Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 226 Never expected

Liu Nan passed the first step without any doubt. The identity that the military commander had spent great efforts to create could not be easily found out like this.

Once all the candidates’ materials have been reviewed and approved, the second step of the written test will officially begin.

Each person has a desk, a pen, and a paper written by Ming Lou, the chief financial advisor of the Department of Economic Affairs, and write it down!

The feeling of sitting in the examination room made Liu Nan feel like he had returned to the college entrance examination. Although he did not go to college after the college entrance examination, the college entrance examination itself was still one thing that impressed him deeply.

When he got the paper, he read through all the questions from beginning to end, and he already had a rough idea in his mind. These questions were not difficult for him now.

The answers to the questions can basically be found from the seventy or eighty economics books he swept through the library this week.

In other words, if he is willing, it is not necessary to get 100% in the test, but it is still very simple to get 90% in the test. After all, some subjective questions have no correct answers.

In Liu Nan's view, anyone who dares to come to the Economic Department for an interview must be a good person. Moreover, a government unit like the Economic Department with excellent welfare benefits must either rely on connections or have to learn with real skills. , otherwise it would probably be difficult to enter.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Liu Nan felt that if he scored around 70% on the test, he should be close to it.

Seventy-something points, which is a score higher than a passing score. It is in line with his personality as a graduate of the Economics major of the University of Hong Kong, and it does not appear to be of high level. It is a score that is hired by the Economic Affairs Department.

After the exam was over, Liu Nan handed in the papers and walked out of the exam room with relaxed steps. He still felt very good. This operation was probably stable.

Just after leaving the examination room and before leaving the Economic Department Building, I happened to bump into the two people from Minglou who were seeing Wang Manchun off.

"Hello, sirs!"

Liu Nan took the initiative to say hello.

Wang Manchun glanced at Liu Nan and obviously recognized him.

"I wonder how Mr. Liu did in his written examination?"

Liu Nan sighed deeply and said:

"Hey, I have little talent and little knowledge. I thought that what I have learned in the past few years is already pretty good. But today I took the test paper issued by the Department of Economics and I realized that it is very different. I estimate that I can only get about 70% on this paper. I should get it this time. There is no chance to work in the Economic Department!”

"It doesn't matter, spend more time studying, and try again next time you have a chance!"

She came to the Department of Economic Affairs interview and was able to score around 70%. It seemed that she was really a graduate of the University of Hong Kong, but she was only half as good. In the final analysis, she was still mediocre. There was no way she could compare with her senior brother.

Wang Manchun has no doubts about Liu Nan at this time. Of course, if there is no doubt, there is no need to pay attention. A mediocre graduate is not worthy of making friends with her, Miss Wang.

So these words of comfort seemed very perfunctory, but this was exactly the effect Liu Nan wanted.

"That's not necessarily the case. This little brother is being humble. Today's paper is so difficult that if you can pass it, it's pretty good. Passing basically meets the recruitment threshold of our Economic Department.

If little brother, you can really score around 70% in the written test, it means that your level of economics is already quite good. You will definitely have no problem in the written test. If you do better in the interview later, you will definitely be able to work in our Economics Department."

Minglou, who was standing next to Wang Manchun, looked at Liu Nan carefully while Liu Nan was talking to Wang Manchun. His eyes narrowed and he suddenly smiled and said,

Liu Nan was stunned when he heard Minglou's words, and then tentatively said:

"Is this sir?"

Before Minglou could answer, Wang Manchun had already spoken first:

"This is Chief Minglou, the chief financial adviser to the Department of Economic Affairs of the new government. He is the one who produced the test papers for you, so if he says you have no problem with the written test, then there will be no problem,"

"I've met Commander Minglou!"

Liu Nan pretended to be surprised and greeted Minglou.

The smile on his face and the numbness in his heart are the most realistic reflections of Liu Nan's heart right now.

Of course he knew who Minglou was. He was an extremely smart and deceitful top agent. He said he would pass the written test at 70%, so he must have passed it.

But the key point is that this is not the result he wants. He wants to fail, not pass. It is really a fierce operation, and the result is two hundred and fifty.

He never expected that the ending would turn out like this. It was like a sketch, with a twist. It really made him feel like a mute eating yellow lotus, suffering indescribably.

In fact, the main result is Liu Nan's inertial thinking, which did not take into account the current background of the times. Although the new government is a government unit, it is actually the Wang Puppet Government. To put it bluntly, in the eyes of most people now , it is the traitor government,

The Economic Department of the traitor government is of course the traitor Economic Department, and the people who work in the traitor Economic Department are of course traitors. You see, this is such a simple logic, and it is also the logic of the common people.

Therefore, although the salary of the job in the Economic Department is very good, it is not as attractive as imagined. In fact, most of the people it attracts are mediocre people who have found unsatisfactory results elsewhere.

Many truly talented economic experts disdain to work in the Economic Department of the new government because they will be labeled as traitors.

Therefore, the Economic Department's current recruitment is a helpless move. Even if it is the tallest among the shortest, Liu Nan's written test score of 70% is already the tallest among this batch of applicants.

Wang Manchun discovered that Liu Nan was indeed the talent Minglou Economic Department needed, and immediately asked for credit, telling Minglou how she discovered Liu Nan.

Minglou praised Wang Manchun a few words and said to Liu Nan:

"Go have lunch and rest for a while. The results of the written test will be posted at the door of the Economic Department at noon. If you pass, you can come for the interview in the afternoon!"

Liu Nan responded and left the Economic Department a little depressed, but it doesn't matter, there is still a chance. As long as you pay attention during the interview in the afternoon, there is still a way.

After Minglou sent Wang Manchun away, Liu Nan's information began to appear in his mind. Wang Xiaofeng, the son of Wang Tianfeng, studied under Ye Wen of Foshan. He had extremely extraordinary skills. He once served as a combat instructor in a military academy and later disappeared.

During the Foshan counterattack some time ago, there were people who appeared in Foshan. It was suspected that it was related to the assassination of all the officers of the Japanese temporary headquarters.

Yes, Minglou recognized Liu Nan without disguise at first sight. As a spy with high status in the new government, the Kuomintang Party and the Red Party, his intelligence network was very formidable.

As soon as Minglou returned to the office, Mingcheng rushed over again to report:

"Brother, Venomous Bee called back, no!"

After hearing this, Minglou felt his heart tighten at first, then took a deep breath and asked:

"Say the exact words, I want to hear the exact words!"

Mingcheng hesitated for a moment and said slowly:

"He said, we can all die, but your brother can't die?"

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