Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 170 Thunder in the palm

Any Liulong match will definitely become the focus of the audience.

And Zhang Jinchuan himself bought the media for hype, and the attention is not small.

In the blink of an eye, the contest between the two in the arena has become quite heated.

"In terms of winning, Liulong is definitely much bigger, but Zhang Jinchuan is also unfathomable. Maybe some miracle will happen." Su Jie thought to himself.

In his heart, he still hoped that Zhang Jinchuan would win.

If he wins, Zhang Jinchuan will get a lot of points, and these points will be added to the Dian Dao Wushu team. It is very likely that "Dian Dao Wushu" will win the team championship.

The individual champion has a bonus of 10 million yuan, and the team bonus has a bonus of 30 million yuan.

If all of them are involved, not to mention the popularity of Diandao martial arts, there will be great profits and benefits, and many things can be done.

Huaxing has always wanted to buy a real field and use the best training equipment, but unfortunately it is still short of money.

Liu Long and Zhang Jinchuan stood on the stage.

Zhang Jinchuan looked at the other party, his eyes flickered, and there was a flame burning deep in his pupils.

Su Jie could see that he was already boiling, and there was nothing unusual on the surface, but the adrenal glands began to increase rapidly, and the whole person was like a powder keg, burning at the slightest touch.

Liu Long, on the other hand, had a relaxed expression, and moved around a few times casually, without seeing the slightest bit of tension.

He has experienced too many battles, especially this kind of group arena.

In the international arena, he has also had many contests with the top international fighters. To him, today's battle was just an insignificant matter.

At the beginning of the game, he smiled and nodded to Zhang Jinchuan: "I like watching your Moyin APP very much. After today's game, are you interested in chatting about our Dragon Club's entry into Moyin?"

Zhang Jinchuan just nodded and didn't speak, as if he would reveal his energy when he opened his mouth.


The referee issued an order.

Zhang Jinchuan started to move, his footwork was nimble, he tried left and right, but he didn't make a move immediately.

Facing Liu Long, the number one fighter in China,

It is absolutely impossible for him to take his guard lightly and make a rash move, otherwise he will very likely be angry on the spot.

"It would be great if we fought without rules..." Suddenly, Zhang Jinchuan had such a thought in his heart: "On the street, I can use hidden weapons, and in that case, I should be able to defeat Liulong. "

Liu Long stood still, Zhang Jinchuan probed left and right, but he couldn't find any flaws. He even felt that if he made a move first, he might be intercepted by the opponent, take advantage of the momentum to attack, and then fall into a disadvantage.

This feeling is very uncomfortable, Zhang Jinchuan urgently wants to use the hidden weapon.

"No, the two are facing each other, and Zhang Jinchuan has a problem with his mentality." Su Jie in the audience had an extremely keen feeling.

Not only him, almost at the same time, Liu Long also seemed to sense Zhang Jinchuan's momentary distraction.


He jumped like a shrimp, bowed to snatch, and struck with a punch.

When the punch was released, he didn't clenched it tightly, and the air flow passed between his five fingers. When he was about to approach Zhang Jinchuan, Liu Long suddenly clenched the fist, and the air flow was squeezed out suddenly, making the sound of a balloon exploding and bang, which was frightening. Shocked.

"What kind of martial art is this?" Su Jie's eyes lit up when he saw Liu Long make a move, because he had never seen the power of this kind of boxing.

Clenching out a fist in a virtual way, the moment you get close to the opponent, you clenched it suddenly, pushing out the air in your palm and making a sound. Not only is it the most powerful in terms of power, but it also has a feeling of thunder in your palm.

It seemed he could strike a thunderbolt.

Zhang Jinchuan hardly reacted, he raised his hands violently, slid his body back, hugged his head first, kicked out with his feet, and intercepted it.

But Liu Long also followed, blocked Zhang Jinchuan's leg with his feet, and hit Zhang Jinchuan's arm directly with his fist.


After Zhang Jinchuan was hit by this blow, he saw that his arms were quickly reddened, congested, and turned purple. Obviously, he had suffered a lot of damage.

"Zhang Jinchuan's combat power has been weakened. I couldn't even use Liu Long's punch just now. Don't look at this small punch. It is the strength of the whole body that has reached a perfect coordination. At that time, it was only because of a sudden burst of tension that he was able to strike such a punch with such penetrating power and speed, if Liu Long could perform it again, it would simply sweep away thousands of troops, even Feng Hengyi might not be able to defeat him."

A flash of thought flashed in Su Jie's heart.

When Liu Long punched, the air flow was forced out from his palm, and there was a bang sound. This is actually a kind of knowledge of atmospheric pressure, a kind of "cavitation phenomenon".

This stuff can be seen on gun prawns.

The gun shrimp is suddenly clamped with pliers in the water, and the resulting speed can make the surrounding water temperature instantly increase to 4500 degrees Celsius. The temperature close to the surface of the sun, the shock wave produced is like a miniature bullet, making the prey fatal in one blow.

Of course, it is impossible for humans to emit such power.

In some theory, a human is not as good as a shrimp.

This made Su Jie think of a word, that is "thunder in the palm".

It is rumored that ancient Taoist priests could send thunder in their palms, subduing demons and eliminating demons, beheading ghosts and seizing souls.

Su Jie practiced the "Thirteen Taibao Henglian Golden Bell Cover Iron Cloth Shirt Dragon Tiger King Kong Hard Qigong", in which Ou Deli borrowed some Taoist Qigong and transformed it with artificial intelligence combined with kinesiology, human body, endocrinology and psychology. into.

Odeli also said in the video that there is a mysterious kung fu in Taoism called "Palm Thunder", but he has never seen it before, and he is also looking for it.

Su Jie saw the shadow of "Thunder in the Palm" from Liu Long's punch just now.

At that moment just now, Zhang Jinchuan ran extremely fast, and almost used his footwork and body skills to defuse 90% of Liu Long's fist strength, but he still touched it slightly, and he didn't want to be beaten like this.


Liu Long seized the opportunity and rushed over, using the famous signature killer "Liu-style fast legs".

Crack! Snapped!

His legs are like whips, whipping from side to side, low and dense, more flexible than his hands, I don't know how to train them.

But in Su Jie's view, although this "Liu-style fast leg" is powerful, it is much worse than the punch just now. If Liu Long sends out the punch just now again, Zhang Jinchuan will be instantly killed.

But Liu Long didn't strike again, there was only one reason, that is, he couldn't strike a second time. The blow just now was the strongest blow he struck with all his concentration, and it was impossible to strike it a second time in a short period of time.

Moreover, Su Jie has never seen Liu Long perform such a punch in a match. It is obviously his secret killer move. He has only recently practiced it successfully and can use it in actual combat. He used it on Zhang Jinchuan when we met for the first time. .

He didn't dare to use it in a real decisive battle because although this move is powerful, it consumes a lot of stamina. If he misses the opponent and is dodged, his stamina will drop and he will be taken advantage of by the opponent instead.

"Zhang Jinchuan lost, and Liu Long deserves to be Liu Long. The number one fighter is not in vain. Many masters who are similar to him lost to him in the competition. Some people even lost for no reason. Now It seems that those people should have been convinced when they lost."

Su Jie could tell that Liu Long was that kind of "God of War" character, strong even when he was weak, and even stronger when he was strong.

Sure enough, Zhang Jinchuan's arm was red, swollen and purple, and the pain was so severe that he seemed to have completely lost his fighting power.

Liu Long's attacks became more and more ferocious, blowing like a storm with fists and kicks.

After being hit a few times, Zhang Jinchuan finally couldn't take it anymore, and directly surrendered, very unwilling.

He knew that the reason for his failure was that the first punch was swept.

If he could avoid the first punch, he might not lose like this.

But there is no if in this world, if you lose, you lose.

Zhang Jinchuan was also very straightforward. He immediately went to see a doctor. His arms were injured and he needed to be treated in time, otherwise there might be sequelae.

Seeing that Zhang Jinchuan had lost, Su Jie felt a pity in his heart, knowing that it would be very difficult to win the team championship in this martial arts competition.

"Second match, Ding Gang vs. Zhou Chun."

Su Jie was still observing, Zhou Chun's strength was not on his mind.

Sure enough, Zhou Chun and Ding Gang were fighting. After fighting for three minutes, Ding Gang seized the opportunity and attacked Zhou Chun violently, knocking Zhou Chun to the ground.

Then there was Song Gua versus Lei Heming, Feng Hengyi versus Jiang Tao, and Su Jie versus Ma Heng.

Ma Heng is a player of the Mingxia Group. He is extremely strong. He has no points ranking in China, but he is well-known abroad. But when he met Su Jie, he was still defeated by his wrestling.

Su Jie used the magic step, the grappling technique, grabbed the cross of the horse, entangled and fell, and locked him on the ground so that he could not move.

In the next match, Song Gua defeated Lei Heming, and Feng Hengyi naturally defeated Jiang Tao easily.

Out of ten, five remained.

Liu Long, Feng Hengyi, Su Jie, Song Gua, Ding Gang.

The circle is getting smaller and smaller, and the fourth day of the game is over.

The fifth day is the most crucial match. There are two matches in total. Apart from Liu Long, Feng Hengyi, Su Jie, Song Gua, and Ding Gang will draw lots to fight each other, and the victors among the four will fight again. , choose one person. Fight Liulong on the sixth day.

In other words, the rules of the contest are that Liu Long does not have to participate in the last two games.

This is the game rule that Liu Long and Haoyu Group negotiated.

After all, if the Haoyu Cup competition wants to have a high level, Liu Long must be invited to come.

Many viewers can also understand.

A master of Liu Long's level is qualified to discuss the competition rules with Haoyu Group.

At night, Zhang Jinchuan was wrapped in a medicine bag, and Zhang Manman and Su Jie gathered in the small courtyard again.

"Are you okay?" Su Jie asked immediately.

"Fortunately, it's just a bone fracture." Zhang Jinchuan's face was a little unhappy: "Although I dissipated most of his strength, but that punch was too fierce, and I don't know how it works. I have never seen it. This kind of boxing."

"I don't know either." Su Jie shook his head: "If you are mentally prepared, you may have a chance to avoid that punch."

"It's up to you tomorrow." Zhang Manman looked at Su Jie: "It's not a problem for me to win the championship of the women's group. There are no strong people in the women's group."

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