Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 238: Fulfilling the wish, the heart of a child is enlightened

Xia Yi really has a pure heart when it comes to martial arts fighting. She would rather spend two million U.S. dollars to have the world's second-ranked Greenland and Su Jie fight in a match, just to see if the "god" coach in her mind is really will fail.

Comparing heart to heart, Su Jie thought, if there is a great master who can compete with Ou Deli, he also hopes to see the two fight.

It has been almost two years since he learned martial arts, and Su Jie's vision is simply not the same as before. But Odley is also a "god" in his heart.

Even now, he is definitely not Ou Deli's opponent.

He has seen many formidable characters, such as Zhang Hongqing, and the man with the dragon mask. In his perception, he is still no match for Ou Deli.

Zhang Hongqing can be said to be an absolute boss, with super strength, he can have a chance to kill himself. But if compared with Odeli, it is not bad to be able to escape his life.

So far, Su Jie has never seen anyone more powerful than Odeli.

His father, Su Shilin, was unfathomable, but in comparison, Su Jie felt that Ou Deli had a better chance of winning.

It's not because Master Su's level is low, but because Odeli has Tifeng training camp behind him, he has mastered the highest life science technology, and is able to maintain the vitality of his body all the time.

Realm is one aspect, but the most important thing is technology.

In ancient times, there were people with high realms, but they didn't even have the technology of electric stimulation, and they couldn't push their physical fitness to the peak, let alone other minimally invasive surgeries.

In Larich's laboratory, Su Jie has used various minimally invasive surgeries and more advanced electrical stimulation to cleanse the muscles, bones, muscles and nerves of his whole body, raising his physical fitness to another level.

Many parts that are not usually exercised are also strengthened. This kind of experiment cannot be enjoyed even by national-level professional athletes. It can only be found in high-tech life science laboratories.

"Okay, as long as you agree, I'll go tell the Greenland coach." Xia Yi was afraid that Su Jie would repent, so she hurried over.

She came back after about an hour, with a happy face: "The coach of Greenland agreed to this game, but there are many conditions. Simply put, this game cannot be revealed, cannot be recorded, and no video is allowed to be kept. , and the number of viewers is only limited to me. The contract must be signed, and if the news spreads, I will face huge compensation.”

"This foreigner is really cautious.

He has regarded fighting as a business, and he has done it to the extreme. "Su Jie smiled.

"Please don't worry, the compensation is not from you, but from myself." Xia Yi said: "Then the matter is settled like this? You can just fight, I'm like a sect that spent two million dollars, and I'm booking the venue A big game."

"It's good to be happy when you have money." Su Jie saw that Xia Yi looked like a child, with a childlike innocence.

"Then please come with me." Xia Yi did what she said, and brought Su Jie to a secret fighting room. At this moment, in the center of the secret room, Greenland, the world's second-ranked bald man, stood in the field. , making various poses to warm up.

He has already started preparing for the game.

Seeing Su Jie walking in, he stopped warming up, with a smile on his face: "Mr. Su Jie, my time is limited, this competition is only three minutes, once the three minutes are over, I will stop, if you want to continue the competition, just You have to pay more, I think you have seen the terms on the contract."

"I've seen it all." Su Jie nodded.

"Then start warming up." Greenland touched his bald head again: "You have a minute to warm up."

"You really calculated the time very accurately." Su Jie laughed.

"Time is money, especially my time, every second is a lot of money." Greenland said.

"Well, I don't need to warm up." Su Jie looked at Greenland, "As long as you are ready, I can fight at any time."

"Really? Let's start then." Greenland glanced at Xia Yi and asked her to watch.

With an excited look on her face, Xia Yi arrived at the corner of the fighting room intently, for fear of missing every moment of action. This fight cost her two million dollars to organize, but she didn't feel bad about it.

After Greenland said the beginning, it stopped talking.

His whole person suddenly changed.

He became emotionless, his eyes were bloodshot, and then turned red, similar to a wild beast. The image of the businessman who was seeking money just now did not remain at all, and was replaced by a kind of animal nature. The primitive and ancient animal nature once again returned to the body.

This change surprised Su Jie a little.

He knew that Greenland was a different face in a fight. This is not uncommon, a professional has more or less strangeness, many scientists can't see it at all in life, and only in scientific research can he discover the shining point of his wisdom.

But now Greenland is no longer as simple as another face, but a different personality.

The previous personality disappeared, and the beast's personality returned to the body.

It was as if he had been possessed by the spirit of some kind of beast.

The endocrine and various hormones in the entire human body are increasing crazily, and they erupt due to the mobilization of emotions.

This is not a stimulant, but a cultivation based entirely on psychological hints. The emotional explosion reaches the extreme, submerging one's rational personality. To put it simply, there is such a word in traditional martial arts called "crazy devil".

When people go crazy, they become like monsters.

This is the state of Greenland when it was fighting.

His hands also began to congest with blood, and veins burst out, making him extremely terrifying.

But Xia Yi looked very excited, because she knew that the Greenland coach at this time was the real himself.

"This kind of emotional mobilization completely changes one's personality. It is simply the best example of psychological research. I have never seen such an example." At this time, Su Jie actually had an idea in his heart, that is, he wanted to take Do experiments in Greenland and go to the life science laboratory for research.

Because he has never seen such a situation, it is of great research value.

But at this moment, Greenland has pushed forward.


His footsteps were like wheels, and his fists were like an awl, piercing hard.

When Greenland punches, it is different from ordinary boxing, but it is somewhat similar to Shaolin Boxing's rolling out and rolling in, with the arms spiraling. When pulling back, it spirals back, accumulates strength, and then spirals out.

This kind of technique seems simple, but it needs a long time of hard work, extraordinary talent, and precise control if you want to practice it to perfection.

creak creak

When punching, Greenland made a sound like a drill.

Before the punch reached Su Jie's body, he felt a toothache, and his bone marrow was numb from the shock.

If this fist hits Su Jie's body, even Su Jie's current kung fu practice will suffer.

Of course he wouldn't let his fist hit him hard.

But he won't dodge either.

When Greenland punched him, he moved too.

The whole person stretched like a dragon, squatting up and down on the spot, like waves, raising his arms, and accurately intercepted Greenland's fist.

The two arms collided with each other, and they fought more than ten times in an instant.

Greenland's spiral roll punches out seven or eight punches in one second, and the power of each punch can destroy a person's body, just like a crocodile that bites a person, rolls to death, and completely tears the person to pieces.

He didn't use his legs, but simply punched.

This is somewhat similar to Feng Hengyi.

But Feng Hengyi's punch has an indescribable taste, which can penetrate people's hearts, while Greenland's punch is another kind of emotion, the moment of rolling in and out, and the threat of kicking out at any time.

Su Jie could feel that Greenland's killing move was actually on the legs, and the boxing was just a cover-up. He used the flexibility of the boxing to test it out. As long as he showed any flaws, the kicks would follow.

This thought flashed past, and Su Jie stepped back, deliberately showing his flaws, and some vulnerable parts of his body were exposed to Greenland's kicks.

Almost at the moment when the flaw was exposed, Greenland's legs moved.

Without any warning, one leg was slashed down like a magic axe with a howling through the air. The arc of the angled cut happened to be a kind of golden strike point. With the shinbone on the back of the foot as the ax blade, it seemed like teleportation It reached the inner side of Su Jie's knee.

This place is low and fragile, a fragile place where the joints connect to each other.

As long as it is hit slightly, the connecting ligaments of the entire knee will be ruptured, and the person will lose support, causing immediate disability.

This is Greenland's ultimate move, or chopping off legs.

It was clearly such a trick, but only Solo in the world could resist it.

The simpler the move, the more difficult it is to resist after it has been tempered to perfection. The same is true for Su Jie's hoe.

With one move, the outcome will be determined.

If Su Jie got hit on the inside of his knee, no matter how powerful he was, he would have to lose the match.

But when he cut the leg and reached the inner side of his knee, the whole leg was slightly lifted and twisted.

It is the kick and knee block in Muay Thai. This simple action contains a lot of fighting essence.


It just so happened that Greenland's chopped leg shin also hit Su Jie's shin bone.

The tibias of the two collide with each other.

Immediately, Greenland's face seemed to change, and his entire leg encountered an indestructible diamond.

Head-to-head, Su Jie won. His body hardness and resistance surpassed Greenland.

Greenland went slightly numb in one leg.

Su Jie seized this opportunity and reached Greenland's side, locked his neck and hugged his waist at the same time, lifted his whole body off the ground, showing the winning jujitsu posture of "hanging the neck".

Some jiu-jitsu moves are impossible to crack.

"Hanging the neck" is one of them. (https:)

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