Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 145 Experience in March Brain Drain is Dangerous

This holiday, Su Jie had a more fulfilling life than last time.

On June 13th, he escaped into the mountains and practiced "Thirteen Taibao horizontal training golden bell-covered iron cloth shirt dragon and tiger King Kong rigid qigong" and "magic steps". The steps are also practiced superbly.

In July, he was assassinated by the top killer "sanctioned" Kong Dian, and the two fought back and forth, fighting between life and death for more than half a month, allowing Su Jie to make greater progress.

This kind of opponent is hard to come by.

No one would mess with a top killer, let the other party assassinate him, and gain training from it.

Because one is not good, he was killed by the other party.

After the "sanction" Kong Dian left, Su Jie followed Gu Yang to do farm work in the countryside and completely forgot about fighting. During this period of time, the kung fu he learned was born for doing farm work, hoeing and digging, weeding and breaking branches, carrying burdens and shaking wheels, etc., all made him feel the original mind and skills.

He felt that the significance of kung fu in production, life and labor was much greater than that in fighting.

After labor, his mind became more stable and meticulous.

And working in the village, he has won unanimous praise from the villagers' elders, and the admiration of these elders makes him very comfortable.

Indeed, many old people talked about it afterward. They had never seen young people doing farm work so well. With him alone, there is almost no other labor force in the village.

Not to mention, Su Jie really liked doing farm work. The first is being able to help others. The second is to produce through labor and contribute to society. The third is to exercise the body and understand the true meaning of kung fu. The impurities of the fourth mind disappear with sweat. .

If it wasn't for learning something else, Su Jie wanted to keep working.

Practice in deep mountains, actual combat assassination, rural farm work, ancient foreign teaching, and research on blind uncles.

These five major events constituted his schedule for this summer vacation.

Blind Uncle checks his body every day and records a lot of things, especially through various tests, using data to speculate on the specific situation of the impact of psychological quality on physical quality.

Some artificial intelligence was also used in the computer of Minglun Martial Arts School. After accessing it for research, Su Jie learned a lot of knowledge from Uncle Blind.

"According to the latest research experiments,

Foreign scientists have discovered that using music to soothe the mice with cancer cells, different music can soothe the mood of the mice, which makes the difference between the increase and decrease of cancer cells, that is, the mentality of the mice is adjusted through music, thereby affecting the body. immunity. "

On this day, Uncle Blind copied a document to Su Jie.

It is still a variety of clinical data between psychological quality and physical quality: "I think these may be helpful to your horizontal kung fu practice. Your horizontal kung fu practice is to simulate various animals, nature, thunder, strong wind, and carry out psychological suggestions. What kind of psychological suggestion is the most effective in improving the human body's immunity, or the combination of various psychological suggestions is the most effective, this kind of topic is really worthy of further cultivation."

Uncle Blind adheres to a scientific attitude in everything.

Su Jie had already given him the video of "Thirteen Taibao Practicing Golden Bell Covered Iron Shirt Dragon Tiger King Kong Hard Qigong" for research. He searched for some scientific experiments from the huge database, compared them with each other, and achieved some results.

For example, when people are howling and expressing their emotions to their heart's content, what subtle substances will be produced by the endocrine of the body, which will cause certain changes in which parts.

These are precise scientific data.

"My set of hard qigong, it is said that coach Odeli first found various horizontal training methods, combined them together, passed many clinical trials, and then combined big data with the artificial intelligence of Tifeng training camp to make changes. .” Su Jie asked Uncle Blind.

"Because of this, this set of exercises can basically be practiced except for freaks like you." Blind Uncle said: "I want to find out a practice method that is suitable for all ages to restore people's health functions. It can boost immunity and increase cancer survival rates."

Su Jie thought about it, it was true.

This set of hard qigong, the first posture is to imagine yourself as a **, soaring into the sky, singing long chants to reach the clouds, and then surging winds and clouds, twisting and bending, dragons flying across the sky, and conquering the universe.

The key points of the action are apart from the long howl coming from the depths of the dantian, the whole person has to rush upwards and chant all the way. If the person is short of Qi, I am afraid that it will be difficult to do Changyin. In addition, the movements of squatting, rising and falling, and jumping up are very similar to "hoeing the head". This ups and downs, ups and downs, if you want to stretch like a dragon, you can't do it in less than three to five years.

Even if this action is done, the psychological suggestion is also a huge problem. How to imagine yourself as a giant dragon soaring into the sky, flying clouds and spreading rain, this is a realm that is unique in a million, and very few people can understand it.

Movements have standards that can be learned, but psychological hints have no standards at all.

That's not to mention, after the dragon, he suddenly imagined himself falling to the top of the mountain, turning into a fierce tiger, roaring in the mountains and forests, the strong wind blowing, and all the beasts trembling. To perfectly express this artistic conception, beyond standard movements, the demeanor must be vivid, and deep down in my heart, I regard myself as the tiger who is the king of beasts.

The so-called dragon and tiger diamond hard qigong is exactly like this.

Many other actions, the principle is the same.

It is complex and changeable, and the psychological hints must not only be confused with the real ones, but also constantly switch, the body movements must keep up, and the slapping strength must be precise.

Even if a talented person goes to practice, there is a high chance of insanity.

Even if you can deceive yourself with psychological hints, but because the hints are too deep, you can't master the strength of the slapping, and it will hurt your body.

That is to say, if one wants to practice this set of "Thirteen Taibao Horizontal Practice Golden Bell-covered Iron Cloth Shirt Dragon Tiger King Kong Hard Qigong", the brain can almost match certain functions of a supercomputer. As precise as a machine.

Because the strength and precision of each stroke are almost the same as the precision of surgery, otherwise it will cause damage to the tiny blood vessels and nerves.

In other words, when Su Jie was practicing horizontal kung fu, every time he fought, it was equivalent to the best surgeon performing an operation on himself.

This difficulty is not ordinary.

During practice, Uncle Blind thinks that Su Jie is the best of the best, a super invincible university master!

"That Kang Gu is pure in heart, because he is deaf and dumb, so he is dull, so he learns very fast, but he is far behind Su Jie." Uncle Blind thought: "Su Jie can improve his physical fitness to this level in one year. , It’s not without reason. As long as people’s mentality can do this, improving quality and potential in a short period of time is not a myth, but a real science.”

If you hadn't seen Su Jie's example, even with Uncle Blind's scientific mind, you wouldn't believe that someone can become a kung fu master within a year.

"Kang Gu has signed with Fenglei Club." At this moment, Nie Shuang came in again and announced an amazing news.

"Fenglei Club? It's a club invested by Feng Hengyi, right?" Uncle Blind said, "If Kang Gu doesn't sign with our Minglun Martial Arts School, sign with this club? I don't think he's such a person."

"It's very simple. Feng Hengyi found him and promised to cure his deaf-mute, so that he can hear and speak, and become a normal person." Nie Shuang said.

"His deaf-mute is an incurable disease, and there is no cure for it in any major hospital." Blind Uncle frowned: "No, maybe the medical methods of Tifeng Training Camp can do this."

"That's right, if Feng Hengyi takes him to the Tifeng training camp and heals his deaf-mute symptoms, he can really recruit Kanggu." Uncle Blind sighed: "Our Minglun Martial Arts School lacks talents, After finally having a good seedling, someone else poached it, and there will be no supporters in the future. Hasn’t our martial arts school become an empty shell?”

"I'm also thinking about this." Nie Shuang looked at Su Jie: "Su Jie also set up his own family and learned some martial arts. Zhang Jinchuan set up the Likun Network by himself, and he didn't think about it. Now Liu Long Nor did it come from our Minglun Martial Arts School. In the long run, what qualifications does our martial arts school have to be called the number one in the industry? And now that a large number of talents have been poached by Haoyu, given time, I am afraid that it will really be swallowed up by Haoyu."

Su Jie listened, thinking about Haoyu's conspiracy.

Haoyu's cooperation with Minglun Martial Arts School seems to be mutually beneficial and win-win, but it is secretly digging for talents, formulating formulas, and obtaining data.

After waiting for a few years, I found that all the good coaches in the fighting circle have signed contracts with Haoyu, and the talented seedlings are also under Haoyu's command. The champion of every fighting competition is Haoyu's person. What is left of Minglun Martial Arts School?

For a school, the most important thing is the faculty, and then the gifted students. For example, the Minglun Martial Arts School has emerged with national champions many times, so it is naturally the number one in the industry.

If these two aspects are absent, they will soon become second- and third-rate goods, and finally disappear.

Su Jie could also see that Kang Gu was the best seedling, and Uncle Blind and Nie Shuang were both cultivating it, but it was a pity that he was still poached by Feng Hengyi.

"Su Jie, if you can win the Haoyu Cup this time, don't forget to tell the outside media that you came from Minglun Martial Arts School." Nie Shuang urged.

"This is the truth." Su Jie is not a person who forgets his roots: "If Haoyu hadn't become a shareholder of Minglun Martial Arts School, I would have cooperated with you in some martial arts. Now I am afraid that many troubles will arise."

"It's an eventful time." Nie Shuang said: "Okay, you still have some time to leave school, learn how to cook with me while practicing."

"That's great." Su Jie was overjoyed.

"Tomorrow at noon, I will wait for you in the kitchen of Nie's private kitchen. I can only teach you for two hours a day," Nie Shuang said.

"I will definitely come." Su Jie bowed and thanked, and walked out.

He is looking forward to the arrival of tomorrow, the popularity of Nie's private kitchen dishes in the food industry is the status of Ming Lun martial arts school in the fighting world. He has eaten it many times, and it is extremely delicious, not only in terms of taste, but also in psychology.

The Buddha said that all life is suffering, but those who have eaten Nie's private kitchen will feel that life is not bitter at all, it is simply enjoyment.

After walking out of Uncle Blind's laboratory, Su Jie was going to participate in a small group arena to earn some money.

But at this moment, he saw a person walking towards him.

It's Joss.

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