Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 234 Minglou’s request

The scene was immediately thrown into chaos by Ming Jing, and the Wang family lost face. Wang Manchun even wanted to cut Ming Jing into pieces on the spot, but she couldn't.

Mingjing represents a large number of entrepreneurs in Shanghai and Shanghai's economy. As long as she is not a member of the Kuomintang or the Communist Party, and there is no evidence to prove that she is a red entrepreneur, she cannot touch Mingjing.

In the evening, Minglou and Mingcheng moved back to Ming Mansion under Mingjing's order. At the same time, under Ming's memorial tablet, Mingjing whipped Minglou hard with a cane whip using the house rules.

Finally, under Ming Lou's constant hints, and Ming Jing's own understanding of Ming Lou's character, he was hesitant to let him go.

Ming Mansion, Ming Tower Room,

"What's wrong? Sister really hit you?"

Mingcheng was a little surprised to see Minglou rubbing his shoulders.

Minglou took off his suit jacket and smiled.

"If I really get beaten, it won't be just this whip. Sister wants to test me to see if I'm really a traitor!"

Mingcheng asked with concern:

"Then what did you say?"

Minglou sat on the sofa, got himself a cup of tea, took a sip and replied:

"I gave eldest sister some hints, but I don't know how much she can understand!"

After speaking, he sighed,

"If you don't understand, just don't understand. The less you know, the safer it is for her!"

Mingcheng listened and nodded in agreement.

At this time, Minglou raised his head and smiled at Mingcheng,

"But I roughly understand her identity."

Mingcheng put his head forward and asked softly:

"Our people?"

Minglou shook his head,

"She should be just a red capitalist at the moment, and she should not have any important status within the party organization!"

Mingcheng's forehead suddenly wrinkled into the character "Sichuan".

"This is too dangerous. Your biological sister. How many pairs of eyes are staring at her. Even if it is just a red capitalist, it will be fatal."

Minglou's face was also full of worry,

"This is already the case, what else can we do?"

After speaking, he looked at Mingcheng and joked:

"How about you go and persuade the eldest sister to stop."

Mingcheng's expression changed and he waved his hand quickly.

"No, no, no, you are already like this. If I try to persuade her again, it will be a sacrifice. I still want to work for a few more years!"

Minglou stopped joking and sighed:

"The situation in Shanghai is so complicated now, and the eldest sister is so inexperienced in fighting the enemy. Since you can't stop it, from now on, you will send people to keep an eye on the eldest sister and protect her safety!"

Mingcheng thought for a while and asked:

"Who is more suitable to send?"

Minglou thought for a while and said slowly:

"I don't trust other people's skills. It's best to let Wang Xiaofeng take action. Then the eldest sister's safety will not be a problem!"

Mingcheng agreed:

"Indeed, with Xiaofeng's skills and ears, everything is safe. I'll go talk to him tomorrow. It shouldn't be a big problem!"

Minglou shook his head,

"I'd better talk to him personally. Wang Xiaofeng and his father have completely different personalities. He is a very emotional person. If you treat him well, he will treat you better. If you respect him, he will will respect you more,

Of course, if you have evil intentions towards him, he will also cut you into pieces without mercy. With such a person, it is safe to be a friend, but it will be frightening to be an enemy. "

The next day,

Liu Nan was sitting in Mingcheng's office, studying attentively. A few days ago, Minglou asked someone to get him a copy of the Diamond Sutra, which was said to be annotated by a Buddhist master.

Liu Nan benefited greatly from the interpretation and understanding of the Diamond Sutra, and even the speed of his practice increased slightly every night.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A crisp knock on the door sounded,

"Please come in!"

Liu Nan put down the book and shouted to the door,

"Xiao Feng, you are reading again!"

Mingcheng opened the door and saw the detailed explanation of the scriptures on Liu Nan's table. He was already not surprised.

To be honest, Mingcheng sometimes feels that Liu Nan is like an old scholar, rather than a young man who is less than twenty years old and not as old as Mingtai.

He does not have the vitality of young people at all. He does not go to dance halls, nightclubs, shopping, or fall in love. He is buried in his office every day, studying those boring Buddhist scriptures.

Could this be the secret of his ability to practice this incredible martial arts at such a young age? He really admired him for doing one thing so focused every day.

Liu Nan smiled and replied politely:

"Yes, my hobby makes you laugh!"

After he finished speaking, he said:

"Brother Acheng, you don't have to knock on the door when you come in from now on. I don't have any secrets. I'd be embarrassed to occupy your office every day!"

Mingcheng waved his hand,

"It's nothing. The office is for you to use, as we agreed before. Besides, I'm so busy every day that I don't have time to stay in the office."

"Brother Cheng, why are you looking for me?"

Liu Nan asked,

Mingcheng nodded and smiled:

"Yes, brother asked me to call you over. I want you to help me with something!"

"Okay, then I'll go there now!"

Liu Nan didn't hesitate, put down the book, got up and walked to Minglou's office.

During this period, he did receive a lot of help from Minglou. He read quietly in the office every day without having to work and still received his salary.

And from time to time, some orphans and ancient books that are not available in the library will be delivered to him. If he wants any book, such as the Diamond Sutra Explanation he just read, Minglou will find a way to get it for him.

Moreover, both Minglou and Mingcheng are people with extremely high emotional intelligence. They have nothing to say or do to him. The relationship between the three of them is closer than before.

However, until now, Minglou has never mentioned asking him to help, which made him feel quite embarrassed.

In fact, Liu Nan feels that with his current cultivation ability, no matter who Minglou asks him to kill or save, he is still quite sure.

Minglou office,

"Xiao Feng is here, sit down quickly!"

Minglou put down the documents in his hands and greeted with a smile,

Liu Nan was not polite and sat on the sofa beside him.

"Brother Minglou, Brother Acheng just said that you asked me to help you with something. What was it?"

Minglou stood up and poured a cup of tea himself, placed it on the table in front of Liu Nan and said with a smile:

"I want you to move to Ming Mansion, are you willing?"

Liu Nan asked in surprise:

"Ming Mansion? I have no problem, but why did you suddenly ask me to move to Ming Mansion?"

Minglou sighed:

"The main reason is to ask Xiaofeng to protect the safety of my eldest sister Ming Jing. I found out that my eldest sister Ming Jing is secretly a red capitalist, but she has too little fighting experience. I am afraid that she will be caught by No. 76, so I hope you can temporarily Move to Ming Mansion and help me protect her for a while."

"What about the job of the Economic Department?"

"Just put your name on it. From now on, you will stay at Ming Mansion. There is no need to come here. If my eldest sister goes out, please help take care of her!"

Minglou waved his hand and said,

Liu Nan nodded and accepted without hesitation.

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