Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 329 Secret Talk with the Director

Liu Nan reached out and took off the dragon-shaped mask on his face, took out his ID from his pocket and handed it to Dr. Banner and said with a smile:

"Hello, Dr. Banner, just to introduce you, I am Liu Nan, an agent from the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Bureau. I would like to invite you to join us this time!"

After hearing the words "Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency", Dr. Banner's originally gentle face suddenly changed.

Aren't they the same group of people who came with General Ross to capture him and take him back for experiments? Could it be that he wants to use his serum to research and make war weapons? He will never agree!

Liu Nan saw the vigilant expression on Dr. Banner's face, and instantly understood his inner thoughts, and explained in a sincere tone:

"Dr. Banner, don't worry. We are different from General Ross's group. We are not trying to study your serum. After all, the emergence of Abomination has shown that that is not a good idea. We are looking for you for another reason. There is no reason here. It’s convenient to explain in detail, if possible, someone will explain it to you in detail when we get to our headquarters!”

Banner hesitated for a moment, and finally replied helplessly:

"All right!"

In fact, he knew in his heart that no matter whether what the person in front of him said was true or false, he could not refuse.

First of all, the opponent's strength itself is something he can't resist. Even if she transforms into the Hulk, she may not be able to defeat her. The key is that after he transforms, the opponent can instantly transform himself back.

"Since you can transform me back from Hulk, can you completely transform me into a normal person?"

Banner asked Liu Nan with a hint of expectation,

Liu Nan pondered for a moment, shook his head and said:

"No, Hulk and you are one. The reason why I can suppress it back is to use a Buddhist magical power, but this magical power cannot permanently eliminate Hulk!"

In fact, after Liu Nan learned about Dr. Banner's information in detail before, he had an idea,

He speculated that the reason why Dr. Banner transformed into the Hulk, like turning into another person, was mainly because his soul was split.

In modern terms, it is a split personality, giving birth to another personality. According to his understanding, a person's soul is split into two, one is Dr. Banner himself, and the other is Hulk.

And why his six-character mantra can suppress Hulk is because his "Hum" mantra has the effect of shocking the souls of ordinary people.

When he casts the six-word mantra on Hulk, Hulk's soul will be frightened, and Banner's doctor's soul can naturally come out to take over the control of the body.

Similarly, if he casts the six-word mantra to Dr. Banner now, Dr. Banner's soul will be shocked, and Hulk's soul can come out to take over the body.

But to reunite the two split souls into one, he currently cannot do it. After all, none of the magical powers he has learned can do this.

Seeing Liu Nan shaking his head, Dr. Banner's face looked a little disappointed, but he soon recovered. After all, he had experienced this kind of thing too much and was used to it.

"Dr. Banner, let's go!"


Liu Nan immediately summoned the Buddhist members in his body and flew to SHIELD headquarters with Dr. Banner.

On the Buddha Cloud, Dr. Banner stepped on the soft golden Buddha Cloud under his feet with a face full of surprise, then looked at the scenery passing quickly below, and asked in disbelief:

"Oh God, what is this thing made of and how can it fly so fast!"

Liu Nan, who was also standing on the Buddha Cloud, shrugged and explained:

"This is a Buddhist magical power that can reach the speed of sound. As a scientist, you may not be able to understand these things."

After Dr. Banner heard Liu Nan's words, he didn't agree very much and replied:

"Scientists need to use rational thinking to explore and analyze unknown matters. Although I am not very clear about the magic you are talking about, I believe that as long as we can analyze its operating principles and use scientific methods to conduct experiments, after all, The secret can be cracked!"

Liu Nan was also stunned when he heard what Dr. Banner said.

It seems to make sense. Everything has its basis, and magical powers are no exception. Scientists are the best at chasing the source. It is not impossible to use scientific methods to crack magic. They all say scientific The end is theology, is this what it means!

Didn't I also think about it before, if possible in the future, let SHIELD scientists and Tony Stark see if they can help me research and produce a large number of spiritual stones to help me cultivate quickly?

Shaking his head to get rid of the chaotic thoughts in his mind, he continued to take Dr. Banner and flew quickly towards the SHIELD headquarters.

After arriving at SHIELD headquarters, Liu Nan handed Dr. Banner to Coulson, who came back early, and was approached by Nick Fury alone.

"You're welcome. Sit down first. Listen to Coulson. You like drinking tea. This is the Tieguanyin I asked someone to buy in Chinatown. Try it!"

Nick Fury placed a cup of hot tea that had been brewed in advance in front of Liu Nan and said in a gentle tone,

Liu Nan took a sip of tea and asked:

"Does the director have anything to tell me?"

In fact, when Coulson told the director that he wanted to talk to him alone, he immediately understood that Nick Fury's meeting with him alone must be related to the strong strength he showed in the city center today. Could it be because of him? strength, so you have fear in your heart?

"I want to know, are the abilities you are showing now innate, or are they acquired through learning, as Coulson reported before?"

Nick Fury asked calmly,

Liu Nan was startled, and he roughly understood what Nick Fury was thinking. It seemed that he was not afraid of him, but had other ideas, so he smiled and replied:

"It's not something I'm born with. I was just an ordinary person before. The power I have now is only obtained through practice!"

Nick Fury's eyes lit up, and he asked excitedly:

"Then can everyone become as strong as you through learning? Are there any side effects?"

If he can become as strong as Liu Nan through study, he can definitely train a group of agents as powerful as Liu Nan who are loyal to SHIELD.

Once aliens invade, only with a group of agents as powerful as Liu Nan can the safety of the earth be guaranteed.

Liu Nan took another sip of tea and said slowly:

"Director, our kind of practice will not have any side effects, nor will it affect people's personalities, and basically everyone can learn it!"

Before Nick Fury could speak, Liu Nan continued:

"But, it's not as easy as you think. It's even said that except for me, it's hard for anyone to become so powerful through my cultivation method!"

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