Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 241 Meeting Mingtai for the first time

Not long after Liu Nan returned to the car, she saw Ming Jing and Ming Tai walking out of the gate of the University of Hong Kong.

He opened the car door again, changed to the front passenger seat, sat down again, and left the back to the two siblings who had not seen each other for several months.

"Mingtai, this is Liu Nan, the son of your eldest brother's friend in France. He is from the University of Hong Kong, but he is a few years older than you. He is your senior!"

After getting on the bus, Mingjing introduced Liu Nan to Mingtai.

When Mingtai saw Liu Nan sitting in front, he was a little surprised at first, but after Mingjing finished the introduction, he immediately extended his hand very enthusiastically and said with a smile:

"It's senior, hello, senior, hello, senior, I'm Mingtai, I just entered Hong Kong University this year!"

Liu Nan closed the detailed explanation of the elementary formation in his hand, shook hands with Mingtai, and replied with a smile:

"Hello, I often hear Brother Minglou mention you!"

When Liu Nan stretched out his hand, Mingtai glanced at his palm. The skin was delicate and there were no calluses in his hands. He should have lived in a relatively good environment all year round, and was not someone who practiced martial arts and handled guns all year round.

It seems that he is about the same age as me. He wears gold-rimmed glasses and holds a book in his hand. He looks polite and polite. From observation alone, he does fit in with the elder sister's introduction. He is an ordinary student from a good family background. ,

But his intuition told him that it didn't seem that simple. Mingtai was born to be a person who was good at observation and thinking. Otherwise, he would not have been able to discover Wang Tianfeng's assassin on the plane before receiving agent training.

Although the assassination was carefully planned by Wang Tianfeng as a performance to test Mingtai and guide Mingtai into the trap, it still showed his keen observation, which is rare in the world.

No, when Mingtai retracted his gaze from Liu Nan and looked at Ming Jing, he suddenly woke up. No wonder he felt something was wrong. It was already approaching winter.

The temperature was on the low side, so his eldest sister Ming Jing was already wearing a coat and a scarf, and he was also wearing a sweater and a thick coat.

On the other hand, Liu Nan was wearing a thin shirt and a thin suit at this time, and he didn't look cold at all. When he shook hands just now, his palms were also very warm.

This is not the physique that a normal student should have. Moreover, when he was studying in France, he lived with his eldest brother. He was familiar with most of his eldest brother's friends. He had never heard of anyone whose son was about the same age as him. ,

"Senior Liu, just now the eldest sister said you graduated from the University of Hong Kong?"

Mingtai asked pretending to be curious,

"Yes, I just graduated this year!"

Liu Nan turned around, looked at the book, and replied,

"Xiaonan is a book lover. She especially likes to read. She never leaves her hand with a book every day!"

Mingjing saw that Liu Nan was reading with his head down again, so he explained to Mingtai,

"Then Mr. Liu, you must know Professor Wang. He just came back from France. He is amazing!"

Liu Nan replied casually while studying the formation distribution:

"I don't know. I usually don't care much about these things. I'm not familiar with some of the teachers and professors in the school!"

Mingjing took a picture of Mingtai,

"Professor Wang? Didn't you say Professor Wu at school just now?"

Mingtai immediately replied:

"Yes, both of them are professors who came back from France. They are both very powerful!"

Liu Nan, who was analyzing the formation, paused. He didn't know that Mingtai was testing him just now, but after thinking about it, it seemed to be nothing.

Whether Mingtai knows his identity doesn't seem to have much influence on him. All he needs to do is protect Mingjing, and leave the rest to Minglou. Anyway, he is so smart.

"Senior, it's such a cold day, aren't you cold when you are dressed like this?"

Mingtai tested Liu Nan again,

Liu Nan, who had figured it out, had no intention of hiding anything and replied very calmly,

"It's not cold. I have been practicing martial arts since I was a child and my body is very good. This bit of coldness has no effect on me! Brother Minglou knows this best!"

"Oh, I didn't notice it even if Mingtai didn't say it. Xiaonan, the weather has dropped so much, why are you still wearing such thin clothes? I will buy you a coat when I go out later. Why are you wearing it like this? You know if you’re going to catch a cold!”

Ming Jing didn't believe Liu Nan's lie that he had practiced martial arts since he was a child and was very good at it. Judging from his body shape, he was the material of a scholar and scholar. He probably learned some tricks and embroidered legs as a young man and thought he was very good.

He Mingjing has been in Shanghai for so many years, and he knows some people from all walks of life. She has also seen the masters of the Qinggang.

Mingtai was a little surprised by Liu Nan's answer and stopped testing him. He had already got the information he wanted. Liu Nan should not be a big problem. It was probably his eldest brother Minglou who sent him to protect his eldest sister Mingjing.

Also, I just heard from my eldest sister Ming Jing that my eldest brother Minglou has become a high-ranking official within the new government and has gained a lot of power. It is also appropriate to send skilled people to protect my eldest sister.

However, the disguise technique is quite good. Under normal circumstances, it would seem that he is a master. It seems that the members of the new government's secret service should not be underestimated.

But that's not necessarily the case. It's also possible that the person he invited was not a spy from the new government. He felt that his eldest brother Minglou would not be a traitor. He believed that there must be some misunderstanding about his eldest brother's character. It seemed that he could only find out after he went to Shanghai.

While we were chatting, the car had already arrived at the entrance of the Royal Hong Kong Hotel. A parking boy came forward to help open the car door.

Mingtai was the first to get out of the car. As soon as he got out of the car, Mingtai's eyes were like a scanner, and he quickly scanned the layout of the environment around the hotel.

This time, he returned to Hong Kong not only to deal with the visit from his eldest sister, but also to carry out an assassination mission, to snipe the Polish Eagle-Hasegawa Tsuyoshi.

"What are you looking at?"

After Mingjing got out of the car, he looked at Mingtai's eyes, staring back and forth at the hotel, and asked curiously,

Mingtai immediately hugged Mingjing's arm and said with a smile:

"Poor students can't live in such a good hotel. Sister, you will have to give me more money later!"


Ming Jing was amused by Ming Tai's words and immediately laughed helplessly.

Liu Nan got out of the car and saw this scene and shook his head. Ming Jing was a very shrewd person. As soon as he met his younger brother Mingtai, he immediately transformed into Voldemort. He was very doting on his younger brother.

At the front desk, Xiao Li handed the keys to the two rooms that had been completed to Ming Jing.

"Miss, your room is in VIP Suite No. 509, and Master Nan's is in VIP Suite No. 501!"

Ming Jing took the key and smiled:

"Okay, you go and have a rest. Don't forget to take Mingtai back to school tonight!"

"Okay, what about the luggage?"

Xiao Li looked at the two boxes, one large and one small, on the ground and asked,

"You take the older one to my room, and leave the younger one here!"

"Yes, Miss!"

Xiao Li carried the big box upstairs.

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