Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 209 Enemy attack!

Due to Liu Nan's outburst, the momentum when he rushed towards the defenders was so terrifying that the Japanese defenders, who had been indifferent just now, were so frightened that they immediately raised their guns and charged towards Liu Nan.

However, in the few moments from when they chatted to being shocked, to when they stood up, and then when they took aim with the gun, Liu Nanren had already rushed in front of them,

"Go to hell!"

With a loud shout, Liu Nan swiped his spear. The two Japanese soldiers in the front row were shot directly into the air by the Kowloon gun weighing two thousand kilograms and exploded into pulp.

Scarlet blood spilled on his body, making him look like a demon coming out of hell!

"Shoot, shoot, shoot him, shoot him!"

Seeing Liu Nan's spear swiped, their two comrades exploded into a pulp in an instant. The other Japanese soldiers were frightened and immediately shot at Liu Nan while shouting.

After Liu Nan fired a shot, he didn't stop at all. He held the shield with his left hand to block the bullets fired at him, raised his feet and continued to rush forward. At the same time, he stabbed the Japanese soldiers blocking his advance with his right hand, like a heavy rain. Like pear blossoms, stab them all to death,

The flying blood and the roar of gunshots formed an extremely gorgeous bloody scene. Of course, in the eyes of the Japanese soldiers, it was a very terrifying scene.

However, when Liu Nan wanted to rush directly into the headquarters, he was forced to stop halfway.

Because the Japanese guard troops, after the initial panic, reacted quickly and raised the alarm for enemy attack. The piercing siren sounded, mixed with gunshots, and resounded throughout the sky.

At the same time, the heavy machine guns on the guard tower and some light machine guns in the ground troops had also begun to suppress him with fire.

Although the basalt shield in his hand is indestructible, even if multiple machine guns are aimed at him at the same time, he will still be unscathed.

However, the powerful kinetic energy and force of machine gun bullets will still have a certain impact on him, greatly reducing his forward speed.

Especially now that he has scruples and does not dare to use the magic power in his body easily. He cannot use the golden bell to protect his body. However, it is difficult for him to stop these heavy machine guns for how long with his current physical body.

After all, the Xuanwu Shield can only block one side of the shot, but it cannot block it in all directions. He still needs to dodge, move, or even retreat to ensure that he can slowly approach the Japanese headquarters in a safe manner.

Of course, it was not his style to only take beatings without fighting back. The only way to defend was to attack, so while defending against bullets, he always found every opportunity to use his spear to pick up some wooden isolation posts and sandbags on the road and smash them at them from time to time. The enemy will be killed in one hit.

Or suddenly accelerate in a short distance, dodge a large number of bullets, rush into the enemy group, worry about the opponent's heavy firepower, and kill them all. After killing them all, they can retract under the shield to recover.

Or slam the spear on the ground, stirring up large amounts of dust to block the opponent's sight, and then use the spear to sweep the smashed stones towards the enemy.

Anyway, the purpose is one, while not being surrounded by the opponent and firing at him from all directions, while steadily moving towards the command headquarters.

At the same time, in the internal conference room of the Japanese temporary combat headquarters (renovated from the living room of the former Yefu compound), all the Japanese invasion forces stationed in Foshan, as well as middle and high-level commanders, were summoned here.

The person sitting at the top, named Kimura, is a general of the Japanese combat force at the same level as Miura.

However, one of the two is responsible for the offensive of the troops, and the other is responsible for the defense and logistics construction after the occupation.

"We just received a message that our brave General Miura was defeated and killed in a battle with a Chinese martial artist. Now tens of thousands of Chinese civilians are rioting over there. I have sent troops to suppress it. What do you think about this?"

Kimura's somewhat sad voice came from above,

"General Miura is dead!"

"What? General Miura actually lost to a Chinese martial artist in a martial arts competition?"

"It is simply an insult to our great bushido spirit!"

"The Chinese people, the cowardly Chinese people, General Miura was defeated by the cowardly Chinese people, it is unimaginable!"

These military attaches knew that Miura was going to compete with Chinese martial arts masters. They had also learned Miura's kung fu, and they were also very aware of the vulnerability of the Chinese.

Therefore, they found it hard to understand that Miura actually lost the martial arts competition with a Chinese martial artist, and even died. It could even be said that they were very angry.

"Everyone, be quiet!"

Kimura pressed his hand and shouted to the already boiling military attache below,

In fact, Kimura is sad on the surface, but he is smiling on the inside. He and the two generals Miura are the two highest leaders of the Japanese invading army in Foshan.

However, although he and Miura have the same position, Miura has always been the main one when making decisions, and he is the assistant. On the one hand, it is because Miura has a stronger character, and on the other hand, it is also because Miura has a great background.

This leads to the fact that when the military merits are divided, Miura basically takes away the big part, but he who thinks that he has done more and has greater credit can only take the small part.

I feel resentful in my heart, but there is nothing I can do about it, and I still pretend to be nonchalant on the surface, so at all times, those who are capable cannot do as well as those with background.

Now that Miura is dead, and he insisted on going his own way, he was beaten to death by Chinese martial arts masters in full view of the public. All the credit for Foshan's military and political affairs, including its later expansion, will be attributed to him alone. Can he be unhappy?

"General Miura lost to a Chinese martial artist in a martial arts competition and unfortunately died at the hands of a Chinese martial artist. Now that it has become a fact, I hope you will not discuss it too much. The purpose of convening you now is to discuss how to restore the majesty of our imperial army. , and how to deal with this Chinese uprising?”

After Kimura suppressed the noisy voices of the military attachés, he emphasized the theme of this meeting again,

"The majesty of our imperial army cannot be compromised. I suggest that the Chinese martial artist who competed with General Miura be captured and shot in public in the ring to deter other Chinese people!"

One of the military attaches stood up and suggested with a sullen face,

"Just killing that Chinese martial artist is not enough. Those Chinese who dare to riot must not be spared. I suggest that 10,000 Chinese civilians be captured and buried alive to let them know the consequences of resisting our imperial army!"

What these military attachés say to each other, anyway, what they reveal is a killing. It is just a question of how many to kill and how to kill.

In their eyes, life seems to have no meaning, just a series of numbers. For ambition and profit, these military attaches sitting on the chairs are more like demons and monsters than Liu Nan who is covered in blood outside.

ps: I have been busy outside these days, and I really don’t have time to update after a few days of interruption. I am finally busy today, and I will continue to update. I will try to make up for it as much as I can when I have time ().

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