Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 208 Walking and Talking, Exchange Reluctance

"Having the resources to exercise is good."

Half a month has passed, and Su Jie's training has improved a lot. On this day, he was engaged in street fighting. A group of bodyguards armed with live ammunition chased, shot, and arrested him in the long streets and alleys. Keep avoiding, calculating, rehearsing, and using hidden weapons to subdue these bodyguards one by one.

The guns of these bodyguards were all replaced with live ammunition, not that kind of rubber bullet. If they were shot, Su Jie would definitely die.

But he seems to have the function of self-avoidance, and every time he avoids the ballistic shooting at the critical moment. It can detect the ballistic trajectory in advance, so as to dodge, so that the gunner cannot lock himself.

He found that if it was a rubber bullet that could not pose a fatal threat to him, his mental concentration would be lower. If it was a real bullet, and he felt life-threatening, his mental concentration would be highly concentrated and his tension would reach the limit.

This is stress.

It's like weight training.

Weight-bearing training in fighting is especially important. Only by exerting great pressure can the body become stronger quickly.

But now Su Jie is asking these bodyguards to use live ammunition to put him under mental pressure. This kind of daily rehearsal is almost the same as the non-stop practice in a war-torn land, and encounters threats of life and death all the time.

This kind of exercise is the ultimate practice.

Su Jie did not have such resources in the country.


The last bodyguard's bullet was shot out, and a big hole appeared in the wall. The steel bullet bounced back and rubbed against Su Jie's body. The steel ball in Su Jie's hand also shot out at the same time, knocking down the bodyguard's gun, and then another steel ball hit the white bodyguard's body, causing his whole body to convulse and twitch on the ground non-stop.

It took a long time for the white bodyguard to recover, looking at Su Jie with extreme fear on his face.

In the past half a month, Su Jie took them as training targets, and trained them to the point of death, which was not much worse than some harsh spy training.


Su Jie issued an order: "Later, let's go to receive electric stimulation together to relieve fatigue and strengthen muscles and joints."

All the bodyguards turned pale with fright when they heard this.

Here at Larich,

There is also electric stimulation, and it is much more advanced than Uncle Blind's. I don't know how many times it has been studied.

Su Jie had already made a request for electric stimulation, which coincided with Larich's idea, and immediately prepared the most high-end equipment.

In fact, electric stimulation is not special. In medicine, it has many therapeutic effects, such as treating muscle atrophy, treating arthritis, and even treating various mental diseases. It is said that it can also treat Internet addiction.

Seeing the trembling looks of these bodyguards, Su Jie was very satisfied. Within half a month, they completely surrendered. Seeing Su Jie was like a chick seeing an eagle, not daring to disobey his orders.

This is the fear of the strong.

Now Su Jie suspects that his words are more effective than Larich, because they follow Larich for money, and listening to his words is out of fear of power.

They can live without money, but not with life.

They were unwilling to accept electric stimulation, and Su Jie did not order to force him to die. It is impossible for this thing to bear the will unless its will is truly as firm as steel.

Of course, there are many kinds of electric current stimulation, and the stimulation with extremely small amplitude has no feeling on the human body, but the effect is slow.

Su Jie chose high intensity.

He arrived in the stimulation room, where there is an instrument, many mechanical arms, and some needles on the mechanical arms, just like the silver needles of acupuncture. This machine is extremely expensive compared to Uncle Blind's, and it is a special medical device.

Su Jie took off his clothes and went up, let these robotic arms pierce many of his joints, muscles, and neurons with needles, and began to receive stimulation.

Then, a stream of current pulses began to enter many parts of the body, and he was like a robot charging.

Intense pain came spontaneously, but he didn't change his face, and cooperated with the treatment without saying a word.

Modern medicine's grasp of nerves has reached the microscopic level, and Su Jie is studying life sciences. He has gained a lot of knowledge from Larich's laboratory these days. He learned how to stimulate nerves through personal experience during research. The body can make the joints, muscles, heart and lungs stronger.

"Even a super agent would faint or become incontinent with an electric current of this intensity, but he can still bear it."

"His muscles and cells are full of activity."

"When his nerves twitched, it made his whole body tense, but his brain was extremely relaxed, as if he couldn't feel the pain."

“well worth looking into”

When Su Jie was performing electrical stimulation, data such as muscle and cardiopulmonary function, and brain wave patterns were also transmitted to the life science laboratory.

It can also be said that Su Jie is now acting as a kind of guinea pig.

He has read a lot of novels, which say that some people have acquired superpowers, and they do everything possible to hide them, so as not to be caught by the country and become guinea pigs, and everyone is terrified to death.

But he feels that this is also a good thing. With a huge scientific research force to study, he can better grasp the truth.

He is a person who likes to pursue scientific truth and is willing to be a guinea pig. In history, great scientists also use themselves as experiments.

Such people are truly fearless, and they can abandon themselves in the pursuit of scientific truth.

After the stimulation, Su Jie takes a bath, smears the ointment all over his body, absorbs it slowly, then eats to supplement nutrition, rests, and studies. This is his regular routine.

"Su Jie, Mr. Larich is going out for a trip. He doesn't want to spend too much time with too many people and enjoy the life of ordinary people. You can't have any accidents by his side today, understand? Also, tomorrow is Zhang Mr. Larich is going to attend the family annual meeting at home, and you are by his side."

When Su Jie was studying, Kath came over and arranged tasks for him.

"No problem." Su Jie read the itinerary of Mr. Larich in the e-mail, and then looked at the street scene on the satellite map, and rehearsed it in his mind. Those places are the best places to ambush or be attacked by people. Pay attention to those places. He simulated all the angles in his mind.

Being a bodyguard is also a technical job.

This satellite map is the core technology of Larich Company. This giant technology company has its own satellite, which is unmatched by any domestic company.

Now the street view map that Su Jie is looking at is changing all the time, showing the changes in the flow of people and vehicles over there, and the data of each time period is also displayed on it.

With the help of these high technologies, Su Jie's security work is easier.

After simulating all possible emergencies/events in his mind, Su Jie stood up and came to Mr. Larich's office with Kath.

"Ready?" Larich looked at Su Jie and Kath and asked.

"Okay." Cass nodded.

"This time, you will be responsible for my safety." Larich said, "Let's go."

Su Jie didn't say much, and walked not far behind Larich.

He is now the shadow of a bodyguard, and everything follows Laric's arrangements. The other party can go wherever he wants, and he is only responsible for arresting or killing the person who attacked the boss.

When Larich went out, he actually drove himself, a very ordinary commercial vehicle.

It seemed that it was the first time that he took only one person out, and he was in a relaxed mood, humming a little song, very artistic. He was driving very fast, as if releasing his suppressed thoughts.

Su Jie could tell a long time ago that Larich was very unhappy, even a little depressed.

He is not even as happy as ordinary people. He has a lot of things to think about all day long. Besides, he has to worry about others kidnapping and assassinating him. In addition to being on tenterhooks, you are thinking about the future.

With such a mentality, even with the support of super nutritional supplements and health care doctors, the life expectancy will definitely not be too long.

The car quickly drove to the suburbs, stopped by a river, and Larici began to take a walk.

Su Jie followed him at a distance of ten steps, neither very far nor very close, allowing him to keep thinking alone.

"I like walking here very much." Larich said: "When I first started my business, I encountered many problems, and I was thinking here. Soon I got inspiration and solved one trouble after another."

"Mr. Larich, you are very troubled now." Su Jie asked: "What are you worrying about? Is it because you feel that life is passing by every second, day by day, but there is no way to get it back? Or are you afraid of death? Because death Afterwards, no matter how great achievements you have made, how much wealth you have had, it will all be reduced to smoke."

"Yes." Larich regards Su Jie as the object of conversation. If it is an ordinary bodyguard, Larich has no intention of talking to him, but Su Jie is different. According to the data analysis these days, Larich has already regarded Su Jie Seen as "Superman".

Larich continued: "Aren't you afraid? Your achievements are more difficult than mine. I will give you a choice now. If you and I exchange, I will give you all your status and wealth, and you will give you your achievements. Me, do you want to change or not?"

"I won't change it." Su Jie didn't even think about it.

The "living dead" realm he obtained is more precious than any wealth. Not to mention Larich's hundreds of billions of dollars, even if it was trillions in front of him, he was not tempted at all.

"I envy you." Larich looked at Su Jie: "I really want to feel your mental state, but this is the only thing that cannot be bought with money."

Su Jie heard this, and a smile appeared on his face. In this world, wealth can determine many things, but sometimes, it can't buy a change in mentality.

"Do you have any secrets of mentality cultivation, that is, spiritual practice methods, can you tell me? Would you like to be my psychological quality coach?" Larich asked.

"There is no problem with this." Su Jie naturally nodded in agreement.

At this moment, a strong danger surged from the depths of Su Jie's heart, and he suddenly looked at several places, which were the best positions to attack Laric. (https:)

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