Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 325 Banner appears

"Hi Liu, long time no see!"

Seeing Liu Nan appear, Tony and Xiaojiao immediately greeted Liu Nan with surprise on their faces.

Of course, Pepper was really surprised, but Tony was pretending, because he was the one who called Liu Nan, but he had told Liu Nan on the phone in advance that he did not want him to tell Pepper about the palladium poisoning, so as not to worry her.

"Long time no see, Tony! Potts!"

Liu Nan smiled and replied,

After the three of them reminisced about old times, Potts left first because he had just taken over the company and still had a lot of official business to deal with.

At this time, Liu Nan pretended to be unintentional and asked:

"Who was that beautiful woman who went out when I came just now?"

"Oh, you mean Miss Luo Shuman? She is from the legal department. She just came to prepare the transfer documents for the company's legal person! What, are you interested? If you are interested, I can introduce it to you. She will be my assistant soon. !”

Tony looked at Liu Nan with a look that all men understand, and said with a smile,

He knew that Liu Nanke was still single. A beauty like Luo Xuman would make a man's heart flutter when he saw it. Even a veteran like him, who had been tested by countless beauties, would still be tempted.

What's more, for a young person like Liu Nan, of course her heart is moved by her. He has no intention of doing anything to her. He just appreciates her. If Liu Nan is willing, he can act as a moonlighter to hold the red thread.

"Oh, no, I'm just asking out of curiosity, and I already have a fiancée!"

Just kidding, he heard from Coulson that Natasha and Captain America were from the same period. Even though her appearance has not changed, she is old enough to be his grandmother.

Also, according to Tony’s introduction just now, this top agent of SHIELD has changed his name and identity, and will soon become Tony’s assistant. This means that he will be undercover and lurking next to Tony. See you next time. I need to inquire about it when I get to Colson.

"What happened to the company legal person transfer document you just mentioned?"

Liu Nan was afraid that Tony would bother with the question just now, so she quickly changed the subject and asked,

This question made Tony immediately lose his interest in gossiping, and said in a depressed mood:

"Because my body may not be able to survive for too long, so I want to transfer my property to Xiaojiao before I die, so that after I die, I can at least leave something for her!"

"What you said on the phone was not very clear. Can you tell me specifically what's wrong with your body? Why did you suddenly say you won't live much longer?"

Liu Nan carefully observed Tony's face and felt that he was in good health and did not look like a dying person at all.

"It's not convenient here. Let's go to my laboratory downstairs and explain it to you in detail!"

Tony waved his hand and led Liu Nan toward the laboratory.

In the laboratory below, Tony sat on a chair and lifted up his shirt, revealing his Ark reactor embedded in his heart. He pointed at the dark green line marks on the skin around the reactor and explained:

"After I was kidnapped last time, because the bomb fragments were embedded in my heart, Dr. Yin Sen had to use a car electromagnet to absorb the fragments and barely save my life.

Later, I invented the Ark Reactor. It could not only save my life by combining with Dr. Yin Sen’s shrapnel-absorbing device, but it could also release powerful energy to drive my Mark series armor.

However, since the Ark reactor contains a large amount of palladium element, as long as I use it, the palladium element will continue to invade my body, and this palladium element will accelerate the invasion of my body when he uses the armor.

Once my body is completely covered with palladium element, I will not be far away from death. And according to Jarvis's test, even if I no longer use the Mark Armor from now on, I won't be able to live for long. If I continue to use the Mark Armor, I will only die faster! "

Liu Nan picked up Tony's wrist and took his pulse. The pulse was stable and the heart was beating strongly. It didn't look like he was poisoned. He then used his consciousness to scan his whole body. After thinking for a long time, he slowly spoke. road:

"Tony, you are poisoned by palladium. To be honest, I have no way to help you cure it now. I can only try to suppress it for you and let the palladium return to your heart first.

But my method can only be said to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause. Unless, later on, you can completely remove the palladium element in your Ark reactor, otherwise it will continue to spread to your body! "

Tony, who was already desperate, his eyes lit up when he heard Liu Nan's words. As long as he could suppress it, he would be able to live a little longer, and maybe there would be a turn for the better. In this way, he could at least see a glimmer of hope.

"It's already very good. Thank you so much, Liu!"

Liu Nan nodded,

"Don't move. I'm going to use a silver needle to help you press the palladium element in your body back to your heart!"

After saying that, seeing that Tony was ready, he immediately stretched out his right hand, and five silver needles suddenly appeared in his hand. Then at lightning speed, they were inserted into the five acupuncture points around Tony's heart at the same time, sealing the spread of palladium toxin.

He immediately slapped Tony on the back, sending a trace of Buddha's power from his palm into Tony's internal organs, and then slowly forced the sealed palladium toxin back to the position of his heart.

"Okay, it shouldn't be a big deal for the time being, but I suggest you try to use your Mark Armor as little as possible recently, otherwise it will speed up the spread of the palladium element!"

Liu Nan pulled out the silver needle and warned Tony,

Liu Nan didn't have any good solutions for Tony's palladium poisoning. This was not an ordinary disease or biological poisoning, but chemical element poisoning. For chemical element poisoning, there was no solution in the Chinese medicine he studied.

Moreover, among the spells he had learned before, there were no spells to heal the body. Otherwise, giving Tony a shot might be useful, so after thinking about it, he could only use Buddha's power and silver needles to suppress it.

If he later goes to a world where there is a life-saving spell and learns a life-saving spell, he can try it when he comes back and see if he can help Tony cure the disease.

In the evening, under Tony's warm invitation, Liu Nan had another top-notch luxurious French meal at the Liberty City villa before returning home.

Two days later in the evening, Liu Nan just finished dinner when he received a call from Colson.

"Liu, Dr. Banner has appeared and I need you to come as soon as possible!"


Liu Nan asked immediately,

"They found Dr. Stern at Grayburn College during the day. The three of them have been staying in Dr. Stern's laboratory without showing up. General Ross has mobilized a large number of troops and weapons and secretly surrounded their laboratory, trying to We need to anesthetize Dr. Banner before he transforms!"

Coulson replied.

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