Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 320 Peeking Behind It, Doing My Best to Turn It Around

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Su Jie's punch made Long Tianming vomit blood before it even touched Long Tianming. In fact, it was not some miraculous internal strength. It was just that Long Tianming's spirit was affected by the general trend of the punch, and he was too nervous, which caused the capillaries in the respiratory and digestive tracts to rupture and permeate.

Or self-inflicted.

It's the same as a person holding his breath violently and causing a nosebleed.

This can be explained by science.

However, this also means that Su Jie's punch is earth-shattering, and he is completely using a "magic strike".

Use the spirit to strike the enemy.

Of course, this is only useful for people like Long Tianming with keen senses and strong spirits. If you meet an ordinary boxer who can't be seen at all, it is tantamount to a blind man lighting a lamp in vain.

Of course, ordinary boxer Su Jie didn't need such a concentrated punch at all, he could crush it with casual strength.

"This is also a kind of Tai Chi pushing hands. It is not using strength to hit people, but using ideas to hit people." Liu Long has a new understanding of boxing and martial arts.

"Admiration, admiration." In fact, Long Tianming didn't suffer any injuries, similar to a nosebleed, and he recovered after a while. He came back to his senses and was completely convinced, knowing that the gap between himself and Su Jie was very large.

"Is this person so strong? No wonder Wen Ting is very afraid of him. It seems that my plan seems to be revised a little bit? I also know his information. I have only practiced kung fu for more than two years. I first met Ou Deli , under Odley's training, even a fool can become a master, but this is too outrageous. If Odley can train a person to be like this within two years, then even the big boss will be too It's not as good as him... Could it be that Odley really found some kind of supernatural power? No, I have to stay here for a while to find out the details of Su Jie..."

Deep in his heart, Long Tianming turned over many thoughts.

Su Jie looked at him and knew his state of mind well.

As soon as he met and dealt with Long Tianming, he mobilized the boxing technique he had recently realized, and displayed the artistic conception that runs through every era from ancient to modern times, in order to let Long Tianming know how powerful he is, and to imprint the deepest impression on his heart in one fell swoop. ,indelible.

In this way, after Long Tianming has a deep impression of himself, he will stay here to pry into his own secrets, and as a result, more of his secrets will be revealed, and it will also allow Su Jie to truly see the mysterious "big boss" behind him. .

Even now, when Su Jie looked at Long Tianming, he could vaguely see a tall figure almost covering the sky behind him.

This figure is omnipotent, just like the heavenly father, like the god of heaven, like the emperor of heaven, like the way of heaven.

Although Su Jie defeated Long Tianming, with just one punch, he felt that he was definitely no match for the big boss.

The Big Boss can also beat himself with a single punch.

This is a unique eighth sense.

Alaya knowledge.

Experts can see the shadow of Ou Deli through Su Jie, and Su Jie can also see the shadow of the "big boss" through Long Tianming.

Su Jie's thinking has already surpassed the ordinary, able to break through some kind of space-time barrier.

His body is still flesh and blood, but his psychological quality, spiritual will, and spiritual will are no longer there.

"Your kung fu is very unique. You have deep research on traditional martial arts. And you have acquired the essence of divine will. I think everyone can study it together." Su Jie said intentionally: "In addition, you seem to have cultivated a unique spirit Kung fu, I don’t know what it is? The first thing I practiced was the great corpse method.”

Long Tianming's eyes flickered for a moment, and instead of answering, he asked instead: "I want to learn the Lei Fa of your club, the Taoist Lei Fa, I wonder if it is possible?"

"Yes." Su Jie said: "The training methods of our club can be disclosed to the public. There are no secrets at all. As long as you join it, you can learn it. In fact, the rectification method of the Nine Palaces Dayu Lei Department is still Zhang's. After passing it on to me, I let everyone study and research, which can enrich their experience. As a science, it must not be self-preserved. Otherwise, it will only regress. Because of this, traditional martial arts will not keep up with the times. .”

He stepped forward and patted Long Tianming on the shoulder: "You came to our club not to play games for you, but to attract talents to study kung fu together. Come on, I will explain to you the Jiugong Dayu Lei Department now." The practice methods and principles of the Fa-rectification."

While speaking, Su Jie began to teach as a teacher.

Long Tianming calmed down and began to listen carefully to the class like a student.

"The so-called thunder method is actually an explosion caused by the resonance of internal airflow, external movements, and core spirit. Breathing, body movement, and mental retraction are indispensable. Only a high degree of fit can be used to make a thunderous thought. Of course Before that, the strength and flexibility of the body must be quite high, and the spirit must be quite pure." While Su Jie was explaining, he suddenly slashed forward with his palm, using the "shoveling head" style.

But during this chop, suddenly there was a thunderbolt, and there was a roaring sound from the palm of the hand, and the cannonball exploded, making people's ears buzzing.

It was nothing short of magic.

"This is not so much kung fu as it is magic." Su Jie said: "If you practiced this skill in ancient times, you could go directly to show off in front of the emperor and general, and it is not impossible to become a national teacher. But after you say it, there is no What a strange thing."

"What effect does it have on the human body?" Long Tianming asked, "Has it been studied?"

"The most important thing in this method is inner spiritual cultivation. It can make people act vigorously and resolutely, drive away evil thoughts, and do things as swiftly and fiercely as lightning, clean and neat, with the style of a general. Anxiety, when there is thunder, after the violent storm, there will be a clear sky." Before giving Long Tianming a lesson, Su Jie observed the changes in his thinking.

The two asked and answered, and Su Jie became clearer about the big leader behind him.

Apart from listening to Su Jie's theories, Long Tianming was also watching Su Jie's movements. At the same time, the two were pushing each other to try their strength.

Su Jie has completely become a qualified coach.

He doesn't want to be number one in the world, he likes to hide behind the scenes as a coach and train the number one in the world. He deeply understood Odeli's mentality. Number one in the world is just a false name, and there are a lot of troubles. Once you enter this vanity fair, you will not be able to devote yourself to research.

People practice kung fu for evolution, not for fame.

When Su Jie was teaching Long Tianming, he still wanted to confront the big boss in this regard, hoping to use his own actions to change Long Tianming. In this way, he could win a game against Long Tianming. A glimmer of hope for defeating the big boss.

But now Long Tianming wanted to obtain Su Jie's secret, and learned as much as possible from him to supplement himself. So seize the opportunity and defeat Su Jie when the time comes.

The two of them had their own thoughts, but Su Jie was teaching seriously, without any secrets. He instilled his thoughts into Long Tianming, hoping to shake his soul to change.

But after three days, Su Jie realized that it was futile.

Three days later, Su Jie could clearly feel that Long Tianming seemed to be a different person in the core of his soul. It seemed that he was meeting him for the first time, and he was no longer the person he was three days ago.

Besides, Long Tianming became even stronger.

Almost every other day, Long Tianming made a qualitative leap, faster than his own progress. If this continued, he would catch up to him sooner or later.

However, Su Jie didn't have the slightest fear, nor did he care. Instead, he observed Long Tianming's changes more carefully.

Long Tianming's transformation was completed while he was sleeping at night, so it's hard to see what kind of self-destruction and rebirth he has experienced in his heart.

Anyway, even Su Jie couldn't do this.

However, Su Jie had completely seen through Long Tianming in the past few days, and obtained some secrets from his body.

These secrets, together with his own insights, gave him some new ideas for the future.

Su Jie just soaked in Long Tianming's body, watching his growth and changes, anyway, every three days, Long Tianming must become a brand new person, no longer the old self, and the previous people and things are completely in harmony. He has nothing to do.

This day a call came, and it was signed by Tang Yun: "Su Jie, don't forget, tomorrow is my father's 50th birthday, you must attend it? You promised me."

"I remember." Su Jie received the call, and he really didn't forget about it.

In fact, everything he does now is as precise as a machine, how could he forget what he promised?

"Then I'll pick you up tomorrow?" Tang Yun asked on the phone.

"No, I'll come by myself." Su Jie said: "You just need to give me the address. By the way, your father's birthday may require an invitation card to be able to go in. You have to give me one."

"No, I'll pick you up at the door when you arrive tomorrow." Tang Yun signed, "Just call me when you arrive."

"That's fine." Su Jie nodded.

Tang Yun signed and hung up the phone.

She is in a courtyard. This is a classical Chinese courtyard. It is very elegant and has a large area. It has one floor and one floor, with five entrances and five exits. It can be compared with Liu Shi's "Yunshi Taiji Courtyard".

This is the Tang family's house.

"Yunzhu, who did you call just now? Are you going to pick him up at the door?" At this time, a young man in the next room came out. The young man was holding a book in his hand, full of bookishness, fingers Slender, but without nails, each finger seems to be suet white jade: "I heard something recently, saying that you started dating in school. According to your age, it's okay to fall in love, but you have to Find the right person."

"I didn't talk about friends." Tang Yun gave the young man a white look: "He is a good friend of mine. I will introduce him to you when he comes over tomorrow. He is an extremely powerful person. I'm afraid you can't even imagine it."

"Oh?" The young man didn't take it seriously: "Which aspect is the best?"

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