Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 360: Joint or Not? The Fourth Instructor is Seductive

Chapter 360

Su Jie has indeed done a thorough research. Through surgical drugs and mental training, he directly develops the area of ​​the brain that is in charge of subconsciousness and movement, which greatly improves a person's strength in a short period of time.

This is not magic, but science.

The traditional training method in the past is not "Xuanmen authentic", but the efficiency is too low.

Just like a long time ago, farmers farmed land by slash-and-burn, but now it is purely mechanized operation, and the output and efficiency are incomparable. Everyone knows that the modern farming methods are better, and no one thinks that the previous ones were "Xuanmen authentic" and the current ones are "evil ways".

Su Jie knows that in the future, if human civilization does not regress and science continues to develop, people's physical fitness and strength will have a huge leap.

In the last century, especially in the early 20th century, the average life expectancy of Chinese people was only 30-40 years old. Up to now, the average life expectancy of a person is 70-80 years old.

According to predictions, in a few decades, the average human life expectancy will reach about 100 years.

This is the development of the scientific level.

The sports performance of human beings is also rising steadily, and the limit of physical fitness has increased tremendously.

However, Su Jie helped Zhang Manman improve his physical and psychological quality, which cannot be replicated on a large scale. He combined some of the current new drugs, plus precise surgical training, and even more subtle activation of psychological quality, and only he can do it. It can be done, and no one else can do it.

He also borrowed various instruments and equipment from the Larich Life Sciences Laboratory.

Such equipment cannot be found in China.

Perhaps, such technology exists in the Typhon training camp, but the cost is so high that no one can afford it.

For the birth of any new science and technology, the first to enjoy it are the powerful and wealthy dignitaries, or the scientists themselves. Su Jie is now a scientist. His research on artificial intelligence is not as good as that of his sister Su Muchen, but his strength lies in life science, which has reached the world's top level.

Now I finally have some qualitative gains.

Through minor medical and surgical operations and psychological training, human body functions can be enhanced in a short period of time without side effects.

When Su Jie and Kath were discussing about the next step of research and what resources they needed, Kath received a report that she had a watch on her wrist, sending and receiving all kinds of information all the time.

"Su Jie, someone outside wants to see you, he said his name is Abubi." Kath asked.

"Abubi?" Zhang Manman was surprised.

She knew who Mr. Abubi was. He was the second major instructor of the Honey Badger training camp, as well as the major shareholder and actual controller.

"I'll go out and have a look, you stay here and continue training." Su Jie nodded: "This person is extremely dangerous, if you follow by, I will be distracted to protect you."

"I'm always ready to respond." Kath knew how to do it.

Su Jie walked out of the building and arrived at the reception hall. He saw a person sitting on the sofa in the distance, wearing jeans, a T-shirt, and a baseball cap. He was very laid-back, like a hippie, with an authentic American air. , It seems that a kind of culture has penetrated into the bones.

"Mr. Abubi, hello." Su Jie quickly stepped forward to shake hands.

Abubi also stood up, with a smile on his face, looking at Su Jie's attire, he was wearing a scientific research white coat, and it was too late to change, he looked like a young scientific researcher.

The temperament of Su Jie no longer has the temperament of a kung fu fighter or a fighter. It is completely different from wearing a Wukong mask in the arena. Now his temperament is that of a pure scientific researcher, and his body is always filled with the curiosity of scientists.

And the attitude of refusing to give up every minute and every second of experimentation.

"Mr. Su Jie, I never thought that your scientific research ability is still higher than your kung fu." Abubi and Su Jie shook hands, neither of them tried hard, nor did they try to test each other, because the strength has reached this level, relying on feeling Know what the other party is.

In Su Jie's perception, the core of Abubi's body is mysterious and vast, and he can't see what the truth is, but it is somewhat similar to the national destiny of the entire United States, extremely powerful, hegemonic, and flourishing.

Su Jie knew that Abubi was an authentic American.

Although Honey Badger is a multinational organization, its base is on the US-Mexico border. The situation there is complicated, and it is most suitable for doing things outside the law.

"Mr. Abubi, what is the purpose of your visit today?" Su Jie didn't waste any time and directly cut to the topic.

Su Jie couldn't see through or perceive what was in Abubi's mind. It wasn't like when someone else's mind moved, he would be able to know what idea the other party had.

Likewise, Abbie couldn't sense what was going on in his heart.

The realm of the two is evenly matched.

"I hope to cooperate with you, Mr. Su Jie." Abubi didn't go around in circles, and directly suggested: "I know that Mr. Su Jie, you are building a business circle, based on transnational logistics security, to invest in industries such as finance and sports. , but the ultimate goal is to make money for scientific research. Our Honey Badgers have a powerful database and abundant funds. How about we work together?"

"My business is in conflict with the honey badger." Su Jie neither refused nor agreed.

"The matter of Zhang Hongqing is a small matter, I can settle it, and I know what you mean very well. You want to reconcile. In your words, it is called turning hostility into friendship." Abubi said.

"I guess you had an in-depth communication with Mr. Zhang Hongqing before you came, but you didn't seem to convince him." Su Jie gradually caught a certain rhythm.

"Mr. Su Jie, I already know how powerful you are." Abubi nodded, and the two had already clashed during the conversation: "Well, to show my sincerity, I am willing to add a board seat in Honey Badger Security, Ms. Zhang Manman will be in charge, and Mrs. Zhang Kaitai will be dismissed."

"Does Mr. Zhang Hongqing agree to this matter?" Su Jie knew that Abubi had made great determination when he heard this.

"Although Zhang Hongqing is also a shareholder, the actual control of Honey Badger Security is in the hands of Mr. Honey Badger. This is Mr. Honey Badger's opinion. Now Mr. Honey Badger is doing an important thing. When the work is over, he wants to talk to you Let’s talk again, and besides the addition of members of the board of directors of Honey Badger Security, our Honey Badger Group Headquarters will add another instructor. Out comes a bombshell.

"Honey Badger has three instructors, and they are actually three actual controllers." Su Jie said, "In this way, am I not the fourth controller? I'm afraid I can't afford this position. The wealth of the Honey Badger Group It's unimaginable, didn't I become a rich man now?"

"That's right." Abubi said: "Mr. Su Jie, you do scientific research with Mr. Larich, become his bodyguard, sell your own body data, and your monthly salary is actually less than a million dollars. Personally Wealth is too little. If you can become the fourth actual controller of our honey badger, your wealth can increase a hundred times in an instant, let alone power. Besides, this does not prevent you from continuing to cooperate with Mr. Larich, We don't have any conflict with Mr Larich, on the contrary, we have some cooperation in terms of data."

"This matter is important, I have to think about it." Su Jie didn't immediately refuse or agree.

"I hope you can make the right decision." Abubi nodded: "You used to help Ms. Zhang Manman to get a seat on the board of Honey Badger Security, but in fact, you wanted to use our power to find out all the secrets in Typhon , I hope to rescue your sister. Now that you have become our fourth actual controller, you can check all the Typhon information we have obtained."

"I've thought of this too." Su Jie didn't need Abubi to say, he knew that Abubi was tempting himself: "It seems that the battle between Honey Badger and Typhon has reached a feverish stage, and there is an urgent need to improve strength, so he pulled me Join the team. I chose a good time, and if my guess is correct, Typhon may have obtained some kind of major breakthrough."

"It's really easy to talk to you." Abubi felt that he couldn't hide anything from Su Jie: "The life science studio of the Typhon Group has recently made a breakthrough in the scientific research project of the Water of Life project. Within two years, there will be clinical trials."

"Water of life?" Su Jie had never heard of this thing.

"It's just a medicine to transform the human body. We have obtained some specific information. It is about that the medicine can enhance the brain activity of the human body and increase the physical fitness after several courses of treatment. After being injected into the baby's body , Babies will have a super sense from birth, the peak of the sixth sense..." Abubi said.

"Can this drug be successfully developed?" Su Jie frowned, "The current scientific level has not reached this level, it is just telling a story."

"Typhon Group has invested hundreds of billions of dollars in it." Abubi said: "This is still a fund that can be checked, and I don't know how much money has flowed into it secretly."

"Scientific research projects burn money, but sometimes money is not everything." With Su Jie's scientific research knowledge, he does not have the ability to develop such a new drug now.

Another thirty years or so.

"It was your sister's artificial intelligence project that made a major breakthrough, changed the algorithm, and led to a breakthrough in the development of new drugs." Abubi said: "This still depends on my sister's ability. In fact, many major events in history are driven by small people. of."

"There is such a thing?" Su Jie looked at Abubi for a long time: "You have released so much news, it seems that I am determined to win."

"One more thing, that is, you have been noticed by the chief. He came to you. With your strength, you still can't resist him. If the honey badger and the four of us join forces, the chief will have nothing to do. Of course, if Adding your father would be the best." Abubi said.

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