Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 332 Loki’s Life Experience

He found that although the hammer that came suddenly was not big, it was quite heavy. Even after exerting all his strength, the hammer remained motionless. He was very interested and called his friends to watch this magical hammer together. ,

All the people who came to visit the hammer were defeated by the sudden appearance of the hammer. Later, they found that even if they were pulled by a cart, they could not move the hammer even one inch.

As the news spread, more and more people came to watch, and finally they held a party near the hammer, a fun party team called "Who can pick up this hammer?"

When Liu Nan, Coulson and other SHIELD personnel arrived, they saw a group of various people holding beer and barbecuing together, carousing around a hammer.

After Coulson ordered all the gathered people to be dispersed, a large number of professional SHIELD personnel quickly established a simple research base centered on the hammer.

Inside the base are top scientists in various fields. They use various instruments to test the hammer and extract its data. Outside the base, many agents with guns and live ammunition are arranged to protect the security of the base in real time.

Next to the hammer, Colson looked at the hammer embedded in the ground, touched his chin and said curiously:

"It's really a magical hammer. If such a small hammer is really as heavy as it appears, it should have fallen into the earth's core long ago. It shouldn't be embedded in the ground like this. But if it's not that heavy, why is it? What if you can’t move an inch?”

After Liu Nan scanned the hammer with his spiritual consciousness, his eyes suddenly opened, with a hint of surprise and a solemn look on his expression.

He grabbed the handle of the hammer with his right hand, mustered up all the muscles in his body and the Buddha's power in his body, and lifted it with all his strength.


Two deep pits suddenly burst out under Liu Nan's feet, and the powerful muscle power and Buddha's power on his right arm exploded at the same time.

The hammer, which had been motionless, was finally lifted up from the ground by Liu Nan. However, before he could move, a powerful force suddenly burst out from deep inside the hammer, directly shaking Liu Nan's right hand holding the hammer away, and it fell to the ground again. original position,

"Liu, are you okay?"

Colson looked at Liu Nan who was shaken by the hammer and took a few steps back. He quickly stepped forward and asked with concern,

Liu Nan stood still, waved his hands, and replied with a serious expression:

"It's okay. I don't think it's the weight of the hammer, but a very powerful energy that seals the hammer, so that only people with permission from the owner of the hammer can pick up the hammer.

And I can notice that in addition to the power of the seal, this hammer itself also contains very powerful energy. If my guess is correct, before there is no seal, it should be a very powerful weapon! "

Colson saw the seriousness in Liu Nan's eyes, and was shocked in his heart.

"Is the other party really that strong?"

Liu Nan looked up at Colson, nodded and replied solemnly:

"Very strong. At least I feel that with my current strength, if I were to face him alone, there would be no hope of defeating him!"

In the world he has been living in, Liu Nan has never encountered an individual stronger than himself. Before, he had always been afraid of the technological power of this world, which was like a destructive weapon like a nuclear bomb.

But he had never seen an individual stronger than him. Even when he later learned about mutants and the super soldier program, including meeting Spidey, Iron Man and the Hulk, he didn't take it to heart very much.

Because even if these people don't use their golden bodies or Wang Xiaofeng's incarnation, they can easily take care of them all.

However, today he felt a very powerful force from the power of the sealing hammer. It was a powerful force that far exceeded the total strength in his body.

If the total amount of Buddha power in his body is like a big river, then the opponent should be like a vast ocean. At least in terms of quantity, the opponent completely crushes him, so when Coulson asked, his answer was that he couldn't beat him. I also want to give Coulson a warning,

Colson couldn't help but frowned when he heard Liu Nan's answer. He had witnessed with his own eyes how powerful Liu Nan was. If the other party was really more powerful than Liu Nan, that would be troublesome.

Because currently SHIELD has no way to perfectly subdue an enemy with strength that exceeds Liu Nan's. Although they can drop a nuclear bomb to destroy the opponent, it will only damage the enemy by 1,000 and damage itself by 800. It is a tactic that must never be used against the enemy.

"It seems that I need to report the situation to the director. I hope the other party has no ill intentions towards the earth!"

Coulson let out a long sigh, started the emergency call, and reported the current situation to Nick Fury, while Liu Nan returned to the room in the camp and began to practice.

This unknown existence put a lot of pressure on him. Since the last time he upgraded two levels in a row, due to Wang Xiaofeng's 24-hour non-stop practice, his cultivation level has also officially entered the fourth level from the fourth level. At the peak of the level, there is only one opportunity left to break through the fourth level and enter the fifth level.

In the home or research institute of Professor Eric Shavig, Jane Foster and their sister,

Thor took off his hospital gown, put on the jeans that Jane Foster had just given him, took the shirt, revealing his two strong pecs and eight-pack abs, and walked out of the room with a curious face.

Jane Foster's sister stared at Thor's muscles with an infatuated look on her face, and murmured to her sister:

"Oh, for a homeless man, he's really in perfect shape!"

After the four people communicated, Thor said that his current mortal body was too weak and he needed to eat.

Although Jane Foster and the others felt that Thor was a bit strange, in order to find out why he appeared in the clouds they observed, they still took him to the nearest burger restaurant.

At the same time, in the secret treasure house of the Asgard temple, Odin discovered Loki who had stolen the ancient winter coffin, the source of the ice giants' power. It turned out that Loki was not Odin's biological son.

A long time ago, there was a race in the universe called the Ice Giants. They were tall and good at using the power of ice.

One day, they suddenly descended on the earth and wanted to bring the earth into the ice age and make it their second home.

However, the peace-loving Asgard clan discovered the Ice Giants' intentions, so Odin, the king of gods with powerful divine power, led all the warriors in the clan to come to the earth to help mankind defeat the Ice Giants. and drove them back to their hometown,

Since then, Odin's Asgard clan has become a human myth and legend.

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