guarding there 24 hours a day, and they are all heavy weapons. Let alone flesh and blood, even iron men will be beaten into scrap metal! "

Wang Tianfeng shook his head and said:

"It may not be impossible. A strong attack is definitely not possible. Even if Xiaofeng has extraordinary skills, it will be difficult to break in when faced with a covering attack from heavy weapons!

But if he sneaks in for an assassination secretly, he still has a high chance of succeeding. Don't forget, in addition to his good kung fu, he also has a magical camouflage technique! "

When Guo Qiyun heard about the art of camouflage, he immediately had a toothache. At that time, Liu Nan had mastered the art of camouflage. In order to verify the effect, he disguised himself and spent a day in the military academy.

Some things that happened that day made him almost doubt his life. If Wang Tianfeng hadn't observed carefully in the end and judged from some details that Liu Nan was fake, he would have thought he had a twin brother.

Of course, Wang Tianfeng also asked Liu Nan afterwards whether military school students would have the opportunity to learn his disguise technique.

Liu Nan told Wang Tianfeng very straightforwardly that when the martial arts students of the military academy can reach the master level and can slightly control their muscles and bones, they will have the opportunity to learn his camouflage technique!

The result was obvious. Wang Tianfeng gave up. You know, military academy students only stay in the military academy for a few years.

It would be impossible for them to master kung fu to the master level in just a few years. It would be difficult for people to master something that would be difficult for them to practice martial arts for a lifetime. If you want to master it in just a few years, how is it possible?

Moreover, what Wang Tianfeng needs is that every student in the military academy can learn it, instead of just one or two miracles, which will be of little use.

"Then section chief, should we follow his plan?"

Guo Qiyun asked,

Wang Tianfeng thought for a while and replied:

"Come on, why don't you come? You send a telegram to Major General Chen at the Qujiang Military Headquarters and tell them that our military commanders are preparing to assassinate all the Japanese commanders in Foshan and ask them to transfer the main force to the border of Foshan and be ready to attack at any time and regain Foshan. !”

"Section Chief, I'm not sure yet. What if it fails?"

Guo Qiyun said worriedly,

Wang Tianfeng said:

"What's wrong with the failure? There will be no loss to the military headquarters if it fails, but if it succeeds, Foshan can be recovered.

Once Foshan is recovered, it will definitely boost the morale of the Chinese people and strengthen their determination and confidence to resist the Japanese invasion!

Do you think this deal is a good deal? "

Guo Qiyun nodded and said excitedly:

"That's a real deal!"

But after saying that, he thought of something again and whispered:

"But if it fails, 'Poison Tiger' may die!"

Wang Tianfeng was startled at first, then murmured expressionlessly:

"If by sacrificing one of him, Foshan can be recovered and the people of the country can be inspired, then it will be worth it!"

"Okay, go and send a telegram quickly. Remember to send one to Foshan so that they can give Poison Tiger an accurate reply!"

"Yes, section chief!"

Guo Qiyun paid a military salute and left.

After Guo Qiyun left, Wang Tianfeng sat down again and said to himself:

"Xiao Feng, if you really learned your skills in that world, you shouldn't die so easily!"

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