Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 283 Private Dragon Veins Times Change and Heavens Are Different

Others don't understand Su Jie's potential, but Qin Hui definitely does.

Qin Hui is also a kung fu master, has received special training, and deeply understands the horror of Su Jie.

"Don't forget, in terms of growth, there is another person who can compete with you." Qin Hui said.

"You mean Feng Hengyi?" Su Jie knew who Qin Hui wanted to talk about: "He is indeed very capable of growth, but the path he took was wrong, and his achievements are destined to not be too high. Okay, don't talk nonsense , let's save time, I'll take you to see Liu Shi, and you give him Wen Ting's black material, and I will guarantee your safety and your interests. As for Zhang Hongqing, I'll take care of him for you. "

Originally, Su Jie didn't have much confidence in dealing with Zhang Hongqing, but as time passed, his practice deepened, and he became a hidden weapon flying needle.

These days, Su Jie has made great progress, and he feels that his mental state and physical fitness have improved.

Especially after he has firmly established that what he is walking is correct, there will be no doubts in his heart, and he will be able to move forward bravely, overcome thorns and thorns, break through obstacles, point straight to the avenue, and unite man and nature.

"This is the only way to go now." Qin Hui looked at Su Jie, still feeling a little afraid.

Su Jie can kill him at any time, this is the awe of the essence of life.

"I'm asking Liu Shi now." Su Jie picked up his phone and sent a message.

If this behavior is seen by other rich people, they will be surprised to death. With Liu Shi's status and status, it is difficult to get an appointment with anyone. Even if it is an offer, I am afraid that I have to wait in line for a month in advance, but Su Jie seems to want to make an appointment.

Under Qin Hui's surprised gaze, Liu Shi's message came within three minutes.

"There will be a car to pick us up later." Su Jie said: "You organize your language first, and what to say when you see Liu Shi, he is not as good at talking as I am."

Seeing this situation, Qin Hui secretly scolded himself for being stupid. The current Su Jie's energy is not as simple as that of a small college student, and it can be said that his methods are superb.

Abroad, as Larich's personal bodyguard and a scientist in the life science laboratory, he also won the attention of Larich.

At home, he gained Liu Shi's trust again.

Such network resources are no longer something Qin Hui can shake.

Qin Hui still wants to design and frame him, but now he is desperate.

Not long after, several cars parked here, surrounded Qin Hui's car, and many bodyguards in black suits came down from inside, took Qin Hui into another car, and left without a trace.

Qin Hui could only accept it.

But Su Jie is very used to all this: "Now the security training of the Hedao Group is not bad, Qin Hui, you have received very strict training, I think you can join the security department of the Hedao Group and train them as an executive how?"

Facing Su Jie's suggestion, Qin Hui didn't speak, he was still thinking about what to say to Liu Shi.

The vehicle quickly arrived at a manor in the outskirts. After driving in, it turned many turns before arriving at Liu Shi's residence.

Liu Shi's residence is a typical Chinese-style courtyard, very spacious, with hidden wind and energy, complete with three talents, five elements, nine palaces and eight trigrams, but it can't be seen from the outside at all.

I don't know which architect designed it for him.

This is also Su Jie's first visit to Liu Shi's house.

As soon as he entered it, he felt that the architectural design of this house was simply extensive and profound, and he didn't know the mystery of some details unless he carefully studied them.

Master Luo, Master Ma, and Zhuang Tianyun are all very powerful characters in Fengshui design. Su Jie has also seen their residences, but compared with the house in front of him, it still pales in comparison and lacks some charm.

Their craftsmanship is contained in it.

The courtyard where Liu Shi lives is almost as natural as mountains and rivers, without any artificial layout.

Especially in the small corridor in the courtyard, with the gurgling water, Su Jie actually felt the "dragon energy", that is, the dragon veins.

Artificial dragon veins!

In Fengshui, dragon veins are the supreme image. There are three dragon veins in Huaxia, one in Yangtze River, one in Yellow River, one in Qinling Mountains, and countless branches of dragon veins.

Building dragon veins in one's own house, only one person has done this kind of thing in ancient times, and that is He Shen. That is, the later Prince Gong's Mansion, a pavilion was built inside, and dragon veins were laid out in the pavilion.

It's just that the whole family confiscated it later, and the three-foot white silk was given to death.

However, Heshen's house has been safe and sound. After becoming the later Prince Gong's Mansion, it has experienced half of the Qing Dynasty's ups and downs, and has become a tourist attraction until now.

The so-called Prince Gong's Mansion is half of the history of the Qing Dynasty.

It has been able to spread for so long, and the influence of dragon veins is also indispensable.

The dragon's veins can't protect people, but they can protect the house and the water and soil.

Liu Shi actually built a small dragon vein at home, which may not be a blessing, but a catastrophe.

After entering the courtyard, Su Jie saw that Liu Shi had already set up tea in a gazebo, waiting for him, and he was the only one.

He didn't look at Qin Hui either, but said, "This is the first time you have come to the courtyard where I live. How is the Feng Shui here? Help me take a look. Is there anything that can be improved?"

Su Jie sat down and shook his head: "Who designed your yard for you? Is it against you?"

"How do you say that?" Liu Shi didn't panic at all.

"In this yard, the winding paths lead to secluded areas, and the flowing water corridors have become the force of dragon veins. The entry of dragon veins into the house is definitely not a blessing, but a sign of catastrophe. No family can bear it." Su Jie said: "Although it happens quickly, But there will be a big disaster afterwards. I think you also know that He Shen's family also has dragon veins, what is the result?"

"That feng shui expert also said the same thing, but he also said a layer of truth, do you want to hear it?" Liu Shi said.

"I would like to hear the details." Su Jie put on a posture of listening attentively.

"The feng shui expert said that times have changed, and it is different now. In the feudal era, things belonging to the emperor were taboo, but in modern times, everyone is a dragon. Can they be used or not? In ancient times, only the emperor wore dragon robes. You can only wear it, and only the emperor can use the bright yellow color. In modern times, when you wear a dragon robe on the street, no one will say anything about you. There is no chance to be in harmony with nature, and the times are different, and some old taboos can also be changed, which is not a big deal." Liu Shi said: "This is his original words, I think it makes sense, do you think Woolen cloth?"

"It makes sense, not bad!" Su Jie smiled: "I learned the knowledge of feng shui phrenology, but I also inherited some ancient traditions and studied the principles from the traditions, but in some places I also got into the horns. I only study the relationship between heaven, earth and man. , the elements of time and space have not been added into it, the times have changed, and some ancient principles must be innovated, very good, very good."

He seemed to have gained some insights: "Who is the person who designed this? Can you tell me about it? I really want to meet this person."

"This person can't be said." Liu Shi put a trick here: "But it is definitely someone you can't think of. Today is just talking about Feng Shui, and important things have not been done yet."

"This person must be very young." Su Jie said this sentence.

There was a strange look in Liu Shi's eyes, obviously Su Jie's guess was right.

"This is Qin Hui. He is Wen Ting's subordinate and also a leader of the dark world. However, under my persuasion, he is going to abandon the dark and turn to the bright, and give you some black materials he has. Now I will pull him Chat with you and see your opinion." Su Jie helped Qin Hui make an introduction.

Qin Hui didn't sit down at this time, but just stood and listened.

He just sat down now.

"You guys talk, I'll walk around." Su Jie stood up, he didn't want to hear about Chen Guzi's rotten sesame seeds, it was nothing more than something about Wen Ting's past, if there are good details, he will ask Qin Hui for specifics Information on the line.

At the moment, he is still most interested in this manor.

Who designed it so boldly to build dragon veins in a private garden must not be an old man. If you are an old man, you will definitely have taboos. Even if you don't believe in ghosts and gods, you will not intentionally offend them. The so-called "respect ghosts and gods and stay away", if I don't mess with you, you don't mess with me either. Our well water does not violate the river water.

This kind of design is only done by young people, and the design style here seems natural, but some details are worth pondering.

In the corner, there are obviously modern cool-toned architectural styles, as well as ancient Roman and European artistic styles. In addition, there are some details where curved glass is used, with sci-fi elements in it.

This must be a young man who is proficient in the architecture of various countries.

"It's a woman." Su Jie could see again that in this garden, some of the design parts are very delicate, and it is obvious that women can do this. If it is a male designer, there will be some boldness.

He walked around the garden, suddenly stopped at a place, and found the eye of the formation here.

These eyes are not living things, but dead things.

Obviously, Su Jie can feel that there are some things buried in the place where he stepped, which makes the whole garden have a subtle change and suppression of the aura.

He looked here for a long time, as if trying to figure out what was buried at the center of the garden.

"You really are proficient in wind and water." Liu Shi walked over: "This is the eye of the entire garden, and it is difficult for ordinary experts to find this point."

"Done?" Su Jie looked at Qin Hui in the distance with a happy face, as if he had gained a huge benefit.

"If you can guess what is buried under the eyes of this formation, I really admire you." Liu Shi did not answer Su Jie's question, but brought the topic to Feng Shui.

Su Jie didn't ask any more questions.

He knew that Liu Shi must have got what he wanted, and seeing his happy face, he knew that he had let go of some kind of knot.

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