Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty-Nine

Chapter 339 Disturbing the mind and pervasively absorbing the soul

Su Jie was trying to scare the snake away.

The so-called release of killing intent is actually to focus on the other party, and suddenly express a strong desire to kill the other party deep in the heart.

If you are a master, you will feel it immediately.

Not to mention experts, even cats and dogs will automatically sense danger the moment they are stared at by ferocious beasts, and immediately prick up their alert ears.

Of course, only those who have cultivated the sixth sense can clearly feel this kind of master who can sense danger.

According to the seven characters of Ming Lun, if a person has reached the word "duan" among steadiness, tranquility, tranquility, and discontinuity, he has reached the sixth sense.

However, if one has reached the state of "an" and the mind and demeanor are extremely peaceful, the sixth sense will appear occasionally, and sometimes there will be a sudden whim, but it is not clear and vague.

But if you can "break" the realm, then the sixth sense will be very clear.

If the sixth sense can be used proficiently, it will be extremely useful for mercenaries on the battlefield. Once others take aim, they will be alert before they shoot, and can avoid the ballistic trajectory in advance to avoid injury.

Especially for avoiding snipers, it is even more useful.

Of course, if one reaches the realm of the "living dead", which is the "Ming" in the seven characters of Minglun, then it is not the sixth sense, but the seventh sense.

In Buddhist practice, the seventh sense is called "Mana Consciousness". It is very mysterious, it can break through the barriers of time and space, and analyze and perceive various situations in the future, instead of the sudden change of the sixth sense.

And to reach the state of "enlightenment", that is equivalent to having the eighth sense, called "Alaya consciousness", which is more mysterious, it is a feeling beyond a certain dimension, and the divergence of multi-dimensional thinking.

If it is able to "enlighten the sky", it is the ninth sense, called "Amara Consciousness", which is the pure Buddha heart, bodhi heart, original heart, and true heart.

Su Jie has now reached the realm of the eighth sense "Alaya Consciousness". His psychological analysis of people, release of killing intent, and mental concentration are far beyond ordinary people.

Of course, it is not unusual for Su Jie to have an eighth sense without reaching the state of enlightenment. In the division of realms, enlightenment is enlightenment, and the eighth sense is the eighth sense. Although there are some similarities and the same abilities, they are not the same thing. According to Su Jie's understanding, in fact, one should first have the eighth sense, and then rely on the ability of the eighth sense to adjust the body. After a period of time, the physical fitness will also be greatly improved, and the body and mind will resonate before they can be completely enlightened.


The moment Su Jie released his killing intent, Jiang Zhiyan first stopped and stepped back, avoiding some kind of attack point.

If it was a sniper just now who fired a bullet in an instant, then Jiang Zhiyan would have dodged the ballistic.

After Jiang Zhiyan retreated, Amor, the top killer of the Italian Mafia, became alert. The difference between the two was about half a second, but it was only half a second, and life and death could be determined at a critical moment. .

"The strength of these two people is stronger than that of Jiang Zhiyan. They are both at the peak of the sixth sense, even Jiang Zhiyan may be a little bit higher than Zhang Jinchuan's realm, and Amor is lower than Zhang Jinchuan's realm A little, but the method of killing is probably more than that." Su Jie made a precise analysis and judgment of strength in an instant.

Amor is a professional killer, Zhang Jinchuan is not a professional after all, if the two fight, even if Amor's mental state is lower, Zhang Jinchuan may suffer some losses.

As long as the level of the spiritual realm is not too big, it can't actually determine the outcome of the battle.

For example, Tai Chi master Yang Shu is in the realm of the living dead, but if he fights with Kang Gu, he may still lose.

"I felt the killing intent.

"Jiang Zhiyan said to Amor. The two spoke in Italian. She looked towards the point where the killing intent was released, but she didn't find anyone. There was an endless flow of young men and women on the road, and there were many others. None of them look like killers.

"I'm going to look for it, and I feel it too." Amor ran quickly, arrived at the position he felt just now, and kept searching.

Su Jie sat on the bench, watched Amor come over, and kept shooting with his eyes. This Italian is a top killer himself, and he is good at finding killers, but Amor's eyes shot at him. , did not find any conditions.

Su Jie's current state is beyond the reach of Amor.

Amor walked by him, and didn't notice anything special about him, just like an ordinary youth.

The realm difference between the two is really too big.

After searching around, Amor didn't find anyone suspicious.

He returned to Jiang Zhiyan's side with doubts, and the two looked at each other, but neither found where the killing intent came from. This feeling is very uncomfortable.

Being targeted by a killer, life is in danger all the time, who would feel comfortable?

Especially Jiang Zhiyan and Amor's sixth sense is very strong, and they feel the killing intent clearly, which is even more uncomfortable.

Just as the two of them were still looking for it, Jiang Zhiyan suddenly moved again and left the place, because she felt a strong killing intent coming again.

This time the killing intent came from a tree not far away.

The two looked at the tree suddenly, but the tree was empty, there was no one there, and there was no way to hide people at all, unless that person knew the invisibility technique, but this was obviously impossible and violated common sense of science.

"Why did the sniper come from that tree?" Amor frowned, this was something he had never encountered before.

"This is a real master, aiming at us. With the strength of this master, he can actually stay and project his spirit in other areas for a while, and then make us feel the wrong position. This kind of master can kill us easily... ..." Jiang Zhiyan closed her eyes, as if she was sensing, but in her sensing, there was nothing unusual around her, and the killing intent disappeared without a trace.

But deeper in her heart, she could feel a terrifying shadow, like a ghost, staring at her all the time, as long as she didn't pay attention, something unexpected would happen.

This is a huge torment.

Just like a death row prisoner in prison, it’s okay to be sentenced to death. I’m afraid that the sentence has not yet come down, and I don’t know whether I will die or not. At that time, the mental torture is the cruelest and most difficult.

Don't be afraid of thieves stealing, but be afraid of thieves thinking about it.

Just when Jiang Zhiyan took a step, the killing intent reappeared suddenly in her senses, like a needle stabbing her hard.

This feeling is even more uncomfortable, just like when she was unintentional, a horrible gangster rushed out from a dark corner and frightened her.

Constantly in fear.

"Come on, let's get out of here." Jiang Zhiyan and Amor got into a car and left here quickly, but it was still useless.

In the car, suddenly, I felt a killing intent piercing my soul again, like a thorn on my back, looking out of the car window, I always felt that there was a sniper staring at me, and the gun was aimed at my head. Squeeze it, and you'll get a headshot.

Amor was sweating profusely and his body was shaking. He hated why his sixth sense was so strong at this moment.

Unfortunately, he couldn't find the position of that person. As a top assassin, it was easy to find his peers, but it was wishful thinking to find Su Jie. Moreover, he felt that the killing intent was wave after wave, everywhere and pervasive. This is simply not something that humans can do. It is not humans who are staring at him, but ghosts and gods!

This made him suffer a great psychological blow.

"It should be aimed at me." Jiang Zhiyan's face became calm, trying to get rid of the discomfort deep in her heart, but occasionally when she relaxed, the killing intent came violently again, making her heart burst Nervous exhaustion.

A person who is startled for a long time will cause great damage to the body.

Jiang Zhiyan took a deep breath: "When you go home later, you don't have to see me off, I will walk alone."

"How can I do that? I have to protect you." Amor said quickly.

"The means of this man who is staring at us has exceeded our imagination." Jiang Zhiyan said: "If he wants to kill us, you can't protect me at all, and we are useless at all together. I You have to think about it alone, and if he wanted to do it, he would have done it long ago, and now he wants to warn and scare us."

"Is it Zhang Jinchuan?" Amor asked.

"Certainly not. It is impossible for him to be so strong, but it is possible that he found someone. But it is also impossible. Who has such ability?" Although Jiang Zhiyan's face was calm, there was a time when she still couldn't bear it. She had to move her body because she always felt that the ballistic of the sniper rifle was aimed at her, and she wanted to pull the trigger at any time. Although she knew it might be a scare, she still had to avoid the ballistic.

She can't take her own life as a joke.

After finally getting home, Jiang Zhiyan asked Amor to leave, and returned home by herself.

Her home is not very big, about 100 square meters, no different from an ordinary white-collar apartment, but the price is very expensive, at least 20 million or more for a house of more than 100 square meters.

This is just in line with her status as an executive, and her annual salary is only that much. If it is more, it will be suspicious, and she has no shares in Mingxia Group at all.

The home is furnished in a very western style, with a Nordic style and a petty bourgeoisie atmosphere. It is not messy at all, everything is in order, and there are some minor decorations. It seems that she has elegant taste, but it is Western-style elegance, and you can't see any oriental. culture. Even the oil paintings on the walls are obviously in the style of Western Impressionism.

She closed the door and sat directly on the sofa. Just as she sat down, she suddenly found that there seemed to be a murderous intent coming from outside the window, and a black sniper rifle aimed at herself in the distance.

She hastily drew the curtains.

But still to no avail.

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