Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Two Hundred and Fiftieth View of the Small Mistakes The Mystery of the Second Generation Nam

This man is the son of Liu Shi. Su Jie found that he is actually a master, breathing, walking, and momentum, and the powerful vitality in his body is even higher than Song Gua.

Su Jie, the rich man's son, has also seen it. The strongest is Song Gua of Zhonglong Group. shoulder to shoulder.

But in terms of breath, he is not as good as Liu Shi's son.

On the surface, Liu Shi's son can't see anything strange, with a well-regulated figure and a well-regulated appearance, everything is moderate.

Not only is his appearance and temperament mediocre, but he doesn't know that there is such a person outside, unlike Feng Yuxuan and Feng Qianzang of the Feng family, who are ostentatious everywhere, lest people in the world don't know.

The outside world doesn't know Liu Shi's family at all, and they don't know how many children they have, and they are very well protected.

"This is my son, Liu Guan, and my daughter, Liu Xiaoguo." Liu Shi introduced Su Jie.

"Feng Xing is on the ground, Guan. The previous kings used the province to observe the people and set up teaching." Su Jie said: "Guan is one of the sixty-four hexagrams in the Yijing. The upper hexagram is the wind, and the lower hexagram is the earth. The wind patrols the ground, just like the emperor observes the four directions. This hexagram is extremely majestic and can suppress fate, especially for your son. As for Xiaoguo, the top is thunder and the bottom is a mountain. Thunder rolls on the mountain, warning people. The hexagram says: Xiaoguo, prosperity , Lizhen, it’s a small thing, not a big one. The voice left by the bird should not go up, but down. Good luck. This hexagram Xiaoguo means that when you encounter small things, you have to go too far in order to be lucky. Use the current meaning In other words, the more the details are, the more effort is required. Only in this way will the results be achieved. Girls are very careful and good at discovering details. If you use this hexagram to remind yourself, it will be even more auspicious. Everything is smooth. It seems that your son and daughter's name has also been considered by an expert."

As soon as Su Jie heard these two names, he knew that it was definitely not simple.

One must be careful when naming a person.

Because a name is a code name that accompanies a person. Through the real world, when people come to this world, without a name, no one knows who is who, but with a name, they can be distinguished and classified.

All achievements are high or low, and everyone remembers this name.

Fame is about temperament.

Although Su Jie is not superstitious, knowing names is a scientific truth, a kind of popular psychology.

The names of Liu Shi and his son and daughter are all taken from the hexagrams in the Book of Changes.

Ruwang inspects the land, majestic and condescending, vividly remembered.

The daughter is meticulous, seeking details in the details, seeing the small in the small, and good luck.

Liu Guan, Liu Xiaoguo.

These two names seem ordinary, but those who are familiar with the Book of Changes will understand that these names are just right given the environment of Liu Shi's wealthy family.

After Su Jie studied the Book of Changes, he also understood his own name.

The so-called kalpa, the big one becomes and lives in the void, and the birth and death of the universe is also a kalpa. For the small ones, a small calamity or calamity for a person is also a catastrophe.

The word robbery runs through everything.

Whether it is the universe, time and space, country, family, or as small as an individual, every moment is spent in catastrophe.

A person's life can also be a calamity.

Su Jie knew that his own name was not only not very good, but also very dangerous. It is doomed that there will be no peace in life, there will be ups and downs, ups and downs, and if one is not good, you will be smashed to pieces.

Perhaps, when his father Su Shilin named himself this name, he wanted him to control the calamity.

But how difficult it is to control the calamity. The sages of ancient times, even if they are talented, have extraordinary wisdom, and see the past and the future, they will not escape the calamity.

This is a road of no return.

Su Jie took this name, which meant that he would be backlashed by disaster.

But on the contrary, he has lofty sentiments and fights to the death.

Hearing that Su Jie immediately revealed the names of the pair of children mysteriously, Liu Shi's heart trembled, knowing that Su Jie was also quite profound in the study of the Book of Changes, and could see many mysteries.

Liu Shi had checked Su Jie's details to the bottom, and knew that he had studied physiognomy and feng shui with Master Ma and Master Luo, but he was still young, and it was impossible for him to have much cultivation, but now it seems that he is not at all. Such a thing.

The longer you stay with Su Jie, the more you can feel his unfathomable depth.

In fact, after Su Jie stepped into the realm of the "living dead", his cerebral cortex developed, and his learning ability and memory ability were ten times that of ordinary people. In addition, he was young and had a strong learning ability. An ordinary schoolmaster can learn knowledge for a month. It only takes one day to be fully familiar with it.

Now is the information age again, as long as those who are willing to study hard, countless information can be found on the Internet.

It has been more than half a year since Su Jie stepped into the realm of the living dead in October last year. During this time, he has studied hard and accumulated knowledge, which is no less than any postdoctoral fellow, or the sum of several professional postdoctoral fellows. It is not as profound as his academic research, nor as rich as his knowledge reserves.

"Su Jie, I know you. I have seen a short video of you defeating Zhou Chun a long time ago." Liu Guan stretched out his hand to Su Jie: "I also like fighting, and I have been training since I was a child. Luo Club studied for three years, and then went to the Blackwater training camp. I have a little experience in fighting."

"It's not that you have little knowledge, but a great master." Su Jie waved his hand, this Liu Guan is Liu Shi's son, a billionaire, rich, powerful and well-connected, plus he likes one thing, if It's ridiculous if you can't reach the level: "If you go to the competition with your fighting level, you will be the national champion. After Liu Long retires, no one will be your opponent."

"Mr. Su Jie is so sure of me, I wonder if you can give me some advice?" Liu Guan suggested.

"Okay, how about a Tai Chi pushing hands competition?" Su Jie asked.

Tai Chi Push Hands is the safest competition, and you can also test out a person's skill. Su Jie has gradually fallen in love with this competition after going through this competition.

"Tai Chi Push Hands can only test the level of skill, which is completely different from actual combat ability." Liu Guan shook his head: "My Tai Chi Push Hands can't even push Master Yang Shu's apprentices, but I can beat two or three of them. If you are interested , How about we compare the equipment?"

While speaking, Liu Guan flipped his palms, and took out two daggers from nowhere. They were obviously military type, extremely sharp, and murderous weapons.

As soon as he threw it, the dagger flew towards Su Jie.

With a slight movement of Su Jie's hand, the dagger landed in his hand.

"You want to compare a dagger? This is very dangerous." He was a little surprised.

"I believe that with your strength, you can definitely control the situation." Liu Guan was calm on the surface, but he was extremely belligerent in his heart. When you see a master, you are eager to try.

Competing with Tai Chi masters is not fun at all, and only in the fight of life and death can he gain room for improvement.

"Okay, come on." Su Jie didn't ask Liu Shi's opinion. He and Liu Shi were not in the relationship between the boss and the subordinates, but the invited sages.


Liu Guan's dagger pierced the sky like lightning, and arrived in front of Su Jie.

The footwork is like a wolf running, the dagger is like a snake, and the body is like a bullet.

As far as this skill is concerned, few people can resist it.

Unexpectedly, a rich second generation can actually have such kung fu.

But in this flash, as soon as the dagger reached Su Jie, the dagger in Liu Guan's hand disappeared completely, and a dagger was stuck across his throat.

With one move, Su Jie sent his dagger flying and restrained him.

Liu Guan's throat was cold, and he felt the fear of being cut through his trachea at any time, the hairs all over his body stood on end, and then he saw a dagger stuck in the carpet, which was blown away by Su Jie.

At the moment of contact just now, Liu Guan knew that the daggers were intertwined, Su Jie's strength was great and ingenious, he twisted the daggers, and the outcome was decided.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing." Liu Guan sincerely admired, "Your real skill is not comparable to pushing hands like Taijiquan. If you fight to the death, Master Yang Shu will be killed if you can't resist even one move. You kill."

"Who did you learn your dagger skills from?" Su Jie saw Liu Guan's attack just now, and found that the opponent's assassination was very similar to Ou Deli's dagger skills. Even Su Jie almost thought that Liu Guan was taught by Ou Deli.

"Master Blackwater." Liu Guandao: "He is one of the founders of the Blackwater training camp. Many people don't know him, but his strength is like a god. I don't know his real name, but he calls himself Master Blackwater. I haven't seen his real face either, he always wears a dark mask."

"I have never heard of this person." Su Jie shook his head.

He knows a little bit about the Blackwater training camp. It is an old-fashioned mercenary training camp. Compared with this training camp, the Typhon training camp and the Honey Badger training camp are all juniors.

Blackwater is the big brother of the mercenary and security circles.

It's just that Big Brother has been surpassed in the past ten years, but his background is also extremely rich.

Who is Master Blackwater? Su Jie has never heard of it.

In fact, in the dark world, there are a lot of masters, which are a level higher than the international fighting masters on the bright side, just like Odeli, who can instantly kill all world fighting champions.

Of course, most of the world fighting champions are taught by him.

Liu Shi quietly watched his son communicate with Su Jie, and did not speak, but felt very relieved.

After trying out Su Jie's strength, Liu Guan completely admired him, because he was not an idler, Su Jie defeated him in one move, and he saw the shadow of Master Blackwater from Su Jie's body.

Every time he competed with Master Blackwater, the dagger was knocked off by this blow, and he lost.

In fact, everyone has a natural admiration for their coach, even Su Jie is the same for Odeli.

"Mr. Su Jie, if I want to reach the extraordinary realm, what price will I have to pay?" Liu Guan asked.

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