Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 254: Competing as an opponent, the combination of dragon and tiger is the enemy

This person is very ordinary.

The first time Su Jie saw that young man named Wen Ting, he thought he was very ordinary, inconspicuous everywhere, if he was in the crowd, he would never find such a person, he was as ordinary as dust.

But at the second glance, he felt that this person was not simple.

It seems to be a pearl hidden in a pot of fish eyes. It is similar to fish eyes on the surface, but the core is shiny.

And at the third glance, he relied on his intuition. This person is very powerful, like an abyss, dark and deep, and he will never be able to see clearly what is in the abyss. The being is also staring at itself.

This Wen Ting's temperament is unfathomable.

Su Jie looked at people, not at the body, but at the temperament, at the spirit, at the foundation, at the core.

If he looks at Yang Shu, he is like a sword of the emperor inside, with the virtues of the outsider and the law of the inside, interpenetrating each other. Assisted by yin and yang, hone one's psychological quality and personality to be upright, sharp, strong, ward off evil spirits, practice the way of the sword, and cut all troubles.

And Feng Hengyi is a pure beast, or a demon, not a human being, and does not treat anyone as a human being, cold and ruthless, just as Liu Guan said, treating all living beings as lambs and himself as a god.

As long as the psychological quality is cultivated to a very strong level, a person's inner core will have a characteristic, which represents his mode of thinking, that is, the formation of world outlook, values, and outlook on life, and he will be unwavering in this idea. This is also what Confucianism calls the way of the Sacred Heart.

Su Jie had met all kinds of important people, not to mention Yang Shufeng and Hengyi, but Liu Guanglie was like a fairy descended from the mortal world. And Zhang Nianquan seems to be a living Buddha and Bodhisattva playing in the world. Zhang Hongqing seems to be some kind of overlord who combines good and evil, and is the only one who respects himself. And that young man in the mysterious dragon mask who was inexplicable and did it himself, and almost killed himself, is really like a dragon who sees the head but sees the tail. As for Daben Xianghua, Su Jie saw the shadow of an ancient Japanese warrior in him. The core of this person is the spirit of Japanese Bushido, and the surface is Chinese Confucianism. If you want to compare it, then this person can be compared to a mountain.

In addition, Ou Deli and his father Su Shilin are also absolutely strong, but Su Jie seems to have seen the shadow of Kuafu in ancient mythology from Ou Deli, chasing the sun non-stop. Odley is chasing what he sees as supernatural powers.

Master Su couldn't tell what it was when he approached Su Jie, or it might be a mirror that was rusted, dusty, dirty, and deliberately stained with the dust of history, but once it was re-polished, it would shine brightly. Even if it is deliberately deposited, it is like an antique cultural relic, which has become more valuable after a long time.

Ou Deli and Su Shilin's realm is high or low,

Su Jie couldn't figure out whether there were supernatural powers in the world, Su Jie was also very puzzled now.

Because, the more he is exposed to science, the less he knows what will happen in the future.

Just like the person who invented the steam engine, he thought it changed the way of life of human beings, but he didn't know that in the future, human beings can go to the sky and go to outer space.

Maybe thirty years, fifty years, or one hundred years later, science and technology will advance by leaps and bounds, life science and genetic engineering will make great progress, and the human body may have supernatural powers.

As long as he doesn't die violently, Su Jie feels that he can live to be one hundred and twenty years old now, and he will definitely not be shorter than Zhang Nianquan. In other words, he can still go through ups and downs for a hundred years, a century, from the current 21st century to the 22nd century.

Su Jie is actually curious about what the world will look like in the 22nd century. Now is 2018, the years are heavy, and time flies by.

Su Jie knew that he was still young, but time passed by every minute, and while it was very urgent, he was also very calm.

Walk calmly and calmly in this human world.

After taking three glances, Su Jie could really see it. With his sharp eyesight and his "living dead" cultivation base, he could fully see that Wen Ting is an abyss, unfathomable, but under the abyss are beautiful mountains, clear waters, singing birds and fragrant flowers. Or whether it was a huge wave or a huge rock, Su Jie didn't know.

He and Liu Shi got out of the car, but Wen Ting was not the first to greet him, because in the Hedao Group, his status was actually relatively low, far inferior to some bigwigs, and he still relied on his own excellence, and it was Liu Shi's A prospective son-in-law has some status.

The equity of Hedao Group is very complicated, including foreign capital and many shareholders. This is a historical problem caused by Liu Shi's rounds of financing.

Although Liu Shi has the same status as the emperor in this giant group, there are also many constraints.

The leader is the company's executive president, who is ten years younger than Liu Shi, and is now the "prime minister" of the entire company. He holds great power and is called Lin Qingzhi. This person is also a prodigy in the business world. He followed Liu Shi very early on. He is a veteran of the company and also owns shares in the company. Now he is worth tens of billions.

In the Hedao Group, he has a "mountain head" faction with many loyal people under him.

Even Liu Shi would not take him away easily.

Then some vice presidents of the Hedao Group, equivalent to various ministers of the ancient court, are waiting for the emperor Liu Shi to dismount.

Su Jie has only seen these people in the news media, and they are all big businessmen, even the youngest, with a net worth of billions. When he sneezes, many industries tremble.

These people greeted Liu Shi and were slightly surprised when they saw Su Jie get out of the car, but they didn't say anything.

"This is my personal bodyguard. Although he is young, he is very capable. By the way, he was also in charge of Larici's security." Liu Shi was introducing Su Jie.

Su Jie knew that Liu Shi was establishing some status for himself.

Sure enough, when Liu Shi said this, many executives present began to have some expressions of disapproval on their faces, and their mentality thought that Liu Shi liked some gossip, and was fooled by some master of the rivers and lakes.

But when Liu Shi said that Su Jie was still in charge of Larich's security, even Lin Qingzhi became serious and began to pay attention to Su Jie.

The so-called name of a person, the shadow of a tree, Larich's status in the global business world exceeds that of everyone present, including Liu Shi, who is a real high-tech boss. Su Jie can actually be in charge of his security work, it must be extremely powerful means.

While Liu Shi was speaking, Su Jie secretly observed Wen Ting's situation, and found that Wen Ting's expression did not change, without any fluctuations, and he still looked harmless to humans and animals, and was still as unfathomable as an abyss deep in the core of his temperament .

With awe in his heart, Su Jie knew that this person was difficult to deal with.

This Wen Ting's temperament is not to mention him, and his physical fitness is extremely strong. Ordinary people can't see it, but Su Jie can tell that this person's muscles are hidden in the skin membrane. The outside is as soft as cotton, which seems to be fragile. Like iron and stone, it is difficult to destroy.

From the skin to the surface, to the bone marrow, Su Jie found that his physical fitness was not inferior to that of Feng Hengyi.

It's just the realm of the mind, not the "living dead". The path he takes is similar to that of Feng Hengyi, but there are subtle differences. But in this realm, the mind is also extremely strong, and it is not under the living dead.

Su Jie originally thought that spiritual cultivation must follow the path of "concentration, tranquility, tranquility, severance, clarity, enlightenment, and emptiness". But after hearing Liu Guan's theory and knowing the practice of a foreigner Master Heishui in the Heishui training camp, he knew that the Western way is different, and the worldview is completely different.

The reason why he had such a misunderstanding still came from Odeli.

Ou Deli is a typical westerner, but his enlightenment spiritual practice is all based on the theory of the unity of man and nature of the oriental civilization. He even taught Su Jie to learn the Book of Changes.

Su Jie discovered that Wen Ting was actually a good research object for him.

This reminded him of Zhang Hongqing. This person's spiritual realm is probably the combination of Eastern thinking and Western thinking, and there is a kind of tyrannical and domineering mind in the unity of man and nature.

A group of people walked into the Hedao Group building and came to the large office at the top. Liu Shi greeted everyone to sit down. And Su Jie stood behind him.

"Sit down too." Liu Shi said, "I'm back in China, and I'm in my headquarters building again. What happened in Japan will never happen."

"That's not necessarily the case." Su Jie said: "There are still experts here. If you want to assassinate you, I won't have time to react when I sit here."

"Here? Where are the experts here?" Hearing what Su Jie said, many executives present looked at each other in blank dismay. He couldn't understand what Su Jie was saying.

Liu Shi was stunned at first, but then he understood that what Su Jie was talking about was Wen Ting.

"I've never noticed that this kid Wen Ting knows kung fu? Su Jie is reminding me." Liu Shi started some small calculations in his mind: "It seems that I found this Su Jie, and I really found the right one. With the help of this person, I can do a lot of things.”

He glanced at Wen Ting, and found that he was arranging the files, as if he didn't hear him, he only cared about his own work, and ignored other voices from the group. In the eyes of any boss, he was a standard subordinate .

"If he had no selfish intentions, he would really be a good successor." Liu Shi thought again: "Su Jie is not suitable for this person. First, he has no interest in business. You're being polite, I can't help him, and even my status in front of him can't make him respect, on the contrary, he has a great sense of superiority in front of me."

In some details, Liu Shi has already noticed it.

As a billionaire, he has a very high social status. It is difficult for ordinary people to see him. He can only see his speeches on the TV news. He contacts 99% of the people. Be overwhelmed by his aura.

But Su Jie still has a sense of superiority in front of him. This is not the arrogance of young people, but a gap in the essence of life.

When the big cat sees a mouse, of course it feels superior. Even if this mouse is the mouse king, it is useless, this is the advantage of the species.

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