Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 186 Auxiliary Breakthrough Winning Glory for the Country and Defeating the Boxing Champion

Liu Long is at a critical moment of comprehension.

He is gesturing non-stop, using various Taoist grips, and the body's energy is actually combined with the Yanshan Great Wall. He seems to have found some kind of spiritual sustenance in the dark, and regards himself as the Great Wall.


Su Jie roared violently, matching Liu Long's comprehension.

He activated his own "Thirteen Taibao horizontally practicing the golden bell-covered iron cloth shirt dragon tiger diamond hard qigong".

Because this kind of kung fu contains many skills of nourishing qi and cultivating the mind of Buddhism and Taoism.

These skills must have been of great help to Liu Long.

Sure enough, under Su Jie's roar of dragons and tigers, Liu Long looked over, and gradually he was also practicing the deepest level of comprehension.

Su Jie's hard qigong has progressed rapidly. After stepping into the realm of the "living dead", he can use any kung fu at his fingertips and gain insight into the most essential mysteries.

He performed a full-body volley, accompanied by a long cry, and echoed with the mountains, as if the Great Wall of Yanshan Mountain had come to life, and it also sent out a long cry to respond to him.

The Great Wall, which existed in the Qin and Han Dynasties, was revived from the dusty history, showing a new look, and taking off again.

Liu Long listened to the long roar and watched Su Jie's movements, and suddenly felt the desolation of the ancient times rushing towards his face.

The giant dragon from the ancient barbaric era gradually came out of the mist and injected into his body.

"Between mountains and seas, historical reality, people and heaven and earth." Liu Long sighed: "Humans are still animals based on emotions, and the surrounding environment can greatly change people's hearts."

Suddenly, he also let out a long roar, echoing with Su Jie.

The two shouted louder and louder, the sound was transmitted far away, and the mountains resounded into one piece.

Gradually, Liu Long completely entered another state.

Su Jie paused slowly, watching Liu Long waving his hands and leaping all over his body, as if he was "jumping to a great god".

He knew it might be a training method.

In Muay Thai, there is also such a "teacher dance".

Every muay thai player, before the competition, will dance a section of this dance, accompanied by the unique music of muay thai, to enhance momentum and strengthen meditation, making himself as if possessed by the god of war, invincible.

The "appreciation dance" in Muay Thai is also a kind of prayer ceremony, which is mysterious and somewhat similar to the Chinese "asking God" and "God Fighting".

As a Muay Thai fighter, the first thing to learn is this dance.

Now, this set of Liu Long's dance has the color of Taoist praying for rain and offering sacrifices to heaven. Although Su Jie has never seen it, he can immediately judge what style it is in his heart.

Body movements contain cultural characteristics.

For example, Taoist kung fu is soft and soothing, even if there is a violent movement, it will suddenly explode like thunder, followed by gentle wind and light rain, and everything will naturally move closer to heaven and earth.

But Buddhist Kung Fu is fierce, brave, decisive and thorough, majestic like a dragon and elephant, with infinite power and explosive energy.

The two styles are quite different.

The dance of Liulong is a dance of praying for rain and offering sacrifices to heaven, an ancient Taoist ritual.

Now he has found inspiration under Su Jie's hard qigong, and even integrated himself into the artistic conception of the Great Wall.

A few hours passed, the sky darkened, and Liulong was still dancing.

Su Jie was very peaceful, just watching his changes like this.

Suddenly, Liu Long uttered a long roar again, the wind and clouds were violent, and the sky unexpectedly began to rain densely.

Of course, Liu Long didn't get it by praying, it just happened to be the meeting, and it was cloudy and rainy.

"I understand." Liu Long's whole body shook, and he woke up suddenly, his whole body was already wet by the rain.

"One autumn rain and one cold, let's go back." Su Jie knew that Liu Long had really understood something.

The two immediately went down the mountain and drove back.

The battle between Liulong and Muay Thai champion Bangalong is imminent.

After this time, Liu Long did not train with Su Jie, but locked himself in the small room by himself, and began to meditate.

Su Jie knew that he was making the final psychological adjustments for the most peak battle of his career.

He and Muay Thai champion Benjaron are fateful enemies. If he can completely defeat his opponent in the final battle, it will add the most colorful touch to his career, or draw a successful conclusion.

Su Jie also returned to school, continued to exercise, learned various knowledge, and trained the three brothers in the dormitory.

Another month passed.

It's already December.

Liulong flew to the United States, still in the old place Las Vegas, and the battle between him and Muay Thai king Benjaron began.

Su Jie didn't watch the live broadcast of the game, he was calculating the scene of the battle between the two in his mind.

"Boss, why don't you watch the live broadcast of Liu Long and Ben Jialong? This live broadcast is in the early morning, why don't you give us a holiday? Let's stay up late to watch it in the early morning." Tan Dashi applied to Su Jie before going to bed that day.

Lin Tang and Wang Shun also felt itchy in their hearts and echoed repeatedly.

They have trained in Liulong Club for more than two months, and their strength has greatly improved. Under Su Jie's devil training that he works and rests on time every day, even on weekends, he doesn't have a holiday, so he gradually survived and began to adapt.

But it’s still a long way from being happy.

They haven't really calmed down yet.

After truly calming down, there will be no turning back.

They are now able to work and rest on time, and strengthen their training all because of Su Jie's role model to supervise and set an example.

If there was no Su Jie, they would still be lazy and gradually give up their work and rest. This is called "regression" in Buddhism.

Many soldiers are like this. They have been training every day for several years in the army, and their quality is very strong. But after retiring, he slacked off, his body gained weight rapidly, and his physical fitness also dropped sharply, but he couldn't make the step from "fixed" to "quiet".

This is the most critical step for human beings. Once crossed, it is the beginning of the transformation from ordinary people to "sages".

What Su Jie wants to help is to let these three brothers complete this transformation.

Thinking about it this way, he seemed to have entered a state of "quietness" directly, and he didn't need others to supervise and spur him at all.

"No." Su Jie ordered directly: "Start to sleep now, no matter what happens, it will be unshakable, work and rest on time, and exercise on time. Sleep!"

The three of them had no choice but to lie down.

Under Su Jie's training, they have been able to completely obey orders, just like soldiers in an army obeying the orders of their superiors.

Waking up at 4 am the next morning, in a hurry, Tan Dashi clicked on his cell phone, read the news in three seconds, and said to Su Jie who was washing up: "Boss, guess who won yesterday's game? "

"Of course Liu Long won. The match lasted three rounds. Liu Long should have lost one round first, then won two rounds in a row, and finally KO'd Ben Jialong." Su Jie said.

"Boss, you must have secretly watched the game last night, otherwise how would you know so clearly." Tan Dashi looked surprised.

"This kind of thing can be estimated." Su Jie said: "Don't watch their games now, we have a set time to watch the news every day. I will explain their movements to you later."

Su Jie took the three of them to start their daily exercise.

The weather in City B in December has become very cold. The dripping water turns into ice, and the cold wind howls outside. Even the pond in the school has condensed into a thick layer of ice. People will freeze if they walk outside for a while.

Especially at 4 o'clock in the morning, people will suffer as long as they leave the heating.

But Su Jie still took the three of them outside to start their daily activities.

"It's cold." Tan Dashi was shivering with the cold in his thick down jacket. He saw that Su Jie was still wearing sportswear, which was very thin, like a mountain made of gold and iron in the cold wind.

Even within five steps of approaching Su Jie, he could feel a wave of heat.

I don't know what kind of physique Su Jie is.

"The canned food that you all eat after winter is the nutrition for some special fighters in Siberia. They didn't get cold when they trained in the severe cold of minus 50 degrees. What's the coldness now? In addition, your skin is painted With antifreeze oil, there will be absolutely no problems with the body, and it will only get stronger and stronger. Start practicing!" Su Jie was ruthless, and urged them to exercise their bodies in the freezing weather.

"Liulong defeated Bangalong, defeated Muay Thai with Chinese Kung Fu, and returned triumphantly."

In the office of the sports department of Mingxia Group, Xia Yi was watching the news on the screen.

She watched the video of Liu Long defeating Ben Jialong over and over again, and various high-definition slow-motion replays.

"Liu Long announced that half of the bonuses, copyright fees and other sponsorship awards, as well as the income from gambling/lottery, will be used to cooperate with Diandao Wushu to establish a cultivation fund."

Xia Yi read another piece of news.

She fell into deep thought.

"Xiaoyi, you are also watching the game." At this moment, a young man came over, "Unexpectedly, Liulong defeated Ban Jialong, and it was a Jedi counterattack. Everyone was not optimistic about Liulong before the game. Gallon has been so powerful recently that he has defeated several top ten players in the world in a row. I heard that before the game, Liu Long put all his wealth on the bet and bought himself to win. So did Ben Galon He put all his wealth on the market and bought him to win, saying that if he lost, he would become a monk. This game was really exciting, and many professionals said that they hadn’t seen such a wonderful game in at least 20 years.”

"Brother, how much did Liu Long earn this time?" Xia Yi asked.

"Actually, the prize money is not much. The most important thing is that the odds are very high, and the odds are 5 to 1. So Liu Long put all his eggs in one basket and won by himself. This profit is at least several hundred million." This young man is Xia Yi's brother, Called Xia Ping: "He is really going all out. Once he loses, he will be completely unable to turn over."

"The one who can't turn around now is Benjalong. I read the news that he has returned to Thailand and formally became a monk in a temple. Anyway, he has nothing, so it doesn't matter." Xia Yi shook her head.

"They are really crazy." Xia Ping clicked his tongue twice.

"It's nothing. Japan used to commit seppuku if they didn't win in martial arts competitions." Xia Yi said, "Brother, what is the origin of this little martial art?"

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