Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 336: Similarities and Differences of Thoughts

Chapter 336

"This girl is the favorite of luck?" Pi Youdao interjected beside her.

He is proficient in wind, water and numerology, otherwise it would be impossible to occupy the center of the formation in the whole town, practice ancient boxing techniques, save/spirit, and be able to break through.

"No." Su Jie shook his head: "This Jiang Zhiyan has reached a certain level of temperament cultivation, which is extremely attractive to men, and many men who lack concentration are moths to the flame. It seems that there is nothing on the surface, but in fact getting along with her After a while, you will be attracted to her, and you can't help it, she has a unique charm."

People can indeed make their aura more perfect and attractive through various practices.

For example, through fitness, you can improve your body, through practicing Qigong, you can adjust your body and mind, and through reading, you can enrich your conversation and think quickly. If a series of cultivation is in place, that person will have infinite charm in every gesture, which will be unknowingly convincing.

Su Jie is a typical example.

He is actually not very old, but now he has reached the realm of "extraordinary". People who have been with him for a long time almost regard him as a god, thinking that following him can pursue the end of the mystery of life.

Even Liu Long and Pi Youdao, who were in the realm of the living dead, followed closely.

"Su Jie, in a word, if this woman doesn't defeat her, any cooperation between us and Mingxia Group will be disrupted by her, and she will even use a lot of resources to punish us." Zhang Jinchuan was not attracted by that Jiang Zhi Yan Suo was fascinated, and he still hated his teeth when he said it: "Actually, the most important part of your business plan is to integrate the resources of Mingxia and Hedao two major groups. Do transnational commercial services, relying on this, our company's orders are abundant, and we can build a business based on this, but with this woman, our plan will be ruined. But I can't do anything now, I have to Use your wisdom to do this."

Zhang Jinchuan used to be very intelligent, thoughtful, and almost omnipotent, but now he is getting bigger and bigger, and the people he comes into contact with are also powerful, and it is normal for him to hit a wall. Moreover, his current state is qualitatively different from Su Jie's.

Because he has not been promoted to the realm of the living dead.

"Then I'll go get in touch with this girl." Su Jie said, "I'll observe this matter for a while, and get through this obstacle completely. Wen Ting has nothing to do here. Unexpectedly, when he pressed the gourd to float the ladle, the You can solve as many as you want. In fact, for me, this woman is nothing. The person behind her is the key. If it is really the No. 3 person in the Typhon training camp, the mysterious fool, then I'm not an opponent yet."

The current Su Jie is far superior to ordinary people. Even the experts in the field of professional fighting are no match for him. His physical, intellectual and psychological qualities have already surpassed the so-called "world record" on the surface.

Because of this, he doesn't want to be famous, expose himself to the spotlight, and cause huge trouble.

However, a master of his level is not the best in the world.

The level of the big boss, Ou Deli, and the Fool should be the highest peak, but now Su Jie doesn't know if there are such people in this world.

People at Su Jie's level include himself, Liu Guanglie, and Zhang Hongqing, but no one else has been found yet. As for Tang Nanshan and Fu Lao, who are relatively strong at the spiritual level, but without the unity of body and mind, they are far from being able to match Liu Guanglie and Zhang Hongqing in terms of physical movements.

A real strong person, one with the inside and outside, not only has a strong psychological quality, but also a strong physical quality.

"These characters in China are still afraid to come here." Zhang Jinchuan said: "Although they are powerful,

But after all, he doesn't really have super powers, and he will die as if he was shot by a bullet. "

"That's right, no matter how powerful you are, you're not really extraordinary, you can't fly, you can't be indestructible, invulnerable, and you're still a real human being." Su Jie knew deeply that no matter how strong a human being is, it is impossible to change the physical form and structure , is always a body of flesh and blood, and no supernatural power has been discovered in this world for the time being.

Human cultivation is nothing more than improving the body through the mind.

"Jinchuan, I have memorized this woman's information, you tell me her whereabouts, and I will go talk to her." Su Jie said.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy. Zhang Manman was rejected. I think you are similar, and you may be humiliated. This woman is very rude when she speaks, and she can often make you angry with a single word. I can't wait to go up and beat someone." Zhang Jinchuan It seems that there is no lack of anger in the Mingxia Group.

"It's okay." Su Jie smiled: "In that case, I think you need to get in touch with this woman more, it will be of great help to improve your energy-raising skills."

"This woman's whereabouts route is very simple. She goes to work in the company every day and returns home after work. She doesn't have a boyfriend and doesn't socialize, but she regularly goes to a private gym to exercise." Zhang Jinchuan gave this woman's route to Su Jie, Knows well.

"Her life pattern is very simple." Su Jie looked at it, "Day after day, year after year, her self-discipline is super strong, no wonder she can become a strong woman."

"I've heard of this David's Gym." Liu Long suddenly said, "It's very famous in the circle, but it's not open to the public. If you can enter this circle, it is actually the same as our Dian Dao martial arts, and idlers cannot enter our research club. It is said that David Fitness has some relationship with Solo Club abroad, and sometimes, you can also invite Solo came to guide me, and I once asked someone to take a look, but I was not able to be absorbed into the membership.”

"What? There is such a thing?" Zhang Jinchuan was surprised: "It's just a gym, and you haven't even been recruited? Isn't it too arrogant?"

"The reason is very simple. It is because they are afraid that Liulong will get their secrets. When I heard this name, I knew that this gym was related to the Solo Club. In ancient times, David himself was the father of King Solomon, and the throne was passed on to him." Su Jie said: "The number one fighter in the world is So Luo. There are unique secrets in his club. Liu Long entered it. If he gets a glimpse of some secret training methods, it is very likely to pose a threat to them in the world fighting arena. It is correct to absorb Liulong."

"So that's it." Zhang Jinchuan said: "However, I do know that there is a secret method of shaping in David's fitness. No matter men, women, old or young, you can exercise to make your figure have eight-pack abs in just one month. The chest muscles, back muscles, and overall coordination are similar to those of professional athletes, and the process is not tiring at all, it is very easy, and even through exercise and drugs, people who have already established a shape can grow taller, so many female stars and wealthy women are flocking to this .”

"Is it possible to lose weight easily in one month and highlight muscles?" Liu Guan asked Su Jie: "In our Blackwater training camp, high-intensity training can increase local muscles, but it is impossible to change the overall body. If you exercise too much, you will lose weight." It causes the striatum to dissolve, resulting in hematuria, and even life-threatening. And it is impossible to say that it is easy.”

"It's possible with certain drugs." Su Jie said: "It's hard to achieve purely in terms of kinematics, but it's still possible with drugs. Some drugs can increase people's dopamine and endorphins, stimulating In this way, no matter how much you exercise, you will not feel tired and feel extremely relaxed. However, in the past, this kind of stimulant drug was harmful to human health. After many experiments, it should be developed without Drugs with side effects. Not only will they not damage the body, but they will also improve the body. In fact, the most popular smart drugs among students in the UK and the US are also this type, but those that are available on the market still have serious side effects. There are several kinds in Larich’s laboratory that are truly free of side effects, but he will never take them out.”

"Our exercise relies on emotional self-adjustment to stimulate excitement, making the exercise time longer without causing fatigue." Liu Long shook his head: "But we have worked hard to adjust our mentality. During meditation, there is no distracting thoughts, but it is not as good as A medicine for others."

"Science is like this. No matter how powerful a person is, it is impossible to fly into the sky, but they can reach space with the help of foreign objects." Su Jie said: "David's fitness does have some secrets, but it doesn't matter. I'll go find this Jiang You may be able to discover some unique secrets."

While speaking, Su Jie stood up.

The headquarters of Mingxia Group and Hedao Group are both in the south, one is in Lingnan and the other is in Jiangnan. But they also have core institutions in city B, because city B is the capital of the whole country.

And Jiang Zhiyan happened to be one of the leaders of Mingxia Group in City B. Among the entire Mingxia Group, he was considered a real core executive and won the trust of Xia Shang.

Xia Shang is different from Liu Shi. Liu Shi likes more traditional culture, while Xia Shang believes in the West. It can be seen from the company's cultural style. In Liu Shi's Hedao Group, the employees of the company all have a code name with a classic atmosphere. As for Mingxia Group, it must have an English name.

The two groups reflect the cultural differences between the two bosses. Of course, their respective becoming giants also shows the changes in the domestic trend of thought in the past century.

Su Jie can also tell from Jiang Zhiyan's style that this woman appreciates Western culture very much. Whether it is her dress, style, or daily living habits, she is also a typical Western style. She is extremely resistant to traditional culture and thinks it is dross .

Xia Shang admired this woman very much, but he didn't appreciate Su Jie very much, far less interested than Liu Shi. This is a deviation in personality and worldview, and it is understandable.

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