Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 303 Tony Stark’s Mission

Liu Nan did not delve into Peter's changes. After all, for him, it was not a big deal. He would naturally find out after Peter came back from school and asked. There was no need to be too entangled.

After finding a place where no one was around, Liu Nan used his invisibility technique, summoned the Buddha Cloud, and quickly flew towards the City of Freedom.

At the same time, in the villa in Liberty City,

Tony Stark was inspecting the robotic arm of his Mark 2 while watching the news.

At this time, the news was reporting on the tragic incident of a small town called Gemilla being occupied by a group of foreign warlords who called themselves freedom fighters and carried out inhumane burning, killing and looting.

Reporters reported that the town had become a purgatory on earth, and its residents could only hide everywhere in despair, praying for someone to save them. Many photos and videos were also released that reporters risked their lives to secretly capture.

And Tony saw a very familiar person in one of the videos. He was the leader of the terrorist organization that kidnapped him in the cave at that time. And this terrorist organization that calls itself the freedom fighter basically uses his inventions. out of weapons,

Tony raised his hand and pointed his palm toward a piece of bulletproof glass. The Mark II armor on his arm immediately shot out a laser. The laser hit the bulletproof glass, and the bulletproof glass immediately shattered into pieces.

Looking at the broken bulletproof glass and the Mark II on his arm, Tony suddenly came up with a bold idea.

At that time, he killed a large number of terrorists in the cave and escaped with the extremely crude Mark 1 armor he created.

Then now,

Why can't he rely on the much more advanced and powerful Mark 2 he created to help those in need?

For example, the news on TV reported that the residents of the small town of Gemilla were in despair.

Since you can't be sure whether the weapons you make will be used by some people with bad intentions, then you should give up selling them to outsiders, just optimize and load them on the Mark 2, and control them by yourself.

Maybe, this is his mission!

Tony, determined, walked into his laboratory,

A moment later, with the help of the robotic arm, Tony, wearing a gold and red Mark II armor, flew out of the City of Liberty and flew towards the town of Gemilla at supersonic speed.

At the same time, Liu Nan, who was flying at high speed in the sky on Foyun, suddenly saw a humanoid mecha in the distance flying towards him very fast.

What's this? Could it be the latest weapon developed by Country M?

Liu Nan stopped in mid-air in surprise!

Tony Stark, who was flying at high speed, suddenly received a report from the intelligent system Jarvis:

"Sir, a strong biological magnetic field was discovered one thousand meters ahead!"

Tony twisted his neck and glanced left and right in front of him.

The sky is clear, cloudless, and there is nothing!

"Start the super radar scan, lock on the creature, and confirm the target!"

To be on the safe side, Tony stopped and ordered Jarvis to activate the super radar on the Mark 2.

"Yes, boss, the super radar is activated and scanning begins.

The scan ended and the target was confirmed, Liu Nan, 24 years old, from Hezhou, China, currently serving as Tony Stark's security advisor."

After scanning, Tony's mask showed Liu Nan sitting cross-legged in the air, looking at him curiously.


Tony was shocked that people could fly in the air without using anything. He felt that Newton's coffin board could no longer hold it down.

However, he was not an ordinary person after all, and he also learned from Potts that Liu Nan knew some mysterious Chinese magic.

So it didn't take long for him to calm down his emotions, carefully piloted Marco 2, flew to Liu Nan who was sitting cross-legged in the air, and said hello with a smile:

"Hey Liu, I didn't expect that you can fly. Is this also a magical Chinese magic?"

When Liu Nan saw the humanoid mecha suddenly stopped and then flew straight towards him, he knew that his invisibility technique must have failed. This deception could only deceive ordinary people, and high-tech methods could not hide it.

However, he did not use extreme measures. If he was exposed, he would be exposed. In fact, it didn't matter. After all, he was about to join SHIELD, and his abilities would be exposed sooner or later.

A little earlier or a little later, it doesn’t really matter.

However, what he didn't expect was that the person in the humanoid mecha was actually the Tony Stark he was looking for.

No wonder the shape of this mecha looks familiar to him. Isn't this a scaled-down and optimized version of the mecha driven by Tony Stark in the cave?

"It turns out to be Mr. Stark. Yes, this is indeed one of the magical spells of our country. It seems that Miss Potts is not too strict!"

Liu Nan was not angry, but smiled and made a joke, and then asked curiously:

"Mr. Stark, what are you wearing? Your latest weapon? It looks very cool!"

Tony immediately turned around proudly and said happily:

"Oh, really! I think it's pretty cool too. Well, this isn't a weapon. You can think of it as a new aircraft, yes, an aircraft!"

Liu Nan nodded,

"By the way, Mr. Stark, I have something to discuss with you. Do you have time now?"

When Liu Nan said this, Tony remembered that he still had to rush to save people, so he immediately replied:

"Liu, you go to the villa and wait for me. I'll go take care of some small things and I'll be back soon!"

Liu Nan looked at Tony who rushed away after saying a word, and couldn't help but shrugged.

What a hothead!

After saying that, he flew towards the city of freedom on the Buddha Cloud.

Liberty City, Tony Stark's drawing room,

Liu Nan was chatting with Miss Potts,

"Mr. Liu, have you really decided to resign? If it's because of salary issues, I can talk to Tony!"

Potts said with regret,

She really doesn't want Liu Nan to leave. After all, she has experienced Liu Nan's abilities with her own eyes. Now, at a time when Stark Industries is in turmoil,

And because of the last kidnapping incident, Tony's safety also made her very worried, so she really didn't want a master like Liu Nan to leave now.

Liu Nan smiled and said:

"It's not because of the salary issue. To be honest, you can't find a more generous boss in New York than Mr. Stark. It's my personal reason.

I have something that needs to be dealt with. This matter is very important to me. It is also because of this matter that I came to New York. Now there is a clue to the matter, so I must resign!"

ps: Sorry, I had something to do at home yesterday and didn’t come back to update. I will make up for it later!

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