Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 277 Completely angry, the storm is coming

"Uncle Blind and I are both vice presidents of the Massage and Tuina Association. Every year, I go to Minglun Martial Arts School to live for a month, specializing in the study of massage and human meridians and joints." Zhuang Tianyun said: "Kangu is also a blind man. Uncle introduced him, saying that he can withstand his heavy hand massage, I was also very curious, after giving Kang Gu a massage for a long time, I found that his ability to withstand is really beyond the reach of other people."

"Then have you ever had an electric shock massage?" Su Jie was also studying this topic.

Electric current stimulation is very effective and can increase cell activity. However, during stimulation, some drugs need to be taken and externally applied to get the best results.

When Su Jie was experimented by Uncle Blind, he first took the inner strong wine, then applied the secret ointment on the outside, and then stimulated, which made the muscles stretched to a great extent, which is an intensity that cannot be achieved by exercise. .

"Uncle Blind is doing research in this area." Zhuang Tianyun said: "But I lack volunteers here, so I can't come to conduct experiments at all, but we have also done theoretical tests, just ordinary human body exercises, no matter what body movements , can’t increase the strength of muscles and joints to a certain level, but it can be done through electric stimulation. Moreover, the effect of repeating a thousand or ten thousand times of some body movements is not very good, and there are many muscles and joints The inner subcutaneous tissue layer cannot be achieved by exercise, only through acupuncture stimulation can the inside be made tighter and firmer, but the effect of acupuncture stimulation is far inferior to that of electric current stimulation."

When Su Jie heard this, he knew that Zhuang Tianyun had a lot of research on electrical stimulation of muscles. Although these masseurs inherited ancient methods, science gave them the principles of ancient methods, which made them understand the ancient crafts more deeply.

"This is natural. Let's take a cardiac pacemaker as an example. It uses electric current to stimulate the heart muscle to restore its power. I don't know how many people's lives have been saved. The internal smooth muscle can basically not be exercised by exercise, and it can be stimulated without flow. It can enhance their vitality." Su Jie explained and elaborated through professional knowledge.

In ancient times, no matter how people exercised, they just couldn't exercise in some places.

But in modern times, with electric current stimulation, it is completely different.

For example, the same cultivation has reached the realm of the "living dead", and the age is the same, if electric stimulation is added. The physical fitness of ancient people was much worse than that of modern people.

It is true that the spiritual realm can greatly improve a person's physical fitness, but the same is true of modern technology.

Such studies are commonplace in Larich's life sciences lab.

Su Jie went to study a subject again, that is, whether people's potential is greater when they protect themselves, or when they protect others.

He believes that his own research on this topic can definitely open up a brand new cultivation model for the future.

This research can start with animals.

For example, let a snake eat a bird, and the bird resists strongly when it is eaten alone, or when it protects its own child. These data can show something.

If you thoroughly prove this point, you will have more confidence in the future.

Research on this topic must be put on the agenda soon.

Su Jie is essentially a scientist.

He was talking with Zhuang Tianyun, Liu Long left here first to prepare for the contract, but Kang Gu listened with interest.

While chatting, Zhuang Tianyun was extremely shocked, because he found that Su Jie had a much deeper understanding of massage, meridians, acupuncture points, and even yin and yang, five elements, and the qi of the four seasons than he did. Scientific modern medical theory to explain.

This kind of person is not a martial arts master, but a great scientist.


The two chatted until the sun was setting, but Zhuang Tianyun still had more to say.

Su Jie also gained a lot of knowledge from him. The other party is a great expert in health preservation, massage, acupuncture, etc., and passed on the knowledge and experience accumulated by the ancient court for hundreds of years, which also gave Su Jie a lot of inspiration.

"After dinner, let's talk again." Seeing the sky darken outside, Zhuang Tianyun got up and prepared to invite Su Jie to dinner.

But Su Jie left: "I'm going to train, I learned a lot today, and I have to prove it all."

His spiritual realm today has obviously improved a lot. With this momentum, he has practiced his hidden weapons hard, hoping to make further progress.

At this time, Kang Gu also signed in sign language: "I will go to practice with you."

He lost to Su Jie, knowing that he is a real strong man, he is very interested in practicing with Su Jie again. In Haoyu Sports, Feng Hengyi doesn't have time to train with him every day, and he doesn't even communicate with him. Kang Gu practiced silently by himself, or had confrontational exchanges with the professional players inside.

Although he didn't feel depressed in such a day, after all, he lacked a real master to stimulate his potential. Now that he met Su Jie, he felt that he could fully display it.

Su Jie also nodded, Kang Gu was considered a very good training partner.

Among his friends, the masters are almost Liu Long and Zhang Jinchuan, but now it seems that Kang Gu is actually stronger than them.

After bidding farewell to Zhuang Tianyun and leaving this "deliberate" gym, Su Jie once again went to the back room of Liu Long's club and began to train his hidden weapons.

The hidden weapon is still a needle.

The shooting range of needles is not as good as that of flying knives, but the advantage is that they carry a lot of them, and they are small, so they are not easy to be spotted by the enemy, let alone dodge. Within ten steps, they can be sent out to hit people's eyes and various acupuncture points, which is simply the best.

Kang Gu also followed in, watching Su Jie practice the flying needle, his body remained still, and with a flick of his hand, the needle flew out, hit the target, and could even shoot through a wooden board. If it was a human eye, it could be stabbed directly Blind, even if you close your eyes, you can directly pierce the eyelids and destroy the eyeballs.

As Su Jie walked casually, the flying needles shot out one after another, with a hundred hits, and the penetrating power of each one was extremely strong.


In the corner, in an inconspicuous place, there was a mosquito, which was also shot to death by Su Jie.

Kang Gu felt a chill in his heart when he saw it, knowing that if he and Su Jie were not competing in boxing skills, but fighting for life and death, they would definitely be able to escape the catastrophe of piercing the eyes and the heart with flying needles.

"How about the two of us start training? You move, and I will release hidden weapons, which can also exercise your dodging ability. Of course, I can teach you hidden weapon techniques, and the two of us can use them to fight hidden weapons." Su Jie had already I want to pull people and practice by myself.

Kang Gu also agrees.

Originally, Su Jie wanted to pull Zhang Jinchuan to train with him, but this person is really too busy, running around with business all day long, without any downtime, and all his youth was wasted in such a waste of time.

Zhang Jinchuan's talent is the best. If he devoted himself to cultivation, he might be on par with Su Jie now. However, not all of his hobbies are cultivation. Business is a large part of his interests. where.

This is also understandable.

Fortunately, Kang Gu's mind is pure, to the point where he doesn't care about worldly affairs at all, he only focuses on cultivation, this is Su Jie's best training object.

At that moment, Su Jie told Kang Gu about the hidden weapon technique and asked Kang Gu to start practicing.

Kang Gu's learning ability is extremely strong, even much stronger than his own comprehension ability at the beginning.

After a few hours, his hidden weapon flying needle was already in decent shape.

The most hidden weapons are skills, not physical strength. In addition, Kang Gu's own quality is already an excellent master. As long as he learns the technique and improves his proficiency through repeated muscle memory, he can immediately become a master of hidden weapons.

Next, after getting familiar with the hidden weapon flying needle, Su Jie and Kang Gu began to practice duel.

The two wore motorcycle helmets and protective gear on some vital parts of their bodies, and shot each other with flying needles.


Kang Gu shot out a few flying needles, aiming at Su Jie's eyes.

But in a flash, Su Jie also shot out a few flying needles, which collided in the air, knocking down his flying needles, and then flashed again.


There was actually a crack on the hard plastic mask in front of his motorcycle helmet, and a flying needle stuck in it, almost piercing through the hard plastic and piercing his eyes.

This startled him.

"My hand strength is so strong?" Su Jie himself was slightly surprised. He didn't use all his strength now, he just flicked his hand, and the moment the needle was thrown out, the penetrating power was simply unimaginable.

If he shot with all his strength, Kang Gu would be blind by now.

"It seems that we have to change to a thick helmet mask." Su Jie said.

Kang Gu picked up the flying needle on the ground, and he was shocked that Su Jie could intercept his flying needle.

Both sides shot flying needles, and one side could accurately intercept, which is even more incredible. It was like two people shooting bullets at each other, and the two bullets collided in mid-air.

How magical is this marksmanship?

After practicing with Su Jie for a while, Kang Gu felt that Su Jie was unfathomable and almost endless.

"It can be said that I practice kung fu wholeheartedly, comprehend enlightenment, and have no other distractions, but I still can't compare with Su Jie at all. What is the gap between us?" Kang Gu couldn't understand this matter in his heart.

Su Jie didn't care about these, and asked Kang Gu to change into a thick helmet and continue to practice.

This is the real actual combat, the two attack each other, separate, release hidden weapons, dodge, and launch hidden weapons again.

For half a month, Su Jie and Kang Gu had been undergoing high-intensity secret training. Su Jie's hidden weapons and body skills had been strengthened again, and Kang Gu's strength had also been greatly improved.

The two kept practicing regardless of the changes outside, and the outside world has been turned upside down.

The matter of Kang Gu's job-hopping began to be exposed.


In Haoyu Group, in the office of the sports department, Feng Hengyi slapped the table open, everyone in the office felt that he was going to kill people, even the strongest player Zhou Chun was frightened Trembling like a chicken.

Zhou Chun had experienced brutal underground fighting and seen blood, but in front of Feng Hengyi, he was afraid from the bottom of his heart.

"Kang Gu, you dare to change jobs!" Feng Hengyi was really angry.

He had never been so angry.

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