Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 231 Win-win

"Xiao Feng, can you tell me what it is? Maybe I can help you!"

Minglou did not agree immediately, but asked in a gentle manner,

As he spoke, he pointed to the sofa and motioned to Liu Nan and Mingcheng to stop standing and sit down to chat slowly.

Liu Nan was not polite. He knew what Minglou was like. As long as he explained clearly, Minglou would help him leave the Economic Department, so he sat on the sofa and said slowly:

"Mr. Minglou, I came to Shanghai not to be an agent, nor to find a job to make money. The main reason is that this place is relatively stable and prosperous, and I want to find some information that will be useful to me!"

"Information? Can you tell me what information it is?"

Minglou asked curiously,

"I won't tell you why you need some Buddhist scriptures and classics. Just think of them as my hobbies.

It turned out that I wanted to apply for a position in the library so that I could read books and find information. Now I was admitted by your Economic Department unexpectedly.

If possible, I hope you can reasonably let me leave the Economic Department! "

"Buddhist scriptures, classics, hobbies!"

Minglou and Mingcheng were a little surprised. They didn't expect Liu Nan to care so much about this aspect.

"Yes, my two major hobbies in life are martial arts training and reading books, especially books related to Buddhism. I especially love reading them!"

Seeing that the two of them didn't believe it, Liu Nan explained again with a serious face,

The corner of Minglou's mouth twitched slightly and he said:

"Xiao Feng, to be honest, Wang Manchun may still have a little doubt about you now. If you resign rashly at this time, there may be certain dangers!"

"What if I kill Wang Manchun secretly?"

Although Liu Nan didn't want to attract the attention of the cultivators who might appear, he didn't want Wang Manchun to be troubled all the time, so he simply took the risk and tried to kill him.

"No! It's too dangerous!"

It's not that Minglou has lingering feelings for Wang Manchun, or that he doesn't believe that Liu Nan can't assassinate Wang Manchun, but that Wang Manchun plays an important role in his subsequent plans for Yute High-Tech.

Once Wang Manchun is assassinated, a series of plans he has made will be interrupted.

"Since we can't kill him, does Mr. Minglou have any solution to both problems?"

Seeing Minglou's objections, Liu Nan was afraid that killing Wang Manchun would attract the attention of those practitioners, so he simply asked Minglou to ask if Minglou, who was good at this, had any good suggestions.

Minglou thought for a while and said calmly:

"It's not like there's no way to have both!"

"Mr. Ming, please speak!"

Liu Nandao,

"I wonder what Xiaofeng's purpose was in wanting to find a job in the library?"

Minglou asked with a smile,

"Of course it's to make it easier to read, and also to have some income!"

Liu An replied matter-of-factly,

"That's easy. I can arrange a position for you as an occult assistant in the Economic Department. You will work in Mingcheng's office. In name, you will assist Mingcheng in completing some secretarial work. In fact, you don't need to do anything. You Just read your book inside,

You can borrow more books from the library and put them in the office, and you can get a good salary. Moreover, our Ming Group also has many connections in Shanghai and can help you collect some classics that are not available in the library, and even some Solitary copy,

After a month or two, when Wang Manchun has no impression of you at all, how about you leave the Economic Department? "

After Minglou finished speaking, he picked up the tea cup on the table, took a sip, and glanced at the slight expression on Liu Nan's face with his peripheral vision.

To be honest, the first words were not attractive to Liu Nan, but the last words moved him a little. As the top rich man in Shanghai, Ming's network is definitely very powerful.

In addition, Minglou is currently the most popular figure in the new government, and how many people want to fawn over him. If he is willing to help collect some classics and ancient books, it will definitely be more helpful than if he just stays in the library!

"I don't know. Is there anything that Mr. Ming needs my help with?"

Although Liu Nan was moved, he also understood that there was no such thing as a pie in the sky. Minglou was willing to help like this not because Liu Nan was Wang Tianfeng's son, but because he had other purposes. Let's first see what Minglou's conditions were. ,

Minglou smiled and did not deny it, but said very naturally:

"I hope to reach some cooperative relations with you. I know that you are very skilled and have good ears.

So if possible, I hope you can help when necessary, such as protecting some people or rescuing some people. Of course, it is not mandatory. If you feel you can, just help. If you can't, don't force it! "


This was nothing to him, so he agreed simply.

After some more general communication, and seeing that there was no problem, Liu Nan stood up and left.

"How do you get out? Do you want our help?"

Mingcheng asked,

Liu Nan shook his head and twitched his ears to make sure there were no patrols downstairs. He jumped out of the window and moved his hands back and forth on the wall, before landing lightly on the ground.

When Minglou and Mingcheng saw Liu Nan jump out of the window, their hands shook with fright, and they immediately rushed to the window and looked down.

When they poked their heads out of the window, Liu Nan had already landed on the ground, and then disappeared into the night with a few ups and downs, leaving only two messy heads outside the window.

"What floor is this?"

"Fourth floor!"

"I thought he just hooked it up with a rope!"

"Me too!"

"This skill is really incredible!"

"made money!"

"Well, make money with blood!"

The two of them quietly looked back and ended the conversation.

After Liu Nan came out of the hotel, he found his hidden bicycle and slowly rode towards home.

Overall, he was quite satisfied with today's transaction with Minglou. Although he still had to go to work in the Economic Department in the end, he could still read quietly.

Especially with his memory and reading speed, the Buddhist scriptures and metaphysics and gossip in the library that are useful to him may not be enough for him to read.

And the library is a public place after all, and the books in it are all relatively popular books, and some high-quality and unique items are definitely not available.

And although he is very skilled, he doesn't know how long it will take him to find those fine and unique books by himself!

He had had such worries before. At that time, he thought that he would inquire and search slowly when the time came. Now Minglou has helped him solve this problem.

So sometimes, power and wealth are indeed very useful tools. No wonder the great priest and sword cultivator he met last time seemed to care about the victory or defeat of the mortal war.

After returning to the yard he rented, Liu Nan first went to Aunt Wang, brought back the dishes he ordered in the morning, and then left them in the kitchen.

He had eaten at a stall outside in the evening, so he didn't plan to cook anymore. It was winter now, and the vegetables would not go bad if left in the house for a few days.

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