Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 147: The True Essence of Kung Fu

"In the beginning, I wanted to become stronger and solve certain things. But later, I found that no matter how strong my kung fu is, I can't solve all the things. Human power is very small in this society. No matter how good kung fu is , I can’t protect what I want to protect, and then my mentality changed. I want to explore and learn more knowledge, and I want to help more people. In addition, I want Kung Fu to be passed on. Most importantly, I hope From kung fu, one can find a spirit that makes the heart truly peaceful, and then let everyone benefit from it."

After Su Jie returned from the war-torn land, he thought a lot.

And after helping the old people in the village to do farm work with kung fu, he was praised and thanked by the old people, and he thought more deeply.

When he was doing farm work, he watched pieces of land being plowed up and weeds cleared out, and the achievements he achieved in his mind with the "hoe" was far more than that with the "hoe". "Beating a master is easy.

Now, he felt in his heart that even if it was to use kung fu to defeat the number one in the world, it would not be as meaningful as using kung fu to hoe an acre of land.

At this moment, his mentality has undergone an earth-shaking change.

"Okay, let's not talk about kung fu, everyone has their own purpose in learning martial arts." Joss said, "Su Jie, I want to ask you another question."

"Ask." Su Jie nodded.

"What is national credit?" Joss asked: "Some countries in the world issue currency blindly, leading to inflation. But almost all countries have this problem, so does the country still have credit? Why can't we break away from it?" This credit, establish an absolutely neutral mechanism that cannot be controlled by people?"

Hearing Joss ask this question, Su Jie immediately thought of Feng Hengyi and the organization behind him, as well as the dark net, virtual currency and so on.

Joss must have passively accepted their philosophy.

"Joss, national credit is a kind of spirit that has been condensed by culture for thousands of years." Su Jie's tone became very dignified: "Our country encountered a lot of suffering a hundred years ago. You know the history of this, but many people None of them gave up hope because of this, but sacrificed their lives and finally completed the revival. National credit is that when it is in danger, we will die for it without hesitation. I know you joined a certain organization, but you ask yourself , when that organization is in danger, will you die for it? Is it worth your death for it?"

"Is it worth my death for it?" Joss seemed to be struck by lightning when he heard this sentence, and he was stunned.

"A thing that is not worth dying for, is it worth following?" Joss said to himself.


His eyes became firmer, and he stood up abruptly: "Su Jie, thank you, I figured it out, something is not worth my death for. Kung fu, I can die for it."

"You figured it out?" Su Jie was also extremely happy in his heart. He knew that his words had moved Joss, making Joss determined to leave Feng Hengyi and even a certain huge organization behind him.

"I figured it out." Joss nodded.

"But you may be in danger." Su Jie thought of something bad.

"I know a lot of Feng Hengyi's secrets, and I also know some things about that evil organization. I even accepted their training and did a lot of evil actions. I was brainwashed by them. It's not you, I'm still addicted to In their dreams." Joss said: "In the eyes of God, I am a sinner, I have turned my back on the light and thrown myself into the darkness, and now it is time for me to wash away my sins."

"Come with me." Su Jie stretched out his hand, "Joss, we are good friends, if you have anything, let's take care of it together."

Joss also reached out and held Su Jie together.

"Joss, I want to form a round. In October, my Diandao Martial Arts Gym will participate in the Haoyu Cup. I am a player, but at least two people are needed. Of course, four or five are the best." Su Jie Said: "I already have two candidates, you can be my fourth companion."

"You want to participate in the Haoyu Cup?" Joss was surprised: "Do you know why Haoyu held this competition?"

"I would like to hear the details." Su Jie knew a little bit, but Joss was someone close to Feng Hengyi, so he must know some secrets that he didn't know.

"Haoyu Group has set up a sports department. The person in charge of this sports department is Feng Hengyi. If he wants to become a blockbuster, he must make a big splash. Hold a big competition, let countless masters fight on it, and form a huge influence. As a gimmick, the high bonus is a huge hot feast."

Joss said: "Of course, this is not the most important thing. The important thing is that this match is purely for Feng Hengyi himself. He will beat all domestic and foreign experts one by one on top of this match, including Liu Long, who is currently ranked number one in China, once he wins, his popularity will increase dramatically, and the sports department he runs will also explode. He can promote his martial arts philosophy and turn his own martial arts into world-renowned martial arts, even comparable Karate, judo, these centuries-old martial arts, have enormous commercial value.

Joss sighed: "He wants to keep running this competition and make it the largest competition brand in the world. Even any number one person in the world must play his competition to be recognized. There are more people participating, Naturally, data can be obtained through the game. Currently, Haoyu’s short-term goal is to swallow Minglun.”

"How can one match swallow Minglun Martial Arts School?" Su Jie asked.

"It's very simple. Minglun Martial Arts School will also have a team to participate in this comparison. He will suppress this team above the competition, make the team members look ugly, and deal a huge blow to the reputation of Minglun Martial Arts School. The school is all based on Reputation supports it, once the reputation is damaged, the school will basically lose its soul." Joss said: "Furthermore, Feng Hengyi will also play tricks on the international media, so as to further achieve the goal of taking control of Minglun Martial Arts School at a low price Purpose. Think about it, after this competition, the participating teams of Minglun Martial Arts School won nothing and were hyped up, isn't that a major blow to the reputation of the Martial Arts School?"

"Feng Hengyi has many tricks." Su Jie nodded.

"There are many other means." Joss said: "But if you want to win the championship, you must defeat Feng Hengyi in the end. It doesn't make any sense if you don't defeat him. With your skill, I'm not sure. But my gut tells me he's scarier."

"Your intuition is very accurate." Su Jie said: "Although I have some small achievements in cultivation, I am definitely no match for him. His foundation is too strong. Although I try my best to catch up, the time is too short and it is difficult to break through."

"But you have surpassed me by far in just one year." Joss wanted to gain experience from Su Jie, and in his opinion, this was a miracle.

Since a miracle can happen to Su Jie, it can also happen to him.

Because behind all miracles is science, as long as the truth is analyzed, anyone can achieve it.

"I will tell you all about my experience." Su Jie stood up and patted the dust on his buttocks: "Let's pass on the spirit of Kungfu together. In modern society, there is no need to keep Kungfu private, it should be made public and everyone can study it together. But I'm curious, how did you train under Feng Hengyi? How did you improve so fast?"

"The first is physical training, where I take various health care products produced by Tifeng training camp every day, then there is mechanical arm massage to relax, and a complete set of intelligent mechanical diagnosis to restore physical strength, which greatly improves the amount of training. In addition In addition, daily combat practice, life and death fighting in the underground boxing arena in Southeast Asia, imitating the gladiatorial training in ancient Rome. We have a group of the same trainees, but in a random killing in the arena, all of them are gone, only me I survived." With a few words from Joss, Su Jie felt the cruelty of the Typhon training camp.

During the training in this training camp, a large number of students will be eliminated by death, and those who survive are elites.

The death rate of training here is much higher than that of super agents trained in other countries.

It was a miracle that Joss survived. No wonder it can be improved so much.

"Have you practiced fixed kung fu?" Su Jie asked.

"Yes, it's a set of joint exercises, breathing techniques, and meditation, which are used to exercise physical fitness and cultivate the body and mind. In addition, there is a set of special killing techniques. In addition, assassination methods such as daggers and blowing needles have also been specially trained. Courses. Our courses basically include physical fitness, actual combat, psychology, assassination, eavesdropping, observation and reasoning." Joss counted.

"What is the observation and reasoning class?" Su Jie asked.

"It is to infer the person's living habits, past experience, and his personality and preferences from the person's appearance, behavior and speech, and at the same time predict his future development trend." Joss said.

"Isn't this Feng Shui Xiangshu?" Su Jie understood. Students of the police academy may also have this course, which is used to discover criminals, or whether there are hidden criminal factors deep in the human mind.

Master Ma is sometimes invited by the criminal police to explain the experience of judging criminals from people's faces. The ancient technique of physiognomy also helps in solving crimes.

"I'll go back to the country first, and settle all kinds of things at home." Joss said: "Feng Hengyi doesn't know that I have betrayed him yet, so I want to play tricks for a while, and bring him to justice at the last moment. However, he is very shrewd and has not left any evidence. If I want to catch his evidence, I am afraid I will have to lurk for a while."

"It's too dangerous." Su Jie really wanted to bring down the Feng family, but he would never let Joss take any "lurking" adventures.

"Feng Hengyi gave me the task, which is to get close to you, gain your trust, grasp your movements, and then give you a fatal blow at the most critical moment." Joss said: "So the purpose of my coming today is also the same But I was still hesitating deep in my heart, until you said that sentence, I understood that he is not worth what I do for him. But I betrayed him, he will never let me go, this person's means It's very cruel, and there's a lot of power behind it, so I have to be careful."

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