Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 183: The tip of the iceberg has been revealed

"Why?" Jiang Nanzhou and many members of the fighting club were not happy when they heard it: "We worked so hard to invite King Liulong. What is your martial arts club doing? Do you want to listen here and ask for guidance?"

Liu Long's guidance is very expensive, and the members of the fighting club finally had this opportunity, so naturally they didn't want to be shared by the members of the martial arts club.

Liu Long's time here will not be too long, and the number of people he can guide is limited.

"Okay." Qin Hui ordered directly: "The martial arts club and the fighting club are waiting here for Liulong Tianwang to come. Fang Hong, Jiang Nanzhou, you two come here."

Both Fang Hong and Jiang Nanzhou seemed rebellious, able to manage a society, and they were also influential figures in school, but under Qin Hui's order, both of them could only obey.

"This Qin Hui is really annoying." Tan Dashi underestimated: "Boss, should we stay here or leave? It looks like they are going to drive people away. I want to see Liu Long."

In the minds of fighting fans, Liu Long is an idol like a superstar, and Tan Dashi's desire to see it with his own eyes is very enthusiastic.

Not only him, but Wang Shun and Lin Tang also wanted to see this idol after being brought into the martial arts circle by Su Jie.

Su Jie also knows that sometimes idols are also a kind of psychological motivation for them.

Even he himself wanted to communicate with Liu Long. It was a great pity that he didn't meet Liu Long in the Haoyu Cup group arena.

Qin Hui pulled Fang Hong and Jiang Nanzhou aside: "What's going on between the martial arts club and the fighting club? It's meaningless. Why don't you merge it? In this way, if you merge and combine performances and competitions, how about I raise investment for you outside? The training ground in our school is not very advanced. I can find a better training ground outside, let world-class fighting coaches train you, and sign contracts with players, and have the opportunity to compete on a world-class stage. How about it?"

"Really?" Jiang Nanzhou was surprised.

He knew that Qin Hui, a senior, had great supernatural powers, and his own fighting strength was stronger than him, but he didn't show it. Once in a trial, Qin Hui captured him with only one move.

Moreover, Qin Hui has already started a business outside and has his own company. It is said that he is involved in foreign trade and earns a lot of money every year.

Facing the vice chairman of the student union, Jiang Nanzhou was both jealous and respectful.

"I'll still lie to you?" Qin Hui swept his eyes: "Fang Hong, your old Fang family is from a family of martial arts.

The White Crane Fist handed down by Fang Qiniang in the Qing Dynasty, now the essence of the Minghe, Feihe, Shihe, and Suhe four fists in the White Crane Fist is only available in your Fang family, and you have been one of your Fang family for decades The person who practiced the artistic conception of "Songhe Yannian". But what era is it now? This small family secret is not worth mentioning in the face of the tide of informationization. Your idea is to revive traditional martial arts, but this false proposition, the sword will never beat the cannon. I have been to foreign high-end training venues, a set/movement input into the computer, the artificial intelligence can instantly analyze and improve according to human kinematics, and even use the mechanical arm to correct your mistakes, and stipulate how much you exercise every day, Not bad. To be honest, if you practice for ten or eight years, it is not as fast as others for one year. "

"How do you know so well about our family's unique knowledge?" Fang Hong was extremely shocked deep in his heart, and it even showed on his face.

"It's not a secret." Qin Hui's tone was calm, showing an insignificant gesture.

"Come on, Fang Hong, I know that you have some skills, but the training methods of the martial arts club you lead are really backward. You take them to stand, dismantle moves, practice routines, and practice qigong every day, all of which are inefficient. According to the training method of your martial arts club, even if you train for three to five years, our fighting club can practice fighting for three months, and you can beat your teeth all over the place. We practice each other every day, bleeding and sweating, and you are just playing cool Just pretend to be handsome!" Jiang Nanzhou sneered.

"Jiang Nanzhou, your training is also very primitive. According to the most advanced training method, one month of training can completely beat you." Qin Hui said: "Recently, my company has received a sum of investment. If you cooperate with me, You can also enjoy the latest training methods. Think about it. Also, wait for Liu Long to come, don’t make a mess, and clean up the irrelevant ones.”

"You said it was the four of them?" Fang Hong said: "That freshman is a master, Jiang Nanzhou is no match for him, I think it can be absorbed into the martial arts club."

"It's not necessary for the time being." Qin Hui's eyes flashed: "The most important thing about people in the martial arts club is their character. Freshmen have only been in for a long time, and they have to be assessed. In addition, I will introduce a business group to you soon, and introduce funds to sponsor development , if the personnel is complex, other changes will occur."

"Then I'll ask them to leave here." Jiang Nanzhou wanted to show it in front of Qin Hui.

He felt a little uncomfortable in his legs, which was caused by the back-shock from the chop on Su Jie just now, but it didn't affect his walking.

Walking in front of Su Jie, Jiang Nanzhou said: "Student, our game is cancelled, and you don't need to be a referee. When our two clubs have activities, you have to avoid it."

"Later, Liu Long is coming, why can't we get in touch?" Tan Dashi said: "Boss, if we don't leave, we will wait for Liu Long to come. I still want to ask him about wrestling."

Su Jie remained calm. He already knew that it was Qin Hui who was causing trouble. Just now, Qin Hui was far away from them when he spoke, but Su Jie's hearing was far superior to that of ordinary people, and all their conversations were transmitted into his mind.

"Don't make trouble." Jiang Nanzhou frowned. If it was a few ordinary students, he would immediately drive them away, but Su Jie's skill just now made him very afraid. If there was a conflict, he might suffer a loss.

"Troubleshooting? It's stipulated that all students can come here. It's not the private venue of your fighting club. If you two clubs grab the venue, you have to clear the venue. That's just an unspoken rule. Don't make it look like an old lady dancing in the park." Lin Tang said: "We won't leave today, we will exercise here and wait for Liu Long to come. I see what you can do with us?"

"We are all classmates, and no one is superior to anyone else." Wang Shun also said: "Old Jiang, look at your humble appearance, a vice chairman of the student union, and not a real official in reality. The officials in our town violated the regulations. I wrote a report letter on it, and immediately deleted it. It’s meaningless.”

"Are you going or not?" Jiang Nanzhou's face turned down.

"Why can't you do such a small thing well?" Qin Hui from a distance saw this scene, and strode up: "Four, our student union has activities to do, please leave immediately."

"Tch, who are you scaring? The student union? Do you really think you are an official?" Wang Shun laughed out loud.

Su Jie smiled. Wang Shun came from the countryside. According to the general practice, this kind of freshman is the most honest. When he came to school, he was submissive, but Wang Shun was different. He was okay at the beginning, but now he is very courageous.

Qin Hui's eyes turned cold, and some cruelty came out of his body.

Su Jie squinted his eyes, and he could sense in that instant that Qin Hui was not as simple as a student, and the cruelty just now was definitely not obtained from the student union in the school.

"Jiang Nanzhou, please get them out!" Qin Hui was not interested in talking to these freshmen again, "Minister Lu, write down the names of these four freshmen and report them to their counselors and the leaders of the school. You can punish them as you like."

"Okay." A female student behind Qin Hui nodded and took out a tablet to record.

"It's really full of bureaucracy. Fortunately, it's a play house game of the student union. If you really let him become an official?" Lin Tang shrugged: "If I have the ability like you, boss, I will go up and beat him up now. Let him lose face."

"Four, I am Lu Xuan from the Disciplinary Inspection Department of the Student Union. I have recorded your names. I hope you will stop making trouble and disrupt the school order. Otherwise, the consequences will be serious. Report it to your class, department, and college. You will definitely be demerited, which will have a serious impact on your future postgraduate entrance examinations and graduation. If you continue to disrupt school order, you may even be expelled. You have worked so hard to get into Q University, so you should know how to cherish it."

The girl Lu Xuan from the discipline inspection department spoke very formally, with a more official tone in her tone, including words such as "demerit" and "expulsion", which can definitely scare away many students.

Sure enough, Lin Tang, Tan Dashi, and Wang Shun all looked at Su Jie.

Obviously, they regarded Su Jie as their backbone.

The words "demerit" and "expulsion" also made them feel jealous.

Su Jie only thought it was too funny for this girl to speak in an official tone.

He was about to speak, but at this moment, several people entered the door again, one of them was Liu Long, and there were several fighters from his "Dragon Club" behind him.

At this time, several student union officials had no time to say anything to Su Jie and the others, and immediately went up to meet them, especially Qin Hui who walked the fastest and went up in a hurry.

"Qin Hui." Liu Long is very easy-going, without any airs, ordinary, can't see the glory of the King of Fighters, and has returned to the original, he shook hands with Qin Hui: "I know you, I saw you in Solo's club You, you seem to have been training there for a long time?"

"I'm just a student, Liu Tianwang still remembers me." Qin Hui's face was full of spring breeze: "This time our student union invites you to teach, and we also want to improve the fighting level of our q university."

"Where, where, Q college students are the proud sons of heaven. I was very poor and didn't get in the exam. I regret it now. I will definitely come here to study after I retire." Liu Long said: "I have already told the school leaders just now. , they all said yes."

When Liu Long was talking, he glanced at the people present, and suddenly saw Su Jie, his eyes lit up, and he strode over.

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