Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 310 Bossing around, a little trouble 1 sentence

Chapter 310 Bossing and Making Little Trouble a Word

What Su Jie is thinking about now is no longer science, but metaphysics.

But in fact, metaphysics and science are still linked to each other. Many people didn't think so before, but with the increase of artificial intelligence's calculation ability, many things can be predicted, and the predicted data is getting closer and closer to the real situation. .

In the future, metaphysics may also become science.

There was no one in the seat signed by Tang Yun. This was the royal throne of the chairman of the student union, and few unsightly students would sit there.

The reason Su Jie didn't sit down was because he wanted to think about it, and didn't want to attract attention.

When he was exploring his own destiny, someone suddenly appeared beside him: "Why don't you sit in my seat? That seat has good feng shui, and it is easier to get inspiration when thinking about problems."

Su Jie took a look and found that it was signed by Tang Yun.

"School is starting now, and there are many people in the library. I want to think quietly for a while, but I don't want to be regarded as a target and disturb my thoughts." Su Jie said.

"You will still be disturbed by people?" Tang Yun signed: "When you reach your level, even if Mount Tai collapses in front of you, you will not change your face."

"That's the case, but I'm too sensitive now. Anyone who pays attention to me, I can feel the good and evil intentions in his heart." Su Jie turned around and opened his package, and took it out from inside I bought a laptop and a mobile phone: "This is what I promised you last time. Larich's electronic technology studio has finished the laptop and mobile phone. The performance is quite good, more than ten times better than any one on the market. .”

Tang Yun quickly took the sign and put it on the table, and turned it on for operation.

After fiddling with it for a few minutes, she fully understood the operation performance, and she couldn't hide her joy: "Larich is indeed the most powerful boss of a technology company in the world. By the way, his artificial intelligence laboratory has made another breakthrough recently. Do you know the news? Their artificial intelligence can already predict the time of death, with a success rate of more than 95 percent."

"I read it. This result was published in the Journal of Natural Sciences. Their scientists collected hundreds of thousands of hospital clinical diagnosis experience and data on people's birth, old age, illness and death. The comprehensive calculation is extremely accurate." Su Jie nodded.

"If this goes on like this, I'm afraid that the profession of fortune-telling will be eliminated. Fengshui and fate are completely inferior to artificial intelligence algorithms." Tang Yun signed: "Hedao Group's artificial intelligence algorithms are getting stronger and stronger. , I have bought things on their website a few times, but recently they have pushed me all what I want in my heart, this kind of algorithm is simply horrible, similar to the roundworm in the stomach of a person.”

"This is still a rudimentary intelligent algorithm." Su Jie said: "The real advanced algorithm is still in the process of being conceived, and it is likely to be born in just a few years. It is greater than any scientist in history."

Su Jie guessed that this kind of thing must be done in the Tifeng training camp.

I don't know what the old sister has learned in it, and whether she can gain insight into the highest level of technology.

He suddenly discovered that his elder sister was the same kind of person as himself.

What I am pursuing is the highest state of mind and spirit, while my sister is pursuing the scientific limit of computer intelligence.

"With this mobile phone and computer, my design speed is much faster." Tang Yun signed: "This thing is really hard to get even if you have money. You still have a way, and you can actually get involved with Laric."

"It's all just a coincidence. If it wasn't for one of my friends, I wouldn't be so lucky." Su Jie knew that it was Zhang Manman who took him to apply for a job at Larich Company, and got this opportunity. They are all favored by their ability, but opportunities are indispensable.

Many capable people,

It was because of the lack of an opportunity that he failed to display his talents and finally died in depression.

A thousand-mile horse often exists, but Bole does not.

Seeing Tang Yunzhu and Su Jie chatting here, and even accepting gifts from each other, the students in the library were once again very surprised, because it is impossible for Tang Yunzhu to accept gifts from boys.

Tang Yunzhi didn't care about other people's eyes at all. After collecting these two things, he sat down in his own seat and started to study.

Su Jie, on the other hand, was interrupted from thinking and couldn't continue, so he left the library, planning to find a new place to see if he could find inspiration.

He felt that he was in the most critical period of a breakthrough.

In fact, he is already very close to the state of "enlightenment", but there is a little bit of things that are not perfect, which leads to the fact that he has not completely reborn and become a giant like Liu Guanglie and Zhang Hongqing.

He is like a great artist who is carving a perfect work of art. From the perspective of others, this work of art is already flawless, but this great artist feels that there must be something missing.

The artist himself doesn't know what's missing, but he always feels unsatisfactory, and doesn't have the taste of true merits and virtues and rising clouds.

"Yes, that's the smell." Su Jie was walking on the path in the woods outside the library, kicked a stone, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed deep in his mind.

What a coincidence.

This is the place where Feng Hengyi had a duel with Feng Hengyi.

And this stone was the one that Su Jie designed to make Feng Hengyi appear flawed that day, thereby stabbing his eyes blind.

He kicked the stone again and seemed to have found a feeling.

Just as he was about to continue this feeling, a person appeared in front of him.

"Did you give Tang Yun something to sign just now?" The man asked Su Jie directly.

It turned out to be Shi Yuan.

"That's right." Su Jie looked at Shi Yuan, the chairman of the Student Union of B, and couldn't help but smile: "Brother, I know you like Tang Yun's lottery, you can go after it. What's the matter with stopping me? Do you want to compete with me?" What? I'm not interested in playing with you."

"I signed a contract with Tang Yun as a family match, and the parents of both sides have acquiesced in certain things." Shi Yuan stared at Su Jie sharply: "Don't think about it."

"Have you checked my details?" Su Jie asked with a half-smile.

"I even know where your home is." Shi Yuan seemed to have everything under control, "Your father's name is Su Shilin, and he works as a security guard in Zhonglong Group. Your mother's name is Xu Ying, a university teacher, and your sister is a Programmer, working in Haoyu Group. I'm right."

"It seems that you have found some channels." Su Jie smiled. His family's household registration book can actually be found by anyone with a small relationship in the society, but the real connotation is not those small connections. It can be found.

It can be seen that the energy of Shi Yuan is not very large.

If Shi Yuan's energy is high, he should know more things.

"I want to tell you one thing." Shi Yuan's tone was somewhat condescending.

"What's the matter?" Su Jie asked: "Tell me, I'm in a hurry."

"Don't think that the current society is all about equality. Small people are always small people. If you are admitted to Q University, maybe your relatives, friends, and parents think you are the son of heaven, but in fact, as long as some people say , You can be stripped clean, so that you can't read a book, believe it or not? An An finds a job after graduation, and maybe can become a white-collar worker. If you wishful thinking, then some things I don't know what will happen. "Shi Yuan's tone was already very cold: "I know you have another identity, which is known as Liu Shi's personal bodyguard. Yes, Liu Shi is a big shot, but his liking for martial arts is just for fun. People who practice martial arts around him There are too many. After all, you are at best his helper. If something happens, do you think he will protect you? Besides, he is just a businessman. In his eyes, he is nothing more than a fat pig at the mercy of others."

Shi Yuan knew that Su Jie was Liu Shi's bodyguard. In Ou Deli's courtyard, he heard Tang Yun sign it.

That's why he went to check Su Jie's family details, and found that it was very ordinary and nothing. He thought that Su Jie was just a lucky boy who met Liu Shi by chance, but this was not a stable foundation at all.

"There is some truth in what you say." Su Jie smiled, and was not angry at all. In fact, what Shi Yuan said was the truth.

When big people want to use you, if you are a little more polite to you, you think you can go to heaven, but in fact you are just a plaything.

Su Jie never counted on Liu Shi, on the contrary, he just thought that Liu Shi was relying on himself, without himself, Liu Shi would have died long ago.

Same goes for Laric.

Su Jie relied on his own ability, he was of great value.

"You are very sensible." Shi Yuan thought that Su Jie was stage fright, so he couldn't help nodding: "From today onwards, I don't want you to get close to Tang Yun's lottery."

"Sorry, I promised her to attend Tang Nanshan's 50th birthday next month." Su Jie smiled.

"You're kidding me!" Shi Yuan was furious in his heart, but he didn't show it, he just nodded: "Very well, it seems that you are determined to be a bastard. Then it seems that we have nothing to talk about?"

"Brother Su, so you're here." Su Jie was about to speak, when another person came over, and it was actually Vice Chairman Qin Hui.

When Qin Hui saw Su Jie, he was very polite. He has been completely surrendered by Su Jie, and now he has become Liu Shi's man, entered the Hedao Group, and started his career.

"Shi Yuan, are you here too?" Seeing Shi Yuan, Qin Hui also knew him. He is the vice chairman of University Q, and Shi Yuan is the chairman of University B. The two universities often have activities, and the leaders of the student union communicate with each other. Strange, must know each other's details.

"Qin Hui, do you know him?" Shi Yuan frowned. He knew Qin Hui was a powerful character, and he seemed unwilling to provoke him.

"This is my leader." Qin Hui took a look and knew about it.

"Qin Hui, deal with this matter for me." Su Jie didn't want to entangle Shi Yuan here, but patted Qin Hui on the shoulder: "I don't want anyone to cause trouble for me in the future, if you need anything, Tell Liu Shi directly, and Liu Shi will agree to all your requests."

After speaking, he left here.

Indeed, Liu Shi would definitely agree to all the requests he made now.

The matter of the big boss is a pressure on Su Jie, and even more pressure on Liu Shi.

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