Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 220 Entrapment Operation No. 76

In fact, this month, while practicing with spirit stones on the road, his magic power has made great progress, and he vaguely feels like he has broken through to the third level.

It was also the improvement of his magic power that made him feel that something was monitoring the city in the sky above Shanghai when he got off the ship.

If he was just practicing the exercises, it would be fine. Once he used the mantra to call out the Nine Dragon Spear, or used the divine foot power, his sixth sense would immediately give him a crazy warning.

So this also made Liu Nan understand that here in Shanghai, unless there is a life crisis, it is best not to use magic power, or even do something beyond ordinary people, otherwise people like the great priest in Foshan may come to arrest him.

Shanghai is not as good as Foshan. Then there may not be just one or two people coming, and he won’t be able to escape easily.

The tram reached Scott Road Station and slowly slowed down to a stop. Liu Nan put away the newspaper and walked off.

Next to the platform, if you look around, you can see people from all countries, but most of the people in suits and ties are foreigners.

After thinking for a moment, he did not go to the library immediately. Instead, he bought a pack of cigarettes from a grocery store on the roadside and asked about the location of the rental agency.

He planned to rent a house nearby, put down his luggage, and then go to the library to check out the situation.

"Hello, sir, do you need anything?"

As soon as Liu Nang walked into the door of the rental agency, a middle-aged man in his forties immediately greeted him with a smile on his face.

"I need to rent a house!"

Liu Nan didn't mince words and stated his purpose very simply.

The middle-aged man's heart moved after hearing this, and his tone of voice became even more enthusiastic.

"Do you have any specific requests?"

"Three bedrooms and one living room or two bedrooms and one living room are fine. It should be closer to the library. And the environment should not be too noisy!"

Liu Nan replied,

He speaks simply, has clear conditions, and has not mentioned price issues. This is the kind of customer that middle-aged men like the most. This kind of customer, as long as you meet his conditions, you can quickly close the deal.

Liu Nan really doesn't care about price very much. Although the money in his pocket is not as much as before, compared to ordinary people, it is still quite a lot.

Moreover, the librarian he is about to apply for will also have an income. The most important thing is that he really needs money. With his skills, even if he does not use magic, there are many ways to get money. He is not a pedantic. people,

"There are three houses here, all of which meet your requirements. Take a look at this one."

The middle-aged man took out a notebook from the drawer, flipped through it a few times, and began to introduce each one in detail.

After the introduction, Liu Nan was not dissatisfied and immediately suggested:

"Sir, if it's okay, I'll take you to see the house. It's not far away, just a little ahead!"

Liu Nan smiled and nodded. In fact, the three rooms are almost the same, and they are all OK. He feels that any one is fine, but after all, he still has to look at it to know the details.

After receiving Liu Nan's approval, the middle-aged man knew that the order was basically stable. He said hello to his colleagues in the store and went out with Liu Nan.

Halfway through the journey, a black tin car drove over menacingly.

"Get out of the way! Get out of my way!"

Sitting in the passenger seat, a man in a yellow jacket stuck his head out of the car window and yelled,

Pedestrians who were walking leisurely on the road immediately ran away in fear when they saw the black car. A vacuum suddenly appeared on the road.

When the middle-aged agent saw the black iron car, his heart trembled. He quickly pulled Liu Nan, who was standing motionless on the road, to the corner wall.

"Who are those people, and why do they look so arrogant?"

Liu Nan asked the middle-aged agent,

The middle-aged agent explained in a low voice:

"Mr. Liu, you didn't live in Shanghai before, so you don't know anything. Is that the notorious No. 76?"

"No. 76?"

Liu Nan let out a light sigh,

"Yes, they are the special agency under the new government that is responsible for arresting anti-Japanese elements. They have special privileges. No one who they arrest can come out. I heard them say that every time they pass by outside No. 76, they can Hearing the shrill screams inside was very scary!”

After the middle-aged agent finished speaking, he couldn't help but shudder. He was obviously very afraid of No. 76.

Liu Nan smiled and said:

"Is it so scary? They also need evidence when arresting people!"

The middle-aged agent said quickly:

"Mr. Xiao Liu, you are a nice person. I sincerely remind you that in Shanghai, even if you offend the Japanese, don't offend the people on No. 76!"

"Oh, brother, is this guy No. 76 more powerful than the Japanese?"

Liu Nan was a little surprised and said, he knew that people like No. 76 were very rampant, but in the eyes of the Japanese, they should be regarded as vicious dogs at most. Why do people here feel that No. 76 is less offending than the Japanese?

The middle-aged agent smiled bitterly,

"Mr. Xiao Liu, you only know one thing but not the other. On the street, if you offend a Japanese, the most he can do is give you a beating. But if you offend the person on No. 76, that is not a beating." , if I label you as an anti-Japanese element, you will have your home confiscated and your clan exterminated!"

After hearing this, Liu Nan realized that it turns out that current officials are not as good as current managers. In the eyes of ordinary citizens, perhaps No. 76 is the truly scary existence, but the Japanese are not so scary. This may be what the Japanese want. the result of,

Here, Liu Nan and the middle-aged agent are chatting.

Over there, the black car had stopped at the door of a house in front of them.

"Get off the car, hurry up, let's go!"

The compartment of the black leather car opened, and five or six agents from No. 76 in black uniforms filed out under a young man.

"is it here?"

The man in a yellow leather jacket got out of the car on the passenger side, pointed at the door and asked the young man who was pressed down,

"That's it!"

The young man replied dejectedly,

"Let me go in and arrest people!"

The man in the yellow jacket waved his hand, took out his gun, kicked open the door, and took the lead in rushing in.

"What are you doing! If there is no evidence, why should you arrest me? Let me go!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Just call me!"

After a burst of chaotic shouting came from the room, another young man with a bruised nose and face was pushed into the car together with the young man from the beginning.

"Why is No. 76 arresting people everywhere lately?"

A common man near Liu Nan said with a frightened face,

"It's not peaceful recently. I heard that there is a traitor in the Red Party, and they are leading them everywhere to arrest people every day!"

Another person named Lao Bai replied loudly, as if he was explaining it to others on purpose.

"Really, the one who just got into the car?"

"Yes, that's it!"

At this time, a middle-aged man in commoner clothes in the corner looked worried and left in a hurry when he heard this.

Liu Nan glanced at the man who left, thoughtfully.

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