Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 280: Three people besieged, the art technique is invincible

"That's right. During the business negotiations these days, Haoyu Group is constantly retreating. The conditions are very generous, so generous that we have no excuses to object. We all think that this acquisition is a very profitable thing." Liu Guandao: "Besides, Mingxia Group is also obstructing this acquisition, offering Haoyu a very good price, which is higher than ours, so from a commercial point of view, the acquisition of Haoyu Films is beneficial to us It's huge, and there's no reason why it shouldn't be successful."

"If there is no Wen Ting, it must be a great thing, but after the acquisition of Haoyu Films, it must be Wen Ting who will manage it." Su Jie said.

"That's right. He is the most familiar with the Feng family. We have to let him manage it. If someone else manages it, I'm afraid there will be a series of problems. Even if it's managed by force, I'm afraid it will be squeezed out." Liu Guan nodded.

Su Jie also knows that these are some basic operations in business. There must be countless people from the Feng family in Haoyu Films, and they cannot be eliminated at all. It's an empty shell, so these people can only appease for the time being, and these people are definitely not convinced by others, only by Wen Ting.

In this way, Wen Ting has a large number of people in Haoyu Group.

The acquisition of Hedao Group seems to have strengthened the power of the group's culture and entertainment, but in fact it is to build a mountain for Wen Ting.

Unless it was after the acquisition of Hedao Group, everyone changed.

It's not realistic either.

In the blink of an eye, Su Jie actually saw through Wen Ting's intentions.

In fact, both Liu Guan and Liu Shi could see this meaning very clearly, but it is impossible for them to give up their fat meat now.

In fact, Liu Shi's current thinking and views are completely different from Su Jie's, and their positions are also very different.

Liu Shi is more concerned with competing with Xia Shang, maintaining the group's industry status, and how to expand the company's scale. His interests are more here, rather than fighting with the Feng family to the end like Su Jie.

The demands of the two are different.

Liu Shi even felt that Su Jie's view was a bit narrow.

However, this does not prevent him from using Su Jie to strengthen his rule.

Su Jie is also using Liu Shi to deal with Haoyu Group.

"The acquisition will be successful in about three days and will be announced to the public." Liu Guandao: "This is a certainty and cannot be changed at all."

"Then what will you do next? Do you have any specific plans?" Su Jie asked: "If my guess is right, first use Wen Ting to manage Haoyu Film and Television, stabilize the situation, let the business of the film and television continue to rise, and then gradually send your own people Go in, accept everything inside, and after completely taking over the business, you can let Wen Ting leave, and you can even fire some old people before Haoyu, and completely change the blood. Two or three years. You must know that there are many talents in Haoyu Films. These people are really capable of doing things. If they are fired and replaced by people from your group, they don’t understand business at all, and they don’t understand Creativity is dead, isn’t it a free acquisition? Hedao Group itself is not good at film and television entertainment, if it can do well, it may have done it long ago, and there is no need to acquire Haoyu.”

"Yeah, now almost all of the creative teams in the film and television industry are in Haoyu Films. If your group wants to do business, it is basically impossible to fire these people, and you have to take good care of them. Look at these people." Lin Tang nodded.

He had already chatted with Liu Guan.

Liu Guan originally thought that he was a college student, and there was nothing special about him. Meeting Lin Tang was just to give Su Jie face, but after talking with Liu Guan so carefully, he found that he was really talented, especially in the financial industry. Very profound.

What's even more powerful is that Lin Tang is not exaggerating,

But have practical operating experience.

Lin Tang trades futures, stocks, and various financial bonds. He has entered the market with his family’s pocket money of 30,000 yuan since he was in junior high school. Up to now, he has earned more than 30 million yuan, and his wealth has increased a lot every year. .

It can be said that it is not an exaggeration to say that Lin Tang is a small stock god.

In particular, Liu Guan asked about the future of Lin Tang Hedao Group's stock. Lin Tang eloquently made a detailed demonstration and analysis from fundamentals, technical aspects, the international environment, the management of Hedao Group, the company's cultural style, and industry trends. Research.

There are some things that Liu Guan himself has never thought of.

He never expected that a student could have such a detailed analysis of Hedao Group, any securities analyst would be overshadowed by Lin Tang.

Now Liu Guan has no intention of underestimating Lin Tang, on the contrary, he will be cited as a "military adviser".

Anyway, Liu Long has benefited a lot from Lin Tang, and has completely regarded Lin Tang as a financial planner.

"Two or three years is still short for the layout of a large group. My father figured it out, and it is very cost-effective." Liu Guandao.

"Two or three years is enough time for Wen Ting's layout, let alone three years, even after one year, his energy may not be comparable to what it is now, and he will truly form an indestructible mountain within the group. "Su Jie said: "You can't fail to calculate this point, right?"

"What's a good idea right now?" Liu Guan asked.

"The best thing is to cut the mess quickly." Su Jie said: "First, stop the acquisition of Haoyu Films immediately, and second, start investigating Wen Ting's various doubts in this acquisition, and we can definitely find some Illegal actions. The third is to track down Wen Ting's loyal subordinates and completely eliminate his influence."

Liu Guan listened to Su Jie's words and shook his head again and again: "You can't do the three things you said. If you do, my father will be Zhao Gou, I will be Qin Hui, and Wen Ting will be Yue Fei."

"It's true when you think about it." Su Jie smiled when he heard this metaphor: "From outsiders, it's the same, but if you want to avoid big troubles in the future, you can only do it now, but I think you can use Wen Ting Compared to Prince Yue, that is too disrespectful to Prince Yue. I think Wen Ting is Wang Mang. Before he usurped the throne, everyone saw him as a saint, and his every move was a perfect moral model. If Wang Mang If he is dead, then no one will know that he is the villain."

"This analogy is appropriate." Liu Guandao: "Speaking of which, Wen Ting is really difficult to deal with. The one I am annoyed with now is my sister."

"I'll try to convince you about this, but I can't have too much hope." Su Jie said.

Several people discussed for a long time, Su Jie put forward several opinions, Liu Guan felt that it was not feasible, and Su Jie had no choice but to give up.

Large groups do have the difficulties of large groups, and it is difficult to make a painful choice.

It all depends on how Wen Ting seizes power step by step.

"What we planned before, Wen Ting will definitely assassinate me, but I also take precautions, but they have not made any movement, it is difficult to lure the snake out of the hole." Liu Guan said again.

"It's coming soon, the first reason is to make us paralyzed by not doing anything these days, and the second reason is to gain a firm foothold in the acquisition of Haoyu Films. The third reason is to get your sister, it is best to make your sister pregnant. Wait until all these are done After that, I will almost attack you." Su Jie saw it clearly.

"Damn it!" Liu Guan thumped the table hard: "Why is my sister so stupid?"

"She's not stupid." Su Jie shook his head: "There are very few people like Wen Ting who can see through him. In fact, your father didn't see him through, did he? If you see him through, you will know that he is a The poisonous dragon can’t be used at all. Well, we’ll stop here today, Liu Guan, if you want to save your life in the future, you still have to practice hard, if you can reach the realm of the living dead. If you want to escape, you can still The survivability needs to be increased by more than ten times. From now on, practice with me."

"That's all." Liu Guan nodded: "I can provide you with everything you need for practicing."

"I will list them one by one. I just want to build a laboratory in China on the scale of Larich's laboratory. It needs a robotic arm for minimally invasive surgery on the human body and a complete set of medical equipment." Su Jie said: "In this way, people can perform all kinds of bold and strenuous sports without worrying about damage."

"I'll arrange this matter." Liu Guan knew in his heart that this would be an extremely expensive matter, but he still agreed.

As long as he can reach the realm of the living dead, he is willing to do it at any price.

Next, Su Jie taught Liu Guan, Liu Long, and Kang Gu the "Jiugong Dayu Leibu Fa-rectification" for two hours. Lin Tang was also listening, but he couldn't understand at all.

After the teaching was over, Su Jie continued to practice the hidden weapon of the flying needle by himself, and deepened the practice of the snapping finger rubbing method just now.

This is his real killing technique. Compared with fists, kicks are much more powerful, and he kills with a flick of his fingers.

"This hidden weapon of yours is very strange." Liu Guan was practicing, and seeing Su Jie's methods, he was very curious, and he suggested: "So, the three of us will besiege you, and see how you subdue us?"

Kang Gu, Liu Guan, and Liu Long are all top-notch masters and strong fighters. Although Liu Guan has never played a game, but has experienced special training, his strength is definitely not inferior to Liu Long, and Kang Gu is even more of a genius.

Although the three of them have not reached the realm of the living dead, but if they join forces to deal with Su Jie, they will be hard-pressed with two fists and four hands, so there may not be no chance.

"Okay, I want to try too."

Su Jie nodded.

The three immediately surrounded Su Jie into a circle, forming an equilateral triangle.

The atmosphere became tense.

"Do it!" Liu Guan roared.

The three rushed forward at the same time.


At this moment, Su Jie snapped his fingers. His hand moved magically, and he didn't know if there was a hidden weapon in his hand. No one saw his technique clearly, and it was more than ten times faster than the hand of any magic master playing cards.

The three of them felt their knees go cold at the same time.

Unable to exert any strength, his feet were sore and numb, and he fell to the ground.

A needle was inserted into each important acupuncture point on the knee.

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