Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 218: The strong are invincible and escaped with all their might

Zhang Hongqing is too strong.

So strong that Su Jie didn't even have the intention to defeat this person, he just wanted to find a gap, leave here, and escape with his life.

He could be considered to have encountered a truly extremely strong man, and in just two or three moves, he could see that the opponent's strength was not comparable to his current self. But Su Jie didn't despair, he still saw some hope.

Just like Feng Hengyi back then, in the ring, Feng Hengyi far surpassed him, but he was afraid that Su Jie would go all out and wanted to kill him without cost, so Su Jie got a chance, although he couldn't beat Feng Hengyi , but it can be regarded as a tie.

Of course, Su Jie knew that he was the one who lost that match, and the referee called the stop. If he didn't call the stop, he would be killed by Feng Hengyi.

It's the same now, even more dangerous than in the arena, because both sides used weapons, hidden weapons.

The sword has no eyes, and if you don't pay attention, you will die.

If Zhang Hongqing wanted to kill Su Jie without any cost, he might have to spend some hands and feet.

The current Su Jie is not what it used to be.

Moreover, before Su Jie came, he had guessed that he would face Zhang Hongqing, and he had practiced some trump cards, especially the kung fu on hidden weapons. The needle just now made Zhang Hongqing aware of the difficulty.

"You learned this hidden weapon kung fu from Gu Yang. He is known as the judge. Many masters died under his toothpick. A set of heart-piercing kung fu makes ghosts worry about seeing it. Not only have you learned all the essence of him, They even brought forth new ones." The short stick in Zhang Hongqing's hand shook, as if a poisonous snake was looking for an angle to cut in.

This reminded Su Jie of the ranking of weapons in a novel, the first one is a short stick, which can see the secrets of heaven.

Now, although the short stick in Zhang Hongqing's hand is made of wood, it has insight into the secrets, ingenuity, and endless changes. His dagger is far incomparable. There seems to be some traces of blood on the short stick, and I don't know if it is stained. The blood of many masters.

Su Jie's back was still aching, even if he practiced "Thirteen Taibao Henglian Golden Bell Covered Iron Cloth Shirt Dragon Tiger King Kong Hard Qigong" is now indomitable, almost the real "King Kong is not bad", still can't resist a The power of strike.

Su Jie still practiced mainly bare-handed boxing. He hoeed his head with one move and practiced it over and over again. He didn't have a complete unity of man and soldier in the obsession with weapons. The great masters who are ancient and brilliant today pale in comparison.

try to breathe,

The injured part of Su Jie's back was numb, and he seemed to lose consciousness. This is a very serious situation. Normally, when he was hit with fists, or even sticks and hammers, his blood would be unblocked after a little wriggling and shaking, and there would be no numbness at all.

"You had a problem with your back just now, which will affect your actions. How could it possibly pose a threat to me?" Zhang Hongqing continued to break down Su Jie's psychology.

Su Jie's body seems to be squatting now, his hands are hugging up and down, wrapped together, the dagger is in the palm of his hand, he is a shrunken monkey standing on a branch, or he is showing off his changes, he is very clever, he can attack or retreat with just one ejection, Or burst out and hit a fatal blow.

Zhang Hongqing didn't care about his martial arts movements and moves, but his hidden weapons.

Su Jie's hidden weapon is a needle, which is small, hard to dodge, and has strong penetrating power. A small one can chase souls and kill lives. This is an enhanced version of toothpicks.

In order to protect Larich's safety, Su Jie specially made a batch of steel needles that conform to the principles of mechanics and have strong penetrating properties, and now they are actually in use.

"It seems that you have to kill me today." In the extremely unfavorable state, Su Jie smiled brightly, his body was shaking constantly, his back was beating with blood, and his muscles were shaking Under the pressure, he gradually became conscious, as if a masseur was giving him a massage.

"Huh?" Zhang Hongqing didn't seem to expect it, and nodded in admiration: "Young is good, recovery is so fast, I collected a lot of data in the honey badger training camp, but there is no data on the living dead before the age of twenty. I am not sure If I want to kill you, it’s also very good to take you to the training camp for experiments.”

"Then I have no choice but to do my best." Su Jie was still smiling, and suddenly, he made a move.

The dagger raised.

Three steel needles blocked Zhang Hongqing's route, forming a triangle, like a pyramid, and then he retreated instead of advancing, and ran violently towards the wide part of the street, intending to leave here.

Zhang Hongqing seemed to have expected Su Jie's tactics long ago. The moment Su Jie hit the steel needles, he shook the short stick in his hand, and the three steel needles disappeared, and he did not know where they were hit.

This short stick can actually be used as a shield.

He pursued in a straight line and started immediately. His speed was about the same as that of Su Jie. Within a few steps, he had already caught up with Su Jie, and hit the head with the short stick in his hand again.

But at this moment, Su Jie turned his head sharply, turned and moved, and a dagger appeared in his left hand, and the two daggers protected his head, like two sharp horns.

"Stubborn bull, turn back!"

This is a nirvana move in the mind of "hoeing the head", similar to the "returning the carbine" in marksmanship, but the return of the carbine is a straight line, and the back of the stubborn bull is two points of attack.

In the countryside, the temper of the cow is very stubborn, and it can't be pulled back no matter what. Once pulled back, it may be the time to get angry and touch people.

To be honest, the hard-working cow is extremely terrifying and desperate when he gets angry.

The trick of "Stubborn Bull Turning Back" in Xinyi is based on this as a prototype and created through observation.

Su Jie improved this move again and used it in a hidden weapon. The moment he turned his head, the dagger that was covering his head with both hands flew out, like a bull slamming its horn, and the horn pierced people like a flying knife.

The current situation was that Zhang Hongqing hit Su Jie on the back of the head with a short stick, Su Jie turned his head sharply, and the dagger flew out, stabbing Zhang Hongqing's heart and throat.

This is the rhythm of the same end.

Su Jie's grasp of this move was very good, and he just calculated the rhythm of Zhang Hongqing's pursuit.

If Zhang Hongqing didn't stop, Su Jie's head could be broken, but his heart and throat would also be pierced by the dagger.

Zhang Hongqing also seemed to have expected this move, when the short stick was struck down, it swung left and right, knocking the dagger away, and then sent it again, like a spear stabbing at Su Jie's Tanzhong acupoint.

Although the short stick had no tip, in Zhang Hongqing's hands, it was not a problem at all to pierce through Su Jie's body.

Who says you can't kill someone without a gun?

His delivery was extremely ingenious, as natural as mountains and flowing water, if there were no external factors, Su Jie would undoubtedly die.

But at this moment, the two daggers knocked flying by him circled one by one, flew back, and pierced Zhang Hongqing's ribs instead.

If Zhang Hongqing stabbed through Su Jie, he would have to stab Su Jie.

"Huh?" Zhang Hongqing discovered that there were actually two thin threads connected behind the two daggers, which were transparent and not easy to find in the dark, and Su Jie chose to fight desperately. All the energy and spirit were concentrated, taking away the attention.

This method of tying a rope behind the dagger is called rope dart in traditional martial arts.

Rope darts are extremely difficult to practice, and beginners can easily hit themselves. If you are a real master, you can manipulate it at will and kill people.

Su Jie seemed to have practiced this move for a long time, and when he performed it, he received unexpected results.

It was too late for Zhang Hongqing to pierce Su Jie, and his body retreated violently, making the two daggers that flew back miss again. Although Su Jie was caught by surprise, it was wishful thinking to hurt him.

But after all, Zhang Hongqing was forced to retreat, this time it was a real retreat, and he didn't expect Su Jie's tricks to emerge endlessly.

The dagger fell into the air, but did not stop. Su Jie's arms and body shook, and a dagger was swung by the rope, stabbing Zhang Hongqing who was retreating again. above the wall.

When Su Jie pulled, his whole body was driven by the rope, faster than a monkey, he went straight up the fence and jumped into someone else's house.


At the same time, with a movement of Zhang Hongqing's short stick, he dropped the dagger, out of the control of the thin thread, and then with a movement of his arm, it seemed that a cold light flashed and hit Su Jie's body.

But at this time, Su Jie had already gone upstairs, jumped into someone else's window, and disappeared.

Zhang Hongqing didn't dare to chase after him, because if he wanted to climb the wall now, his body would be in the air and he would be inconvenient to move, so he happened to be used as a hidden weapon target. Even with his ability, he didn't want to encounter such a thing.

He could only watch Su Jie leave here helplessly.

"This kid can actually escape! Using the terrain, hidden weapons, throwing knives, and rope darts, the plan is exquisite, and all of them are indispensable. If he is a little bit slower, he will fall here today." Zhang Hongqing looked at the dagger on the ground, There is also the dagger stuck on the wall, and the transparent thin wire connected behind, I have to admire Su Jie's ability to escape.

"Fortunately, I'm wearing a bulletproof vest, otherwise I would be dead today." At this moment, Su Jie had already arrived in another building, and left quietly, widening the distance, it would be much easier for him to escape.

He took off his coat, and a small steel ball was inlaid on the body armor on the back.

The moment he climbed the wall, Zhang Hongqing shot out the hidden weapon. The steel ball was like a bullet, hitting his back. Although it was not as fierce as a stick, it still made him ache.

As Larich's bodyguard, he has to block bullets at critical moments, so he is not so arrogant. He wears a new type of body armor, which is made of special materials, shockproof, impactproof, and penetrationproof.

Otherwise, Zhang Hongqing's stick hit him on the back, and he would have been unable to bear it.

Although he escaped, Su Jie still had lingering fears.

Zhang Hongqing's kung fu is so high and his methods are so strong, they are still beyond his imagination.

Today was also lucky, allowing him to find an opportunity on the terrain. If he was on flat ground, he would never have any chance.

There is still a big gap between myself and Zhang Hongqing.

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