Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 325: The sheep touches the vassal state, two difficulties in advancing and retreating in Hai

Chapter 325

"With your wisdom, few people can compare to you, and you are academically accomplished, given time, you will become a great weapon." Su Jie had no lack of praise for Tang Yun's signature.

Because he could feel that Tang Yun's state was definitely not as simple as it appeared on the surface, and there was something deeper hidden in her heart.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to help Liu Shi design such a bold courtyard that is in line with the times, ancient geomantic omen, and even astrology and geography.

Hearing Su Jie praise her so much, a happy smile appeared on Tang Yunzhu's face. She led Su Jie inside, entered through another side door, turned a few turns, and entered a small courtyard.

There is a cool breeze in this yard, and in the deep pool, there are huge koi carps, which are somewhat similar to the "deliberate massage parlor". These koi carps swim around, adding vitality to the whole yard.

However, these koi are not eye-catching. Su Jie saw that there seemed to be a big tortoise among the group of koi in the deep pool. Get the secret of health preservation.

The ancients could gain a lot of spirituality by observing the tortoise.

Turtles are long-lived things.

This big tortoise is the eye of the whole yard.

"The longevity of the tortoise and the name of this Nanshan residence complement each other." Su Jie praised: "Nanshan itself is a symbol of longevity."

"You are a master of feng shui, and I'm playing tricks in front of you, but this yard was designed by my father, can you see if there are any flaws in it? You can make suggestions for improvement." Tang Yunzhi asked.

"Flaws?" Su Jie took a look, and suddenly all the terrain was brewing in his mind. His whole mind seemed to fly into the air, and he looked down at this place for a full minute before he said: "This Nanshan It can be said that living in the right place, the right place, the harmony of people, the three things of wealth, wealth and longevity, the earth's atmosphere is strong, and it is settling downwards. In time, it will be a blessed place. In the eyes of countless people, this is indeed impeccable, but if there are flaws, there are still some."

"Oh? Really?" Tang Yun asked Su Jie to pick out the flaws. She was originally polite. She also thought that her father's Fengshui skills were the best in the world. Where are any flaws, but she never imagined that Su Jie could really pick out the flaws: "Then tell me, where are the flaws?"



Just when Su Jie was about to say where the flaw was, a voice came over.

A young man came out of the house, dressed in casual clothes, with a slender figure, palms like suet and jade, and he was not vulgar at all. This was Tang Yunzhi's brother, Tang Yunhao.

There was displeasure in his eyes, obviously irritated by Su Jie's words.

Su Jie actually said that this Nanshan residence was flawed, and this was slapping Tang Nanshan naked in the face, saying that he had bad eyesight. This is taboo in any industry.

Su Jie knew this, but he was a scientist by nature, and he didn't want to adulterate academically. The signing with Tang Yun was also to discuss academic issues, so he didn't hide it.

"Brother, why are you eavesdropping on our conversation?" Tang Yunzhi frowned.

Tang Yunhao ignored her, but came straight over and looked at Su Jie: "My sister said that you are extremely good, but now it seems that you are very arrogant, do you know how mysterious the layout of Nanshan Residence is? ? You actually said it was flawed?"

"Don't you want to hear where the flaws are?" Su Jie asked.

"It's nothing more than nonsense, there's no need to go on," Tang Yunhao said.

"Nanshanju is too complete, without flaws, and everything is perfect, and it has done the envy of the world. When things are going to be reversed in the future, it is the time when doom is inevitable. Don't you hear that good things in the world are not firm, and colorful clouds are fragile and glass is scattered. Say it?" Su Jie said: "The way of heaven and earth is incomplete, let alone a place to live."

"Nonsense." Tang Yunhao stretched out his hand, "I heard from Yun Zhi that you are good at kung fu, but I want to see how well you practice."

This is the posture of joining hands in traditional martial arts.

Putting both hands together can turn into Taiji Pushing Hands, and can immediately change into Grapping, or perform a killer move. Everything changes in an instant.

Su Jie put his hand on it too.

As soon as Tang Yunhao moved along with the trend, his arm was pressed down. A small grabbing move is "Leading the Sheep by Hand", which focuses on taking advantage of the momentum to pull and pull the area.

Tang Yunhao's move was so perfect that with one move, the direction involved was actually a deep pool of water. He wanted to make Su Jie a drowned chicken, and he lost all face.

Su Jie just smiled slightly, and his technique changed. He shook one hand, stretched out two fingers, clicked and stopped, and immediately disintegrated Tang Yunhao's small capture of "leading the sheep by hand", which made Tang Yunhao unable to advance or retreat. , extremely embarrassing.

Su Jie's technique is extremely mysterious, it is a classic technique in Baguazhang, it is called "Yang Yang Touching Fan".

The so-called "a sheep touches the domain" comes from the hexagram of Da Zhuang in the Book of Changes. The hexagram says: "The sheep touches the domain, and its horns are loose. It cannot retreat, and it cannot succeed." It means that the horns of the ram are stuck on the fence. Dilemma.

Baguazhang itself is based on the principles of the Book of Changes and Bagua, and many of its moves are from the hexagrams of the Book of Changes. It can be said that Baguazhang is no longer a martial art, but a philosophy in kinematics.


Tang Yunhao's arms made the sound of bones vibrating. It was his own strength. When he hung his arms upwards, the weight of his whole body pressed them up, and then he pulled them off suddenly, and unexpectedly got rid of Su Jie's capture. This move was just right. , It is a trick of "hanging the horns of the antelope".

"The antelope hangs its horns, and there is no trace to be found."

When wild antelopes sleep at night, in order to prevent them from being violated, they hang their horns on trees and keep their feet off the ground. This is indeed a biological phenomenon, and there are such things in reality.

However, this term is an extremely subtle metaphor in Zen Buddhism, like a flying fairy outside the sky, which cannot be fathomed.

This move is performed in Tang Yunhao's hands, not only is it the only way of liberation in terms of movement, but it is also a way of liberation in terms of artistic conception.

"The antelope touches the vassal state and is in a dilemma", then I will say "the antelope hangs its horns and there is no trace to be found".

"Okay." Su Jie nodded, appreciating Tang Yunhao's brainstorm very much. It can be seen from this that Tang Yunhao's traditional martial arts has also been practiced quite well, almost on par with Zhang Jinchuan.

Su Jie deliberately wants to see his kung fu, so he is here to fight with him. This is not Tai Chi pushing hands, but a Sanshou contest in traditional martial arts.

Sanshou contest is actually a kind of martial arts competition other than life and death, which is the ancient arena competition. Both sides can use killers, but they still have to follow the rules. Hidden weapons, lime powder, and daggers hidden in sleeves are still not allowed.

And Tai Chi Push Hands is purely to test the use of strength on both sides. It will not get hurt or make a fool of yourself. It is the most civilized. However, Sanshou is more dangerous in comparison.

If you don't look at Tang Yunhao's kung fu, Su Jie can beat him to death with one move.

Su Jie's current kung fu is no longer comparable to that when Ming Lun Martial Arts School competed with Zhang Hongqing.

Although it has only been more than a month, Su Jie has been reborn mentally. He has gone through countless things, especially the experience he obtained from Pi Youdao and Liu Long's promotion to the living dead. The most important thing is that he has realized it by himself. It penetrates time and space and fits the cultivation methods of each era. In addition, he obtained the cultivation path of the great leader from Long Tianming. These things are all integrated, which makes him suddenly enlightened, and his accumulated savings are enough.

In other words, even if he has not yet reached the state of "enlightenment", he can actually sit on an equal footing with Zhang Hongqing.

If Zhang Hongqing came to kill him now, I'm afraid the chance is only five or five.

The fight between Su Jie and Tang Yunhao was between Lightning, and they exchanged three moves in a row. Although Tang Yunhao was out of Su Jie's control, he only felt that the other party was unfathomable, like an abyss and an ocean.

But he didn't believe that Su Jie was really that powerful.


After getting out of control with a move of "Antelope Hanging Horn", he suddenly moved his body, and his whole body was solemn and solemn, as strong as the Nanshan Mountain, and as strong as the waves of the sea.

"Mountain and sea!" Tang Yunzhu was taken aback. He knew that his elder brother Tang Yunhao had used the Tang family's unique skill "Mountain and Sea".

"It's interesting." Su Jie spread his five fingers and slapped forward.

It is the intention of "hoeing the head".

As soon as this handle is released, it will cover the sky and block out the sun, causing the mountains to collapse and the sea to crack.

The sea splits and landslides.

No matter how Tang Yunhao attacked, it was of no avail. He could only watch Su Jie's slap come down and land on his forehead.


Between Su Jie's beats, the power changes, first uses the downward force, then the pressure, then the piercing force, then the squeezing force, and then the pulling force, fixed force, exploding force, fishing force, lifting force, etc. force.....

With a simple slap, many forces were combined together. Tang Yunhao only felt that his whole body, headed by his head, was being kneaded repeatedly by a whole body of force. He could not control his body at all, like a large piece of dough being kneaded into various shapes.

In an instant, he also felt the mixture of Su Jie's multiple forces. He seemed to be able to manipulate himself as he wished, and he could also slap himself and his bones would be shattered.

At this moment, he could truly feel the horror of Su Jie.

pedal pedal...

After being hit by this, he took more than ten steps back in a row, unable to stabilize his body at all, and finally sat down on the railing of the corridor. Su Jie calculated that he would retreat to that position and sit down, and didn't let him sit on the ground to make a fool of himself.

"Brother, be convinced." Tang Yun signed: "Su Jie's kung fu is far superior to yours. Even if he uses the mountain and sea trick, it is actually futile."

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