Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 258 Escape!

Xuancheng shook his head and replied via message:

"Not necessarily. Danyangzi once said that this boy's teleportation magical power should be the magical foot power among the great magical powers of Buddhism. The magical foot power is different from ordinary teleportation spells. It has the miraculous effect of breaking the formation. Their four-image formation The law should not be able to trap him!"

The other five Taoist priests nodded after hearing this. In fact, the last time a Japanese fifth-level priest was killed, they speculated that it might be the second-level casual cultivator from Foshan.

"You go ahead!"

Shenzong ordered the five great priests behind him,


The five people immediately summoned their respective shikigami Otori and fighting shikigami, turned around and flew towards Ming Mansion.

This time, Taoist Xuancheng did not stop him.

Here, Ming Jing was greeting everyone to go back to the house for dinner. Liu Nan suddenly frowned, and a strong sense of crisis suddenly came. Then he saw the large formation covering a two-kilometer radius of the Ming Mansion.

He knew that he might not be able to eat the New Year's Eve dinner today, and he wouldn't be able to stay in Shanghai any longer!

"Xiaonan, don't look at the fireworks, we're going inside to eat!"

Ming Jing saw Liu Nan looking up at the sky and thought he was still watching the fireworks, so he quickly greeted,

Liu Nan looked down at Ming Jing and others and smiled:

"I may not be able to have this New Year's Eve dinner with you. I have to leave. Please take care of me during this time!"

Liu Nan's sudden words immediately stunned Ming Jing and others.

"Oh, Xiaonan, why are you leaving all of a sudden? What's wrong?"

Ming Jing said in surprise,

"Something is urgent suddenly. I'm sorry. If there is a chance in the future, I will come back to see you!"

Minglou stared at Liu Nan and said:

"Leave now?"

"Yes, now!"

Liu Nan replied,

"Do you need any help?"

Minglou said a little heavy,

"You can't help me, it's okay, I can handle it myself!"

Liu Nan smiled and said,

"Then, take care!"

Minglou saw something in Liu Nan's eyes and didn't say anything more. In fact, as a senior member of the Kuomintang Party and had studied abroad, he didn't know anything about it.

"Mingtai, help me convey this message to Wang Tianfeng, asking him to live well and not to make any plans for death. If I can come back, I will go back to see him!"

Mingtai was stunned. He was still confused. He was a little confused and couldn't figure out what was going on. He could only reply:


"Take care, everyone!"

After Liu Nan finished speaking, a divine footpath disappeared on the spot. He had already seen the figures of five great priests in the sky.

Liu Nan suddenly disappeared on the spot. Ming Jing and others were stunned. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the place where Liu Nan had just stood. There was no one.

"Am I hallucinating? Why did Xiaonan suddenly disappear?"

Ming Jing murmured,

Liu Nan's magical foot power appeared at the edge of the formation barrier, touched the defensive barrier, and murmured:

"Are you trying to trap me with this? Then let me test how hard you are!"

Liu Nan flashed his hand and the Nine Dragon Spear appeared.

The Buddha's power surged, and the Nine-Dragon Spear suddenly tripled in size. He stepped forward and charged up, and his muscles all over his body tensed.


He shouted loudly and thrust his spear towards the barrier.


With a loud noise, Liu Nan took two steps back, neutralizing the force rebounding from the barrier, and looked up.

The barrier was stabbed by Liu Nan's full force shot. It shook violently for a few times at first, but finally stabilized and did not break.

"If I didn't have magical powers, I would really be a turtle in a jar!"

In fact, if he had cultivated other magical powers of teleportation, instead of magical feet that could not be constrained by formations, he might not be able to escape from this barrier.

"He's here, chase him!"

At this time, the five great priests, carrying their own shikigami and following the guidance of the magic weapon, had already chased Liu Nan.


Liu Nanchong waved to the five of them, and a divine footpath disappeared into the barrier.

"How is it possible that he is not affected by the formation!"

The five priests were shocked.

"Hurry back and report to Shenzong. We will continue to chase him. With this magic weapon containing his breath, he can't escape even if he can teleport!"

The leading high priest gave an order to one of the priests, and then led the remaining three people to follow the guidance of the magic weapon and continue to chase Liu Nan in the direction.

Over Shanghai, Liu Nan stepped on the Buddha's cloud and fled quickly,

"What's going on? Why can't you get rid of it?"

Liu Nan was confused. Every time he teleported away, the great priests could always accurately find his location and chase him.

And he can't keep teleporting, otherwise no matter how much Buddha power he has, he will be exhausted. Without Buddha power, he will definitely not be able to defeat the four great priests chasing him behind him with his physical body alone.

Foyun's speed alone can't escape him either. Foyun's maximum speed can exceed the speed of sound, but now he has been cultivated for less than two months, and his speed is not as fast as the flight speed of the shikigami flying birds behind him.

This won't work. You must figure out how they locked their position, otherwise they will definitely not be able to escape. It seems that the only way is to fight. With my own magic power that is close to the fourth level, it is not possible to kill the four great priests behind. Totally hopeless,

Thinking of this, he descended quickly. Now his position was close to the suburbs of Shanghai. It was relatively empty and not crowded. He found a small forest and Liu Nan hid his figure.

At this time, the leading high priest also flew over with three priests. When passing by the woods, he suddenly stopped. He looked at the circular magic weapon in his hand, pointed to the woods below and said:

"He's hiding down there. Be careful, don't go down. The fighting shikigami are guarding all directions. Use your spells to blast him out!"


The four fighting gods, the white tiger, the black panther, the eagle, and the giant dog, defend themselves from the east, west, north, and south respectively.

The priests chanted spells one after another, and suddenly, huge wind blades, ice arrows, fire rain and other spells were thrown towards the grove.

Obviously, they had learned about Liu Nan's situation from Priest Nozawa before, and the death of the fifth-level priest a month ago also made them dare not relax.

After several tests, he determined that the thing that could continuously track the location should be the magic weapon in the hands of the leading priest. As long as the magic weapon was destroyed, he would have a chance to escape.

However, it is not easy to handle. These priests are very vigilant. Even if he can teleport over, it will not be easy to quickly destroy the magic weapon. But he knows that these great priests are all very careful about their lives. I don’t know how many talismans there are.

But he has no choice but to fight hard. If he doesn't destroy the magic weapon, he won't be able to get rid of the pursuit. When the time comes, there will only be more and more people chasing him.

After making the decision, Liu Nan did not wait for the priests' spells to fall, but with a magical foot power, he instantly appeared in front of the leading priest and stabbed him with a shot.

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