Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 293: A Difference of 1 Line, Dangerous and Lifeless

Chapter 293

Confidence has gathered unprecedentedly, and courage has soared unprecedentedly.

When Su Jie faced Zhang Hongqing, the energy in his body was unprecedentedly concentrated, and it had reached an unprecedented peak.

Sure enough, you still have to face a powerful opponent to stimulate your true potential. Human potential is unlimited. As long as you learn to stimulate, you can do many incredible things.

Masters learn to use emotions to stimulate their potential, such as hatred, family affection, ideals, etc., can develop their own potential very well.

Su Jie is an absolute master at stimulating potential.

He has integrated the meaning of family, country and world into boxing a long time ago, and now it is getting more and more profound, and this is a true feeling, so he shows extraordinary charm in every word and every action.

Zhang Hongqing could take the same punch just now, but Zhang Hongqing didn't dare to take it down with his intentions. This fully illustrates a certain problem.

Zhang Hongqing didn't expect that he would be forced to retreat by Su Jie.

Hearing Su Jie's words, the murderous intent in his eyes grew stronger.

Because he really felt the threat from Su Jie.

This kid was almost unable to suppress it.

Once Su Jie breaks through a certain realm, I'm afraid he will still be defeated.

The speed of Su Jie's growth has simply surpassed everyone's expectations. He is a variable, a calamity that no one can predict.

"It's useless to say these things. Since you want to go your own way, I have no choice but to let you keep some things." Zhang Hongqing made up his mind that he was going to abolish Su Jie today. Footwork, as soon as this footwork came out, Su Jie suddenly discovered that Zhang Hongqing had no flaws.

Everyone has flaws.

The number of Dayan is fifty, and if you get the "one", it is forty-nine.

That "one" is the flaw.

Since Su Jie fought with Yang Shu, the number one person in Tai Chi, he has intensively studied Tai Chi pushing hands, and he can almost see the flaws in people at a glance. No master can escape his perception.

Even during Zhang Hongqing's attack just now, Su Jie could see the flaw.

But now, Zhang Hongqing took this posture without any flaws, and Su Jie felt that the matter was tricky.

It's not that Zhang Hongqing has no flaws, but that his level is very high, the energy and blood in his body are circulating, hiding the flaws, Su Jie can't find them, and has no way to attack.

There are flaws in the world, let alone people?

The flaws in the world are the vitality of people.

If it goes on like this, Su Jie will definitely be defeated, he can't find the opponent's weakness at all, and he can't see through the enemy, so how can he fight?


Su Jie moved, he did not attack Zhang Hongqing, but retreated.

Because attacking is a dead end now.

Seeing Su Jie backing away, Zhang Hongqing followed immediately, not letting Su Jie have any chance to escape.

But Su Jie stood in a corner, and suddenly he stepped on it, and the ground trembled a little.

"Huh?" Zhang Hongqing suddenly realized that something was wrong, because he felt that the entire yard, the entire small building, and the surrounding flowers and trees were closely integrated with Su Jie, while he seemed to be excluded.

The right time is not as good as the right place.

In an instant, Su Jie seemed to have found the favorable location of this courtyard.

Take advantage of the geographical advantages.

This is a subtle change caused by the interaction of masters and the feeling of Qi.

However, even if ordinary people fight, they also have a favorable position. For example, when fighting in the arena, they can also force the enemy to the corner and occupy the best strike position to attack violently.

Knock down your opponent.

It's just that when it comes to a master like Su Jie, the advantage of location is more obvious.

Because of the master duel, the first thing is to observe the surroundings, what obstacles are there, and how soft the ground is, so that you will not be hindered by objects while dodging. This is a crucial point, otherwise there may be a major reversal.

Feng Hengyi made a calculation error. He knew that there were stones on the ground, but he did not expect that Su Jie would trip over the stone. This was because the enemy was aware of the calculation, and he was blinded by Su Jie's flying needle.

"Unexpectedly, he has already begun to comprehend the mysteries between heaven, earth and man. This mystery must be traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers, his heart is attached to rivers and mountains, and his emotions are integrated into mountains, rivers and earth. He cannot comprehend it." Just as Su Jie and Zhang Hongqing During the fight, Liu Guanglie did not stop him. When he saw that Su Jie had instantly taken advantage of the situation, he couldn't help being surprised and sighed: "Our Minglun Martial Arts School, there will be such a character? Gu Yang, he is your teacher!" Come out, I originally thought that his talent was worse than Zhang Jinchuan, but now it seems that he was completely mistaken."

Gu Yang was a little worried, he wanted to stop it, but he also knew that he couldn't stop Zhang Hongqing at all.

"Old principal, do you want to stop it? If something happens, the school will take responsibility." Gu Yang said.

"Let's watch first." Liu Guanglie said, "It's rare to see this battle once in a lifetime. It's good to savor the duel between real masters. How valuable are the videos and various data of this fight?" , I believe you can also know clearly."

While Liu Guanglie was speaking, Zhang Hongqing attacked Su Jie.

With a pull of his body, his arms stretched out extremely long, and his fist hit Su Jie's face like a cannonball, and exploded, unexpectedly showing the power of a shotgun.

At this moment, Su Jie felt that there were fists in all directions.

Zhang Hongqing's boxing skills fluctuate and blossom, false and real, and he doesn't know which direction to attack at all, but Su Jie knows that any attack by the opponent is false, and it can also be said to be real. As long as he does not defend well in any direction, his fist will definitely attack. Come down here.


A voice came out of Su Jie's body.

He stretched out his whole body, his body seemed to have been punched hard, and suddenly he opened it from the middle, ignoring Zhang Hongqing's attack, resisting with his body, and hitting him in a straight line.

Although the horizontal hard qigong he practiced was extremely powerful, it was impossible to resist the penetration of Zhang Hongqing's boxing techniques.

However, he has made the right calculations, and if he uses offense instead of defense, he will definitely be able to reap certain effects.

He didn't have any other goals, and wherever he went, there were only Zhang Hongqing's face and five senses. As long as one hits, the opponent's head will collapse, and the facial features will be smashed.

Sure enough, Zhang Hongqing withdrew his fist and turned back his arm to block it.

The arms of the two collided with each other again, like two iron bars colliding violently, making a clanging sound.

In the instant of contact, Zhang Hongqing's strength seemed to be stronger and more ingenious. With a direct rotation, driving his body, he pushed Su Jie's defense away, and then stuck his elbow in.

Fists are bullets, elbows are cannonballs, it is better to receive ten punches than one elbow.

It's a boxing proverb.

Zhang Hongqing used his elbow to stab in, this is a real killing move.

Su Jie felt a deep chill and almost froze himself.

But his nature is really unmoved, all sensory and spiritual things are fleeting, his body fluttered lightly, and within a fraction of a centimeter, he dodged Zhang Hongqing's elbow, and suddenly grabbed Zhang Hongqing's arm again. The face was scratched.

This is not the chopping of a "hoe", but the scratching similar to a monkey fighting.

Faster, but less lethal than a hoe.

It is similar to the "Long Ape Probing Arm" in Professor Gu Yang's Eighteen Traditional Martial Arts Ultimate Moves.

However, with Su Jie's strength, if he gets scratched, his eyes will be scratched out.

Zhang Hongqing tilted his head, dodged it, and didn't stop, he jumped again, kicked and killed him, and went straight to Su Jie's crotch, extremely ruthless.

Su Jie slapped his hand and just hit Zhang Hongqing's instep, pressing his foot down, but Zhang Hongqing made another move, and the knife stabbed Su Jie's armpit.

He does it all in one go and never stops.

In the rush to attack, he has already gained the upper hand.

This is the gap between Su Jie and Zhang Hongqing. It is easy to create gaps between subtle changes.

But it was much stronger than the match half a year ago.

In that fight, almost in the first round, Su Jie was at a disadvantage and could only run away desperately. Although he was at a disadvantage now, he didn't appear to be defeated, and he could find a chance to get it back.

Whoosh whoosh!

Facing Zhang Hongqing's attack, Su Jie tried his best to dodge with his body skills, exerting all his physical energy, barely dodging the attack.

He thinks that in terms of physical endurance, he definitely has some advantages.

After all, Zhang Hongqing was almost fifty years old, no matter how powerful he was, his time was not forgiving, and he couldn't compare with an eighteen-year-old boy.

So Su Jie used his body and limbs to guard the door first, and then made plans when Zhang Hongqing's physical energy consumption began to decline.

This kind of battle consumes a lot of physical energy, even if it lasts for three to five minutes, it is enough to consume all of them.

Zhang Hongqing also knew Su Jie's intentions, he suddenly turned his footsteps, it seemed that the Jiugong Bagua also showed the wonderful footwork in the "Nine Palaces Dayu and Leibu Zhengfa".


Every step Zhang Hongqing took was of great importance, seemingly light, but when he landed, thunder rumbled in the ground, the sound made people extremely flustered.

This is already a means of oppressing the mind.

Just like in the midst of a fight, the sudden strange cry was breathtaking.

But Zhang Hongqing's footwork sound vibration is much better than strange screams. During the high-speed movement, the feet vibrate, and every step has a penetrating power, like a knife piercing through the human heart.

"Jiugong Dayu's Rectification of Lei Bu" itself is the unique knowledge of the Zhang family.

Zhang Nianquan has been studying it for nearly a hundred years, and Zhang Hongqing also used modern methods to study in the honey badger training camp, and has improved to a higher level. Now that he has used it suddenly, even if Su Jie is good at this method, he feels that his heart is weak and he cannot use it. .

In the depths of his heart, there was an inexplicable panic, and every sound was like a knife or a hammer, hitting his chest,

This is Zhang Hongqing's true ability.

Footsteps chasing and trampling, like thunder into the ground, the attack in the hands is even more ferocious, chopping and grabbing, turning into silver snakes dancing wildly. During Zhang Hongqing's attack, the gods descended to earth, unstoppable.


Su Jie blocked his punches dozens of times, and he kept retreating, appearing to be defeated again.

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