Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 256: Choosing a Son-in-Law

"It seems that you are not only skilled in martial arts, but also in the methods of preventing eavesdropping. Help me find out who installed this bug." Liu Shi asked.

"The bug was put down not long ago. It should be that after you were assassinated in Japan, the other party failed to kill you, so they changed their strategy. You can check the monitoring first to see if there are any suspicious findings." Su Jie said.

Liu Shi immediately called his assistant in and gave some instructions.

After the assistant went out, he came back about half an hour later, "Boss, through monitoring and searching, I found that a cleaner has come here to clean in the past two days, but he left yesterday and is now missing."

"Okay, you go out." Liu Shi knew that the clue was cut off.

"It seems that some parts of your Hedao Group have been infiltrated." As soon as Su Jie heard it, he knew that there was some kind of problem within the Hedao Group, like a big hollow tree.

If this happened in the Larich Building, within a minute, the computer could automatically identify all kinds of people, and it took the Hedao Group half an hour to investigate and monitor, which shows the low efficiency.

Of course, it's also because Liu Shi didn't make security so precise.

Larich was afraid of being assassinated.

"From the current indications, this bug has nothing to do with Wen Ting. If there are other ghosts in our group, then things will be troublesome." Liu Shi also felt the crisis in this bug incident. : "By the way, you are good at reading faces. The executives here are all core members of our Hedao Group. Look at their loyalty and treachery. Which one is bad?"

"Everyone has their own thoughts." Su Jie said: "But I don't have the ability to see through their thoughts with this one glance. That is a god, not a human being. Physiognomy is not very accurate, and I can only determine part of it. It is best to pay attention to evidence in everything. All in all, don't think too much about my ability. I haven't reached the point where I can predict things like a god."

"That's good." Liu Shi nodded: "Do me a favor, keep an eye on Wen Ting, and find out how he obtained the illegal materials of the Feng family, whether this matter is true, and whether he has colluded with the Feng family .”

"It seems that you are also aware of the crisis. Think about it, if you really encounter an accident this time, who will benefit the most?" Su Jie asked.

"This is exactly what I'm confused about." Liu Shidao: "If something happens to me, it won't be Wen Ting who will benefit the most. He will even be suppressed. If someone else becomes the chairman, he will basically have to stand aside. His interest must be that I am still there. He has established a solid foundation in ten or eight years, and it is not too late to start, so I feel puzzled. Because other people have no reason.


"You are the spiritual leader in the Hedao Group. If you fail, the entire group will be cast in a shadow. No one can hold back." Su Jie nodded: "Even Xia Shang in Mingxia doesn't want you An accident, once you have an accident, he will stand out, and it won't be too long."

"Things have to be done step by step. I currently lack a truly reliable think tank. If you can persuade the two masters of Luo Ma to give me advice, I will definitely be rewarded." Liu Shi said.

"Master Luo and Master Ma are actually scientific research talents." Su Jie said: "There is one more thing. In the battle between you and Ming Xia, I am afraid that you will be at a disadvantage for a long time."

"Why." Liu Shi was puzzled.

"Because a friend of mine took refuge in Ming Xia." Su Jie said: "He has a great talent, if he helps Ming Xia with all his strength, I'll see, apart from Wen Ting, there really is no one who can stand up to him."

"You're talking about Zhang Jinchuan, right?" Liu Shi smiled mysteriously, "I have a very close friendship with his father, Zhang Yixian."

"It turns out there is such a layer." Su Jie suddenly felt that he still underestimated Liu Shi, and if he didn't say it clearly now, he would still be kept in the dark.

"Zhang Yixian is good at innate calculations. He lives in seclusion in Zhongnan Mountain. He is really a hermit. He is proud of the mountains and forests, and lives extremely comfortably." Thinking of this, Liu Shi was quite envious.

"Let's not talk about this, I really want to investigate the relationship between Wen Ting and the Feng family, but you must give me the resources of the group, and someone you can trust will help me." Su Jie said.

"I asked Liu Guan to cooperate with you." Liu Shi said: "My dear son, this resource is enough, and he and you get along quite well."

"This is fine." Su Jie nodded.

"Be sure to find out this matter before the acquisition." Liu Shi said.

"I dare not guarantee it." Su Jie didn't have to imitate others to please the leader, "Wen Ting is very difficult to deal with."

For him, Liu Shi was very satisfied: "Anyway, just try your best, this matter also involves your sister's matter. I have an idea, think about it, if Wen Ting really has a ghost, it is very likely that there is a ghost somewhere. The power in the organization behind the scenes is higher than that of the Feng family, otherwise why would the Feng family cooperate with him so much? If we can start from him, can we get your sister's whereabouts?"

"There is a possibility." Su Jie's eyes flashed: "However, if your daughter falls in love with him, the danger is very high."

"So, I hope you can change my daughter's mind." Liu Shi was very helpless when he mentioned this daughter: "If this Wen Ting has no secrets, he is a child from a poor family. In fact, he is a good match for my son and daughter. If My daughter will have a bad life if she chooses the right family, and in my interests, it is definitely the best, but for my daughter's happiness, I think I can find someone with no background."

"Those who have no background may not be happy. Look at the princess of the Samsung Group in South Korea. She has a top-notch appearance and knowledge. She married a security guard. There is nowhere to go for happiness." Su Jie smiled: "This Wen Ting is a powerful character, your daughter will definitely not be able to handle it."

"They must be separated." Liu Shi said, "I'll leave this matter to you."

"I don't deserve this villain." Su Jie waved his hand.

"It doesn't matter if you are inappropriate. To deal with Wen Ting, you will definitely have to pass my daughter's level. It depends on how you handle yourself." Liu Shi smiled.

"If Wen Ting is really involved in my sister's danger, then he will be finished. If your daughter obstructs, then don't blame me for being cruel." Su Jie was not polite at all, and first gave Liu Shi a warning that he could not do anything in this respect. Let Liu Shi feel that he is a good talker.

"You..." Liu Shi was choked, feeling very uncomfortable, because no one had ever dared to speak like that in front of him, but looking at Su Jie, he really couldn't help this person, so he couldn't help but waved his hands: "Okay, this matter Stop talking, I'll take care of my daughter, and you do your thing."

"This is the best." Su Jie nodded and walked out.

Seeing Su Jie going out, Liu Shi remained silent for a long time.

After about ten minutes, Liu Guan came in.

"Dad, what's going on?"

"What do you think of Su Jie?" Liu Shi asked.

"Formidable, comparable to some real strong men, and he has a lot of room for development." Liu Guandao: "I want to learn from him, hoping to reach his level."

"I mean, does he have any ambitions?" Liu Shi said.

"He doesn't have any ambitions. He is not very interested in power and wealth. The only thing he wants is to break through, practice, and his family. Money is an auxiliary tool for him." Liu Guandao: "This kind of person can see clearly, and it is his Powerful reasons."

"I'm asking you to cooperate with him now to find out how Wen Ting got the Feng family this time." Liu Shi said: "You have to cooperate with him with all your strength, and you have to learn something from him."

"Dad, why don't you just ask Wen Ting directly?" Liu Guan said.

"Even if you ask him, he must have come up with a series of seamless excuses, and you can't find out why. It's better not to ask." Liu Shi waved his hand: "Besides, on your sister's side, you have to completely let her get rid of Wen Ting. Rely on, separate these two people."

"I can't figure this out. You don't know my sister, she's very stubborn. And she's been dazzled by love, and it's not impossible to elope directly." Liu Guan got a headache when he mentioned this: "More The most important thing is that Wen Ting treats him very well, never made her feel wronged, and can't find any faults, and now many executives in the group have recognized him. There is no flaw in him."

"I heard that your sister is moving in to live with him?" Liu Shi asked.

"Yes." Liu Guan nodded.

"Absolutely not allowed." Liu Shi's face showed obvious anger: "Well, let me arrange for your sister to be separated from him for a while, what do you think?"

"My sister is already a Ph. D., so I should not go out to study." Liu Guandao: "How about I let her go to the Blackwater training camp for a period of time?"

"This is fine too. It kills two birds with one stone. First, the situation is getting more and more dangerous now, so some self-defense skills are needed. Second, if we leave Wen Ting for a while, there may be a new turning point. I don't know if your sister will go or not. It depends on the situation." Come and persuade him." Liu Shi talked freely with his son.

"Dad, don't you want to match my sister and Su Jie?" Liu watched and saw something.

"I originally wanted to match up." Liu Shi said: "I can see Su Jie clearly, everything about him is very clear. I can't see Wen Ting. So Su Jie is safer, but he doesn't treat me well. Any respect, that's all."

"If Wen Ting has nothing to do, that's fine. She's a good match for my sister, but now it seems that the problem seems to be serious." Liu Guan is not an idle character either. He has trained in the Blackwater training camp for a long time and has a lot of experience. , definitely not that kind of dude.

Liu Shi specially trained him from an early age, which is the same strategy as Feng Shoucheng.

"Dad, what about your security team? Do you really want to invest in Su Jie's friend's company? Training abroad?" Liu Guan asked: "I checked, and the person in charge of the security is a woman named Zhang Manman. His father is a real big shot. His name is Zhang Hongqing."

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