Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 197: The Guardian God Don't Care About Various Assessments

For a master who is proficient in fighting and physical training, Su Jie who has stepped into the realm of the "living dead" is a superman.

If a person enters the realm of the "living dead" after the age of thirty, then his physical fitness will not be able to improve so much, not to mention that in the whole world, it is impossible to reach this realm at the age of thirty, forty There is still hope.

At thirty, I have just started to stand on my own.

Forty is not confused, at this time there is no doubt about life, and I know how I should go in the future.

Fifty knows the destiny, and at this moment, stepping into the realm of the "living dead" can be regarded as having a foundation.

Su Jie was only eighteen years old when he stepped into the realm of the "living dead", not even twenty years old. At this time, his body functions have not yet reached the peak, and his foundation has become vigorous at once, just like a thriving sapling fattening up again. is invincible.

At this moment, Su Jie also knew many things. After he entered this realm, he studied more attentively and brewed all kinds of knowledge in his heart, so he knew his luck, and at the same time he also had some regrets. If I had the state of mind I have now before the age of fifteen, I am afraid that I can sweep the world by using the best method of the Tifeng training camp to cultivate to the present.

The masters in ancient times had such a mentality, but without scientific training and maintenance of the body, the hardware cannot improve, and it is difficult to exert extraordinary strength. It is different in modern times. Combining mental state and scientific training, the quality is not improved a little bit.

Take the 100-meter sprint record as an example. The world record in 1989 was 8 seconds. Created by American Thomas Burke, and until now, this achievement is the standard for a sports student.

This shows how much human physical fitness has evolved in a century.

While completing this assessment, Su Jie multitasked, measuring his physical fitness, data, and reaction ability, and regarded this assessment as practice. This kind of opportunity is rare, and there is no such opportunity for him to train normally.

The training this time required a lot of manpower and material resources.

Swish Swish Swish

After Su Jie arrived at the safe area, he put Cass down without any injuries on his body. He skillfully said, "Miss Cass, my assessment went well this time. How much can you score?"

Only then did Kath wake up from the shock, and looked at the time: "The stipulated time is ten minutes, and you have completed the task in only two minutes, I can't believe it, even the super instructors of several major training camps are very difficult Do it."

"so so.

Su Jie nodded, he knew that the better he performed, the easier it would be for Laric's team to look at him.

Nine minutes later, from a side street, Qin Hui also protected the black examiner Moka and rushed out.

There were some bloodstains on Qin Hui's body, obviously he was hit by a rubber bullet, but he didn't hurt his vitals, and the Moka he was protecting had no problems at all, so he passed the assessment smoothly.

But compared to Su Jie, he was much worse.

The black interviewer Moka was also very surprised when he saw Su Jie, because he found that Su Jie had no injuries on his body, and he seemed to have passed the test long ago.

Seeing Su Jie like this, Qin Hui narrowed his eyes sharply, but he quickly took out the medical kit and skillfully bandaged it to stop the bleeding. He has rich experience in the field and also showed impressive abilities.

"Both of them passed the assessment. Next, we will enter the fourth round." Kath asked the two of them to return to a large venue in the basement, which looked like a banquet hall.

Kath said: "In the first three rounds of assessment, you all did a good job, identifying the murderer, finding the poison, and protecting the employer. According to this ability, you can be Mr. Larich's bodyguards, but Mr. Larich has You may be facing a very powerful enemy, and on some occasions, you cannot bring any weapons, and you must rely on bare-handed combat, so you have to conduct a test of individual gladiatorial combat ability. Next, there will be actual combat at the banquet. Mo and I Cards are still the object of your protection. While you are dealing with the enemy, you must not accidentally injure them, otherwise you will still be eliminated."

While speaking, she asked Moka to take Qin Hui to another simulated banquet hall, while Su Jie stayed behind.

Clapping hands, many people came in immediately, and arranged the place like a big reception. The music started, and many men and women exchanged glasses and chatted.

Kath also pretended to be Mr. Larich, talking and laughing with people here, while Su Jie followed.

"The people are much stronger this time, and they seem to be special agents for assassination missions." Almost instantly, Su Jie found a few people with powerful auras.

He doesn't look at people with his eyes and details at all now, but with his inner intuition. Whether a person is strong or not, and whether he is hostile or not, he can be as vigilant as a wild animal encountering a natural enemy.

This is the real sixth sense, the so-called "extraordinary senses".

Suddenly, someone walked towards Cass.

Su Jie didn't use stones or hidden weapons, because this time the test was about unarmed combat ability, and in a complicated environment like a banquet, he had to deal with the enemy cleanly without causing accidental injury.

Facing this person's advance, Su Jie moved his body and stopped him in front of him. He stretched out his arm and poked his fingers under this person's armpit. It was an unbelievably fast move.

This person passed out immediately and was about to fall to the ground. Su Jie quickly hooked this person to the sofa beside him, without causing the slightest commotion.

At the same time, two or three other people also moved closer to Kath to assassinate, and several people even started to stop Su Jie.

Su Jie seemed to have expected it a long time ago. With a slight slip, his movement was as fast as a basketball superstar's dribbling and dodging, and no one could intercept it at all.

He immediately arrived in front of Kath, and then, the three people who stabbed Kath seemed to be numb, and they were about to fall to the ground, but Su Jie grabbed him and put them aside.

Kath's eyes were even more surprised. She was the interviewer and arranged for this assessment, so she naturally knew what was going on.

This arrangement assesses all mercenary fighters with extremely strong actual combat capabilities, who have been trained as special agents. If they are mixed in the banquet to assassinate, it can cause huge chaos and sensation.

But just like that, Su Jie solved it with his bare hands.

"Is this person a man or a god?" A strong thought appeared in Kath's mind: "The boss is absolutely safe with this person's protection. I must make this person the boss's bodyguard. I have a hunch that maybe the boss's All kinds of crises encountered will be resolved by this person!"

When Su Jie arrived at the present moment, all kinds of miraculous performances finally caused quantitative changes in Kath's heart.

A feeling of regarding Su Jie as a "patron saint" was born in Kath's heart.


After Su Jie interspersed in the banquet and dealt with two armed special agents, the entire banquet was completely wiped out.

"Okay." Cass rang the bell, and all the people in disguise retreated, only seven or eight secret service soldiers were sitting on chairs, still awake.

"This level is ten times more difficult than the first assessment. How did you do it?" Cass couldn't help asking.

In the first round of interviews, the person carrying the weapon was selected from among the 14 people and subdued.

And now the fourth hurdle is to find out seven or eight masters in a banquet, and at the same time subdue them without causing a sensation, and more importantly, to protect the employer.

These Su Jie have done it perfectly.

The degree of difficulty of this level is so high that Cass knows that so far, no one has been able to do this.

In the banquet hall next to it, there was a fierce fighting sound, it seemed that Qin Hui was fighting, and it took more than ten minutes to calm down.

Qin Hui walked out of it with a pale face.

He and Su Jie returned to the lounge again, facing the four major interviewers.

"Sorry, Mr. Qin Hui, you failed the assessment. According to the contract we signed, we will not refund your interview fee, but you were injured during our assessment. After research, we decided to pass the interview to you. The money will be returned to you, and you will also be given a sum of medical expenses. Please sign this document now."

Kath took out a document and signed it to Qin Hui.

Qin Hui looked at Su Jie and asked, "Did he pass the test?"

"Yes, Mr. Qin Hui." Cass nodded: "This Mr. Su Jie successfully passed the four assessments, and the completion was perfect, but you were injured in the third one, and the time was almost over, and the fourth one failed. , Although the gangster was subdued in the end, it caused the gangster to injure the employer, which caused even more confusion, and you failed directly, and you have already lost your qualifications."

"I would like to make a suggestion." Qin Hui said: "Mr. Su Jie is not as strong as you imagined. In this way, I will fight with him with bare hands. If I win him, I hope you can change your attitude toward me." What do you think?"

"I agree with this proposal." The white interviewer said.

"It's against the rules," Kath objected.

"Kath, we are the interviewers, and we have the right to temporarily adjust some assessment content. I think this kind of assessment is quite good, and it can reflect the real strength." The Asian examiner said.

"I also agree." The black examiner Mo Ka said.

"It's okay." Su Jie never refuses anyone who comes, he knows that Qin Hui's plan has been ruined this time, and this person has a heroic look on his face, and he will not let anyone stand in his way, of course he will not be afraid.

"Alright then." Kath also wanted to collect more data from the two of them.

She brought the two of them to a fighting room.

"Su Jie, do you dare to compete with me with weapons?" Qin Hui asked.

"Whatever you want, you can use a weapon, I'll use my bare hands." Su Jie smiled, but Qin Hui's face turned slightly blue when he said this.

"Please give me a military dagger." Qin Hui said to Kath.

Cass pulled out a handful from the boots, and then asked Su Jie, "Mr. Su Jie, do you really not need it?"

"No need at all." Su Jie said: "Miss Kath, you can give this Mr. Qin Hui two daggers, I'm afraid he won't be enough with one."

"Su Jie, you are too arrogant!" With a movement of Qin Hui's body, he rushed towards Su Jie, and the dagger flashed coldly, cutting a line from the middle. (https:)

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