Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 159: At the Beginning of Military Training, the Instructor is an Old Acquaintance

After teaching stance for an hour, the three people in the dormitory didn't gain much physically, but they all expressed that they would stick to it.

But the military training is about to start, and we don't have time to practice any more.

Su Jie rushed to the military training place according to the school's regulations, and saw the instructor waiting here for a long time, and he was actually an acquaintance, Yu Jiang who trained students at Laoma University in S City last time.

Yu Jiang saw Su Jie at first sight and came up to say hello.

"Brother, I knew you could pass the Q University exam." Yu Jiang rubbed his hands excitedly: "My master also said about you, saying that you are a rare genius once in a century, I don't know how your kung fu is doing now ?”

Yu Jiang's master is Lao Chen, who is very skilled in Taijiquan. During that month in Master Ma's yard, the three of them did research, and Su Jie learned a lot from him.

With the increase in kung fu cultivation, physical fitness, and psychological quality, Su Jie's understanding of Taijiquan has become more and more profound.

For physical fitness and self-cultivation, Tai Chi can indeed receive miraculous effects.

In college, Tai Chi is a compulsory subject in physical education class, and it is even related to credits. Su Jie is a little curious, who is his physical education teacher, and what kind of Tai Chi is taught?

Before Su Jie could speak, Yu Jiang came up to help: "I have also improved my skills recently, let's give it a try."

He grasped Su Jie's wrist with five fingers, pressed down, and used the Taiji wrestling technique. His waist was like a spinning top, and he swung it outward, and a huge centrifugal force was generated immediately.

Following his momentum, Su Jie melted away a little, allowing Yu Jiang to push him away.

This is also Tai Chi Kung Fu.

If Su Jie practiced horizontally with the thirteen Taibao, Yu Jiang would definitely not be his opponent, but this is not the true meaning of Taijiquan.

Yu Jiang used Tai Chi techniques, and Su Jie also used Tai Chi's "listening strength" to transform power.

Yu Jiang only felt that he had pushed onto a greased and high-speed spinning ball, and all his strength would be lost. If he pushed violently, he might even sprain his hand.

The greater your own strength, the easier it is to fail.

He tried again and again, trying to knock Su Jie down, but it was of no avail because he didn't focus on it.

Su Jie seemed to be non-existent.

He is beating the air.

After falling for a long time, he finally realized the gap between himself and Su Jie, waved his hand, and gave a thumbs up: "Sure enough."

He knew that if Su Jie wanted to knock him down, he only needed one move, but Su Jie backed down everywhere, which was to give him face. After all, he is a military training instructor, and he will lose face if he is thrown down.

"In a few days, I'll take you to meet my comrade-in-arms. He is the three-time champion of the National Martial Arts Tournament. He can't beat Liu Long in the ring, but if he's out of the ring, Liu Long can't beat him. You guys The two can communicate." Yu Jiang patted Su Jie on the shoulder.

"If you can beat Liu Long in the arena, that's an absolute master." Liu Long is the number one fighter in the country, and a general who wins the arena all the time. With this kind of physical fitness, beating a few ordinary people is just as fun. Just pay attention. Off the ring is also a "super thug".

Those who can defeat Liu Long in the arena are definitely the best of the best, and they are worthy of communication.

In one month, Su Jie is going to participate in the Haoyu Cup competition, where he will face Feng Hengyi. But the current strength is still not enough, and it is necessary to strengthen training and seek breakthroughs.

In his current state, how to make a breakthrough has to be explored by himself, and Odeli may not be able to do anything.

The whistle sounded and the military training began.

All kinds of training such as stepping, walking forward, and running are miserable for ordinary students, but they are as easy as walking for Su Jie. What is more important is the spirit, regards himself as a soldier, and uses military training meticulously to strengthen his own order.

The highest state of a soldier is not how strong you are, but how much you obey orders, every move is like a machine.

This is also a kind of "moving like a machine".

The military training lasted for half a month, with non-stop practice every day, and the most important thing was to learn a set of military boxing.

The weather in September can be described as unstoppable. Under the scorching sun, these college students kept training, and many of them fainted that day. But the people in Su Jie's dormitory, even the weak Lin Tang, persevered.

In the following time, Su Jie recommended the Minglun Martial Arts School's nutrition and vitalizing oil to several people in the dormitory. Wang Shun, Lin Tang, and Tan Dashi felt very good after using it.

Sometimes, Su Jie even gave the three of them a little massage to relieve their fatigue.

Lin Tang entrusted him to buy a small bottle of neizhuang wine from Nie Shuang.

After Lin Tang tasted a little, with the daily exercise and stance, his body has improved a lot, and he seems to have endless energy every day.

After half a month of military training, the bodies of the three became stronger and stronger. Even Tan Dashi seemed to have figured out some key points of standing. From the beginning of standing for three to five minutes, he was restless and restless, and he stood calmly for half an hour.

During Su Jie's observation, the "roots" of the three of them had already begun to form.

In fact, military training is also to improve people's spirit. Standing in the military posture is different from martial arts standing, but it has the same effect in cultivating temperament.

Even a bum with a wretched appearance, after going to the army for a year, he will be a majestic, clean and refreshing soldier when he comes back.

Half a month of military training passed quickly, and college life completely returned to normal.

The subject of life sciences includes many subjects, such as animal biology, plant biology, microbes, biochemistry, cells, genetics, genes, nerves, molecular biology, etc. Compared with other departments, there are more things.

But Su Jie doesn’t care, he is a top student himself, and he also read books during military training, and he learned to understand the knowledge in the textbooks almost quickly. He is still using the artificial intelligence learning machine of his elder sister Su Muchen to acquire more knowledge. It even includes some foreign laboratory research results, papers and experimental results in various scientific journals.

In fact, the most important thing in college is self-study, which is far less strict than high school. Many students with good grades in high school can't stand the temptation to play games and surf the Internet in college, which leads to failing courses and retaking.

But for a self-disciplined person like Su Jie, this kind of relaxed academic atmosphere can make his study ability play to the best state.

Flash forward to the weekend of mid-to-late September, and Su Jie was about to prepare for the competition in October.

He didn't need to ask for leave, because Minglun Martial Arts School's Haoyu Cup competition was held during the seven-day National Day holiday.

He has also made an agreement with Zhang Manman and Zhang Jinchuan.

Zhang Jinchuan was not admitted to Q University, but was admitted to B University with the same reputation. His business has become more and more smooth, and he has recently received a financing of several hundred million, which is bigger than Haoyu Group Big Mac - Mingxia Group.

Domestic private enterprises, the two largest companies, both have a market value of more than one trillion yuan, ranking among the top ten in the world. The first is Mingxia Group, the second is Hedao Group, the third is Zhonglong, and the fourth is Haoyu.

However, Mingxia and Hedao Group take turns to sit on the bank. Sometimes I surpass you in the international stock price, and sometimes you surpass me, so it is impossible to tell who is the first and who is the second.

In short, these two companies are the real giants that Haoyu cannot shake.

Haoyu Group is catching up fiercely and has a long-term layout.

Now that Zhang Jinchuan's company has received investment from Mingxia Group, it can be said that it has big thick legs, and it is basically not afraid of Haoyu's tricks.

However, Su Jie knows that behind Haoyu, there is a force that cannot even be compared with the two major groups of Mingxia and Hedao combined. For example, the mysterious Tifeng training camp, the mysterious force that produced virtual currency, is now appearing What came out was just the tip of the iceberg.

the phone is ringing.

It was Yu Jiang who called.

"Su Jie, my comrade-in-arms is free, and I have an appointment with you at the Jiuding training camp. I will send you the address. Can you come?" Yu Jiang asked.

"Yes." Su Jie agreed, and Yu Jiang hung up the phone.

"Jiuding training camp?" He checked the map and found that the training camp was in the outskirts, relatively remote, and he could only spend more than 1,000 yuan to charter a car there: "Isn't that the security training base of Jiuding company? Last time I went to dinner with my roommate, and the security guards I met were the bodyguards of Jiuding Security, in all fairness, the bodyguards of this company are quite capable, but it is a pity that they met me."

He packed the car on the software and left.

More than one thousand yuan is almost a month's living expenses for college students.

Su Jie is now also a person with more than two million huge sums of money, and he is living very well.

The roads in City B were very congested. It took two hours to get out of the city, and another hour to drive to the suburbs. According to the map, we arrived at a large training ground.

These are all bungalows, surrounded by barbed wire and walls, and there are sounds of exercises coming from inside, as if someone is conducting military training.

The door was closed tightly, and there were bodyguards standing guard, watching over it, and no one was allowed to enter or leave at will.

When Su Jie arrived at the door, he called Yu Jiang again.

Yu Jiang came out in a hurry and took Su Jie in, and the two came to a big boxing gym.

From far away came the sound of "hi", "ha", "uh hee" and other boxing exercises. When I entered this boxing gym, I found hundreds of sandbags. They didn't wear protective gear or gloves when practicing fighting and capturing, which was extremely brutal.

These people are bodyguards, not fighting fighters. Naturally, they don't wear gloves and protective gear. They must conduct the most realistic training, and even block bullets for their employers when necessary.

Ordinary people would be terrified when they entered this training hall.

"In front is my comrade-in-arms, Shen Dao." Yu Jiang pointed to a group of burly men fighting in the middle of the training ground.

The man was wearing a vest, and Su Jie could even see obvious gunshot scars on his back.

Su Jie closed his eyes, didn't look at the person's appearance, not even at the muscles and bones, but felt his "root", and instantly realized that the person's central axis from the head to the soles of the feet was no longer a pillar. So simple, the whole person is a pyramid.

In other words, when Su Jie looked at Shen Dao, he didn't see a person, but a tall, stable and mysterious pyramid.

As recorded in Liezi, Jiu Fanggao gave Qin Mugong a horse, saying that he had chosen a yellow mare, but when he brought it back, it was a black stallion. Bole praised Jiu Fanggao, saying that he was a thousand times better at looking at horses than himself, and he liked the inner spirit of horses, not their appearance.

According to the theory of the "root" of martial arts "root" of Xianghua, the first person in Japanese judo, Su Jie combined with feng shui to look at people, and gained a lot.

The heavy knife in front of me is strong! Very strong! Super strong! over Daru.

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