Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 356: The Mystery of the Human Body: Non-Newtonian Fluid Form

Chapter 356 The Mystery of the Human Body Non-Newtonian Fluid Form


Pete arrived at Su Jie's side, his magic step was extremely fast, far surpassing those professional players, one step flickered, and during the flickering, his foot also kicked out, not sweeping, whipping, or chopping, but It is a kind of point kick, like a sword stabbing out suddenly, touching the target, with a light touch, the power has penetrated in, and everything is destroyed.

Qi Chuan Mitsuki regards legwork as swordsmanship, and also has the stabbing leg of this move, like a sword piercing the heart, directly injecting power from the toes into the human body.

However, this Pete's point leg has something special about it. It comes lightly and cannot be borrowed, but it is extremely powerful and contains the power of blasting.

With a movement of Su Jie's body, flashes came, and he did not use a magic step, but a jumping step in ordinary fighting. No one could see what his real kung fu was.

But everyone in the audience was surprised. In the previous 20 battles, Su Jie solved the battles in one round, but now he started to avoid it, which meant that Pete put pressure on him.

"What's going on? This little boy is powerful, but there's no need to avoid it." Feili could see clearly.

"He wants to see Pete's strength, haven't you seen it? Pete's footwork and body skills are somewhat similar to Su Jie's. If Su Jie kicks him down with one move, it will be useless." Qi Chuanguang Mu and Su Jie have been together for three days, communicating every day, and have gained insight into some of the power of the magic step.

There is one advantage of Su Jie communicating with others, that is, he never hides his secrets, and he will give out all the good things, because in his opinion, only communication can make progress in martial arts.

Su Jie was indeed looking at Pete's kung fu. From Pete's body, he should be able to see Odley's recent teaching style behind him, and thus deduce Odley's latest insight.

You can know autumn by watching a leaf fall.

Pete kept attacking with magic steps, while Su Jie dodged continuously. The movements were extremely simple, but every time he dodged at key points.


Suddenly, Pete changed his stance, instead of attacking with his legs, he spat out a letter with his hands like a snake, and poked in the air, reaching Su Jie's throat.

Seal the throat with a sword.

The golden gun locks the throat.

This move, implying swordsmanship and marksmanship, is very mysterious and can be described as a must-kill skill.

"It's interesting." Su Jie didn't move his whole body, letting the opponent's hand poke his throat.


It seems that the sword stabbed King Kong, and there was a sound similar to the sound of metal and iron.

The skin on Su Jie's throat didn't break at all. Instead, Pete's finger seemed to have poked a piece of pig iron, causing a sharp pain. However, after his unsuccessful blow, he immediately retreated and did not fight again.

"This little junior's horizontal kung fu is not bad, and his hands are so strong that he can almost pierce through the belly of a cow." Su Jie judged that Pete's strength is not bad, and he has also practiced hard qigong. If it is an ordinary person, Just this time, he stabbed into the flesh and blood of the body abruptly, poking a bloody hole out of the person.

But it was useless against Su Jie.

Su Jie's kung fu practice has been really unimaginable, even if it is at the peak, it is indescribable. When he moves his mind, his whole body is as soft as cotton, bounces like rubber, and breathes like a leather bag, and when he moves his mind again, he becomes as hard as steel.

With the change of the opponent's strength, it can show different forms.

"The characteristics of non-Newtonian fluid..." Peter stopped suddenly, and said a few words, "Your body already has the characteristics of non-Newtonian fluid. I am very different from you."

"The blood, lymph fluid, cystic fluid, and cytoplasm of the human body are all non-Newtonian fluids.

In fact, the human body itself is also a non-Newtonian fluid. Through continuous practice, this characteristic becomes extremely strong. Finally, the control ability of the body shows the characteristics of a real non-Newtonian fluid, and that is the real resistance to blows. "Su Jie said in English.

He has already seen that Pete has obtained the true biography of Odley, and has even used the scientific method to reveal the secrets of the horizontal practice in the ancient traditional Kung Fu.

That's right, the ultimate core principle of horizontal kung fu practice is to strengthen the "non-Newtonian fluid" characteristics of the human body through motor nerve stimulation training.

"Non-Newtonian fluid" is a characteristic of a substance. In simple terms, it means that this thing takes the form of a liquid when there is no pressure. When it is under pressure and hit hard, it will be extremely hard and appear as a solid. form. The greater the impact force on a "non-Newtonian fluid", the greater its solid character.

The same is true of horizontal kung fu. At the beginning, the human body is extremely soft. To relax completely, the muscles and skin are not supported by a single thought. When encountering an external impact, it will naturally harden, dissipate the impact, and even rebound from the outside. impact.

Because of this characteristic of "non-Newtonian fluid", some research institutions have used it as body armor. Because some "non-Newtonian fluids" can't even penetrate bullets.

According to scientific research, all flesh and blood creatures actually have the characteristics of "non-Newtonian fluid".

However, the ancient martial artists discovered the characteristics of the body and created horizontal kung fu to strengthen their own "non-Newtonian fluid" characteristics. In this way, the ability to resist blows was greatly increased, and the body's toughness and strength also experienced a qualitative leap. .

However, the ancient martial artists did not know the principle of this, just as they discovered some herbs that could cure diseases, but they did not know what the herbs contained, what the molecular formula was, what would be produced when these molecular formulas were combined with the body, and the healing effect What is the principle.

Modern advanced science, however, displays all of these, gaining an insight into the true nature of life, chemistry and physics.

Su Jie has long studied horizontal kung fu, and he has even studied the limit of how soft the nervous system can control the body.

In fact, according to theory, if the human body maximizes the characteristics of "non-Newtonian fluid", it can withstand the impact of bullets.

But this is only theory.

In theory, as long as a fulcrum and a long enough lever are given, people can still move the earth. But this theory is clearly impossible.

However, through research, Su Jie discovered that the potential of the human body is enormous, and the combined power of motor nerves and various muscle skin sac fluids is far from reaching its limit.

Even Su Jie's current kung fu has not been able to reach the limit. Through research, he knows that he still has a huge room for improvement.

This is not a feeling, but a conclusion drawn from the data.

Only through the next clinical can it be verified.

As researched by the life science laboratory, the theoretical lifespan of a human being is over 150 years old, but no one has reached it yet. In the end where the problem is, we must break through this scientific research difficulty.

In these few rounds of battles, Su Jie has already seen through everything about Pete, so there is no need to proceed further.

However, Pete seemed to have more ideas, he kept moving his body around Su Jie: "I still have a real killer move, I wonder if you dare to follow it?"

Inside Pete's sleeve, there appears to be a hidden dagger.

He actually wanted to fight for weapons with Su Jie in the arena.

Su Jie didn't reply at this time.


His body moved at a high speed, and between shaking twice, Pete seemed unable to grasp the rules of Su Jie's movement.

Just as the dagger was about to slip from his sleeve and onto his hand, Pete was kicked in the chest, still the same leg of "going home".


Pete flew out of the whole person and passed out on the ground. It is no different from the previous twenty people.

Pete was quickly carried down.

Next, a few more people came up to compete. Su Jie didn't give these people any chance to fight back, and basically kicked them quickly. No matter what kung fu the opponent is, boxing, muay thai, wrestling, judo, or sumo wrestling, etc. will have no effect. There are some judo experts who want to approach Su Jie and use the method of close-fitting jujitsu to subdue him, but as long as they get close Su Jie was kicked away at the distance of his kick, and passed out as usual.

For several hours, Su Jie didn't stop and defeated more than 60 players.

However, there were some powerful figures who never came to the stage, and they seemed to be able to see that even if they did, they might not be Su Jie's opponent.

"That's the end of today's arena." Finally, the host announced that the curtain had come to an end.

Su Jie quickly walked to the backstage, only leaving behind a mysterious back.

In the backstage, he took off the "Wukong" mask and changed his clothes, so that it would be difficult for others to guess that it was him, and he himself is not famous, unknown, and belongs to the behind-the-scenes figure, everyone will only guess this person Not Liu Zihao.

The foreigner in front shouted loudly, as if he still wanted to watch the competition, but at this time the host of the Minglun Martial Arts School came on stage to persuade him.

"In the future, Minglun Martial Arts School will often hold such group arenas here." Under the comfort of the host, the situation finally stabilized.

In the background, Liu Guanglie nodded: "Today's effect is very good."

"Major news media have already started reporting, especially on online social media. The popularity of our Minglun Martial Arts School is very high. Many foreigners want to come and have a look." Nie Shuang kept observing many social media on the Internet public opinion on the Internet.

Su Jie beat the challengers again and again, basically with one kick. It seemed like he was acting, and there were many questioning voices on the Internet, thinking that those challengers were all tricks, but some challengers were well-known figures in the fighting circle. , They all jumped out to refute on social media, which caused even greater heat.

"A lot of people are discussing who is wearing the mask in the ring, and an online poll was launched, and 80% of the people guessed it was Zihao." An assistant was also extremely excited: "This is very important to our popularity. The promotion is also very beneficial, and Mr. Zihao's salary will also increase, and many people expressed that they want to watch all Mr. Zihao's previous movies again."

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