Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 266: The New Xuanwu Gate: Killing a Son and Seizing a Property

"I also think this Wen Ting is very scary. My father can't control him at all. Father is still the feudal dynasty's method of controlling powerful officials, which is now outdated. At that time, the emperor had the power to kill and kill his subjects, but the situation is completely different now. "Liu Guandao: "If Wen Ting has no backer and is the only one, then he can be controlled completely, and he can be used as a sword, but the power behind him is so huge that we can't match it. If we use him again, On the contrary, it will be self-defeating.”

"You can know that your own ability is very good." Su Jie nodded: "To be honest, no matter how good I am for a person like Wen Ting, don't try to use him in vain. Don’t try to make him change his mind. His will is like steel, indestructible, and he will go all the way to darkness.”

"It's to get rid of my dad's delusions. I can do that." Liu Guandao: "But the hard part is my sister. If I don't do it well, I will hate me for the rest of my life."

"It's better to hate for a lifetime than to suffer for a lifetime. Getting along with someone like Wen Ting will not lead to good results." Su Jie saw it clearly: "His core is no longer human. But I will not interfere in your family affairs, your sister You can take care of it over there, and I will take care of Wen Ting."

"In this situation, even if my father is ruthless, he can't actually do anything to Wen Ting. He just fired him, and there is no evidence for him at all. If he is forced to get him, it will cause some turmoil in the company. I think you'd better find some evidence of his violations first." Liu Guandao.

"This is also my purpose to provoke him and lure the snake out of the hole." Su Jie had a plan long ago, and confessed: "After today's trouble, he has already regarded me as a thorn in his side, and he knows that he has been exposed, so he can no longer lurk like this. As shown in the figure, it is necessary to make a dangerous move. In this way, he will reveal many flaws."

"At first, I had a good impression of him, but now after your point, plus his various behaviors, a person can pretend to this level, it is simply more terrifying than a devil." Liu Guan clicked his tongue: " No one expected that he would have such great ambitions and want to devour our Hedao Group."

"Extraordinary people do extraordinary things." Su Jie said, "However, I am actually more worried about you."

"Worried about me?" Liu Guan frowned, "What do you say?"

"Hedao Group is your father's painstaking effort, and it has developed into such a giant industry. You are his only son. He can rest assured that the group's industry will be handed over to you in the end. Think about it, if you If he died suddenly, does your father only have your sister as a daughter? And your sister is absolutely devoted to Wen Ting..." Su Jie threw out a terrible guess.

"It really makes sense." Liu Guan suddenly woke up: "If you say that Wen Ting wants to kill me, how sure are you?"

"Nine times out of ten, one hundred percent." Su Jie said: "And you have no place to escape. If he wants to kill a person with this skill, no end of the world can stop him. Even if he wants to kill me, he is probably 60% sure. Of course, he probably won't do it by himself, because there is still a possibility of exposure. If I were him, I would definitely kill you first, which is more cost-effective than killing your father. If you can't stand the situation and kill you, your father has no choice. The change of Xuanwu Gate is like this."

Liu Guan fell silent when he heard this, and suddenly said: "Maybe, we can use this to really lure the snake out of the hole! I'll use it as a bait to let Wen Ting reveal his true colors."

"You actually made this request on your own initiative." Su Jie said in admiration: "As expected of someone who came out of the Blackwater training camp, he has such courage. Keep this mentality, and your achievements will not be low in the future. But being this kind of bait is extremely dangerous .You could be self-defeating and die at any moment."

"If you don't enter the tiger's den, how will you find tiger cubs.

"Liu Guan smiled indifferently: "I also experienced life and death several times when I was in the Blackwater training camp. Although I don't say that I can treat death as home, I have developed some courage after all. Life is not about gambling. "

"Okay! Then we still need to formulate a plan in detail, and really lure the snake out of the hole. Maybe we can take care of Wen Ting and Feng's family in one fell swoop. They want to swallow the snake and the whale to swallow the Hedao Group. We can also choke them to death." Su Jie said.

After discussing for a while, the two left here again.

"I have to go home." At this time, Su Jie also had an idea in his mind: "Feng Hengyi and Wen Ting team up, I am definitely not an opponent, and it is not difficult to kill me. I have to find a master to help, but the face For strong people like them, looking for Liulong is to deliver food to them. Who should I look for? I can only go back and look for my father."

After much deliberation, Su Jie can only help him if he finds one person, his father Su Shilin.

Dad is a top expert, at least at the same level as Zhang Hongqing. If he can help him, he can definitely deal with the combination of Wen Ting and Feng Hengyi.

Besides, the brother who fights the tiger, father and son in the battle, the father is at the side to cooperate with Su Jie, so I feel more at ease, so that I won't bite back.

Just do what you say, Su Jie bought a plane ticket to go home, and decided to go back overnight to discuss the matter with his father.

Just as Su Jie was preparing, two people appeared in a deserted abandoned factory building on the outskirts of City B.

One of them was Feng Hengyi. He didn't wear his gluttonous mask, showing his usual appearance, but not far away from him, there was a person wearing a pitch-black mask, showing a pair of eyes, which were also pitch-black.

"Something is in big trouble?" Feng Hengyi said, "Do you want my help? You can't even handle that Su Jie?"

"The mission itself is that the higher-ups asked you to be my deputy." The black mask said humanely: "If our mission fails, you should be able to imagine what the consequences will be. The Hedao Group is the most important part of our organization. If it succeeds , the power of the organization will have a deep root in the country and cannot be destroyed."

"I understand all of this." Feng Hengyi waved his hand: "Tell me, what are you going to do? I'm too lazy to do things that use my brain, and I'm happy to kill people. Su Jie is already a big trouble, the key is his The strength is no longer inferior to ours, it can be said that if either of us is alone, basically we can't kill him."

"Wrong." The black mask said humanely: "I can kill him, but I don't want to expose myself. It is indeed difficult for you to kill him."

"You mean I'm not as good as you?" Feng Hengyi seemed to make another move.

"I'm doing strength analysis, not talking about you here." The black mask said humanely: "Analysis of strength must be accurate, not a battle of spirits, but I don't want you to kill him now, but kill him first. Liu Guan."

"Kill Liu Guan?" Feng Hengyi instantly understood: "You are finally going to speed up the layout? This plan was originally a matter of three years later. After three years, you have gained a firm foothold in the top management of the Hedao Group, and your power has become the biggest hilltop , mastered a lot of core secrets, which is why Liu Guan died. Let Liu Shi lose his son, and at that time, the son of you and Liu Xiaoguo may also be born. But I want to tell you, in fact, the organization is very concerned about this matter. It's taboo, if you have a son with Liu Xiaoguo, the organization will worry..."

"What are you worried about?" The pitch-black mask said humanely: "As soon as the offspring are born, they should be sent to the training camp. Didn't your father Feng Shoucheng do the same thing? Even before you were born, he sent you to the training camp. Otherwise , How could the Feng family gain the trust of the organization."

"Now speed up the layout, can you really grasp the situation and confirm that Liu Shi, after the death of his son, will put the treasure on you? According to what you said now, Liu Shi may have begun to doubt you, and he also started to doubt you. They just used you and didn't treat you as an heir." Feng Hengyi also saw it clearly.

"At that time, he will only have the only heir, Liu Xiaoguo, but she can't control the situation at all, so she must find a helper." The black mask said humanely: "Then tell me, who is the person she trusts the most? Who can quickly Help her gain a firm foothold in the group, or even take the group's business to another level? Only me. Otherwise, he can only hand over the group to outsiders, or choose another assistant for Liu Xiaoguo. Do you think this is possible?"

"So, it makes sense for you to speed up your deployment, but it is not as safe as Xu Tu's progress." Feng Hengyi nodded: "It's a pity that Su Jie appeared in the sky. If we don't get rid of this person, we will have no peace for a day. In fact, the most The good thing is that you and Liu Xiaoguo get married and have a child. After the child is born, the matter is settled. After Liu Shi dies his son, he will choose you if he doesn't choose you."

"You should kill Liu Guan quickly. It's best to wait for him to go abroad. If you don't go abroad, you will be in trouble." The black mask said humanely: "As for Su Jie, kill him cleanly. If we have a chance to join forces, let’s just kill him.”

"This man is not so easy to deal with." Feng Hengyi said: "It's not an estimate of strength, that old man Mao said that this man is the nemesis of our Feng family, if you want to get rid of him, you have to wait for the right time, place and people. "

"You can use his sister to set up a trap." The black mask said humanely.

"You know this situation better than me." Feng Hengyi said: "His sister is now one of the scientists in the artificial intelligence laboratory in the organization. She has participated in a new project research team and is said to be highly valued by the above. Let me tell you something For those who don't like to hear it, you know that the organization values ​​valuable scientists even more than us. Now we can't command these people."

"We've done this. The status of the organization will really improve, and we'll get access to the core secrets." The black mask said humanely: "Don't worry about that, I may replace Odeli in the future."

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