Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 343 Minglun Branch School: The First Step of Overseas Expansion

Chapter 343 The First Step of Overseas Expansion of Minglun Branch

Zhang Manman's strength must be improved. Her business can be described as licking blood on the knife's edge. If she is not careful, she will fall into danger of death. At this time, personal ability is extremely important. She has a sixth sense, or even a seventh sense. Often you can seek good luck and avoid bad luck.

For example, Su Jie, who trained to dodge bullets at Larich's side, fought in the streets, was besieged by many people with guns, and at the end he didn't even wear a bulletproof vest and let people shoot him, but no bullet could hit him. Even the trajectory of the rebound has been calculated, and it is even less likely to be injured by stray bullets.

If this kind of skill is used to deal with criminals, in the complex terrain, as long as they don't fall into a situation where they must die, many criminals will be buried.

With Su Jie's experience in helping Pi Youdao and Liu Long, he believed that with his various special training methods, Zhang Manman's strength would be greatly improved.

Ou Deli is a god-maker, known as the best coach in the world, Su Jie perfectly inherited his training methods, and even brought forth new ones, with his own understanding.

His research is not in vain these days.

Su Jie has now gradually broken away from Ou Deli's system, and even Liu Guanglie's system, and has formed his own unique method.

Ding dong!

While Su Jie was chatting with Zhang Jinchuan, an email appeared on his phone.

After he clicked on the email, he found that it was an invitation letter from Minglun Martial Arts School, saying that three days later, they would gather in the Martial Arts School and fly to the United States together to attend the opening ceremony of the Martial Arts School.

This was sent by Liu Guanglie himself, and there were some words behind it, to the effect that he hoped that Su Jie would attend as the coach of the Minglun Martial Arts School, so as to prevent the reputation of being ruined by kickers when the martial arts school opened.

Minglun Martial Arts School is the number one martial arts school in China. Every year, countless foreigners come to the school to learn martial arts. It is already famous all over the world. Basically, many foreigners come to the martial arts school to learn routines for a few months, and then return to China to open a martial arts gym. , and even did it impressively.

Under the invitation and operation of many foreign disciples, Minglun Martial Arts School is finally going to open a branch abroad.

This is a big event, but everything is difficult at the beginning, and we must do it well, otherwise, if there is any problem at the opening ceremony, or if someone challenges you to defeat the people of Minglun Martial Arts School one by one, then you will be a teacher Unfavorable, I am afraid that it will be difficult to develop in the future, and even the reputation of the domestic headquarters will be damaged.

Therefore, even Liu Guanglie attached great importance to this overseas opening, and had to invite Su Jie to suppress the scene, because Su Jie can fight, and there are many masters in the Minglun martial arts school, but those who can really hold the ground are also Only Su Jie was alone.

Although Liu Guanglie himself is powerful, he is old and highly respected after all. If he does everything by himself, it will definitely be inappropriate.

This is something Su Jie promised long ago, so he will not refuse.

In this case, he will set off now and meet up at the Minglun Martial Arts School in D City.

Anyway, the affairs in City B have come to an end, the foundation has been established, the influence has gradually begun to expand, and talents have been acquired, and it can operate on its own, without Su Jie needing to worry about many things.

However, the only fly in the ointment is that there is no top fighter. Although Liu Long is now in the realm of the living dead, what he is good at is fighting.

But Kang Gu, if he is promoted to the realm of the living dead, it will be very powerful.

Gathered the people together, explained a few words, Su Jie went straight to the airport, flew to City D, and then took the bus back to Minglun Martial Arts School, but before he went to meet Liu Guanglie, he still went to the small courtyard of Odeli .

The last time I met Shi Yuan and Tang Yun here, Shi Yuan said that this yard belonged to him, and Su Jie felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

This small courtyard can be said to carry Su Jie's fond memories.

Now Shi's house is set on fire everywhere by him, but he is still puzzled, why did Odeli give the yard to Shi Zhongtian? What agreement is there between the two?

When he came to the small courtyard again, the small courtyard was empty and the gate was locked. Su Jie lightly jumped onto the wall and fell into the courtyard. , and it has been a long time since I cleaned it up, all the spirituality of feng shui has been lost, and the simple and simple layout of Odeli that implied the concept of harmony between man and nature was lost.

He sighed, left the small courtyard, walked around outside a few times, and finally came to Minglun Martial Arts School.

Minglun Martial Arts School is still booming. It is golden autumn and October, and the yellow leaves are falling, but the playground of the martial arts school is extremely hot. Countless students are training hard. They are divided into groups, including fighting, routines, equipment, physical fitness.

Su Jie found that among these students, there were a few more foreigners. Basically, one of four or five students could be seen. Su Jie even found that there were foreigner coaches teaching traditional Chinese martial arts.

In a corner of the giant playground, Su Jie saw a dark-skinned foreigner coach, wearing a short tights, leading about fifty or sixty students, practicing Tai Chi.

Generally, Tai Chi clothing is loose and made of silk. It has a chic and elegant feeling when practicing, but it is not conducive to fighting, and it is only used for performance.

But this foreigner's Tai Chi costume is tightly wrapped, and it looks like it is used for fighting.

Moreover, the Taijiquan he teaches is very strange, soft as cotton for a while, and strong and brave for a while, as if it wants to break the sky and the ground. It is a hodgepodge, including Taijiquan moves, Xingyiquan, Bajiquan, and even wrestling postures.

However, he has combined these kung fu together, and even has some modern fighting training methods, which really formed some systems.

At least, these routines are in line with the principles of kinematics, and during the practice, strength can be increased without causing damage to bones, muscles and ligaments.

It can be seen from this that this dark-skinned foreigner has a very high level, and he has begun to melt the best of a hundred schools of thought into one furnace, has his own ideas, and established a sect.

I don't know where Liu Guanglie found it.

For some reason, Su Jie saw this dark-skinned foreigner and thought of Joss.

He and Joss haven't seen each other for a long time, and they haven't contacted each other, but Su Jie contacted him several times, but there was no response.

Joss hasn't been heard from since returning home.

In fact, Joss is also a Kung Fu maniac. In order to learn martial arts to enhance his actual combat ability, he engaged in dangerous street fights everywhere, and went to boxing gyms to study everywhere. Finally, he came to Minglun Martial Arts School. Later, he followed Feng Hengyi, but was persuaded by Su Jie to change his ways. Break away from Feng Hengyi.

Su Jie was actually a little worried about the lack of news, but he had no time to go abroad to search for it.

"When practicing, the qi sinks into the dantian, the pulse pulses, then penetrates the pelvis, descends to the legs, reaches the Yongquan, connects with the earth's qi, separates innumerable strands, penetrates into the earth, and the roots are Knots, intertwined, this is the true essence of martial arts." The dark-skinned foreigner also shared his experience in formulas while teaching students.

He taught his students to concentrate their thoughts on the abdomen first, then sink down again, and spray them out from the Yongquan Point, imitating the roots of a big tree.

This kind of idea is deeply rooted in the mystery of traditional martial arts, which can greatly improve people's balance and stability.

Su Jie looked at the foreigner with admiration again.

"What are you looking at here?" Just as he was watching, a voice came from behind.

It was Nie Shuang.

"This foreigner's coach is good, how did you get him?" Su Jie asked.

"His name is Kardan. He came to martial arts school to study every year 20 years ago. After ten years of study, he went back to open a martial arts gym. He is very famous in Europe. Recently, he brought his disciples on a pilgrimage. At the same time, teaching and exchange activities will be carried out." Nie Shuang said: "His Kungfu realm is very high."

"It's not bad indeed. Many masters in the country can't compare to him." Su Jie nodded: "Where are Uncle Blind and Coach Gu Yang?"

"Uncle Blind has gone abroad and is arranging a research institution for a new campus. Gu Yang is in the office talking with the old principal, and he is waiting for you." Nie Shuang said, "Let's go, opening a branch school abroad is an unprecedented event, and so are you." You came out of our Minglun Martial Arts School, so you really need to do your best this time. But you did some unscrupulous things. It doesn’t count if you poach Kang Gu away, but you actually poached Long Tianming away? You know, Long Tianming Tianming is the future hope of our Minglun Martial Arts School."

"Kang Gu is the one signed by Haoyu Sports. I dug it here and it has nothing to do with Minglun Martial Arts School. What happened in the morning will be more beneficial to Minglun Martial Arts School. I think there are some things that the old principal can see. Let’s talk about this matter.” Su Jie actually had a lot of questions and guesses in his mind.

He could see something was wrong with Long Tianming, and Liu Guanglie could definitely see it too.

Liu Guanglie's vision is vicious. In terms of judging people, he is probably still better than Su Jie. Even if Su Jie has made great progress these days, he may not be able to compare with Liu Guanglie's decades of experience.

Liu Guanglie must know many secrets of the Tifeng training camp, especially the mysterious chief and the Fool.

Su Jie wanted to have a chat with him, maybe he could learn more.

He followed Nie Shuang to the principal's office. It was still the same courtyard as last time. In this courtyard, he fought with Zhang Hongqing. Even if the opponent used all his strength, he couldn't kill himself.

If he meets Zhang Hongqing again now, Su Jie believes that he will never lose, no matter how he competes, he has absolute confidence.

He and Nie Shuang stepped into the principal's office, and found that there were seven or eight people in it, Liu Guanglie was one, Gu Yang was one, and Liu Zihao was among them.

Liu Zihao is an international action superstar, and he is usually not seen at all, but this time it is a big event at Ming Lun Martial Arts School, so he has no choice but to stand on the stage.

However, seeing Su Jie walk in, Liu Zihao's expression darkened, as if he was very uncomfortable. ...

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