Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 362: Facing Hong Qing, Can You Exterminate Demons and Return to the Right Way?

Chapter 362

"There are many opportunities to cooperate with the honey badger. You can't miss it. You have to remember that the brain data among them is the most important. During the negotiation, I must get it. I threw out your body data. It has caused a great shock to Mr. Abubi's psychology, and it is our bargaining chip. Not to mention anything else, as long as I help Honey Badger train for two or three years, countless young talents can emerge."

After a long period of research, Su Jie finally succeeded in Zhang Manman's body.

Compared with Odley's current training method, it can be said that he has his own strengths, and even surpassed Odley in some subtle places.

Of course, he is doing research on Ou Deli's shoulders. Without Ou Deli's hundreds of hours of videos as a basis, it would be very difficult for Su Jie to come to this point.

Also, Su Jie got the help of Larich. The laboratory equipment and supercomputer artificial intelligence modules are the most cutting-edge research equipment in the world.

This caused Su Jie's training skills to improve significantly.

"I know how to negotiate." Zhang Manman nodded: "However, should I accept the position of the Honey Badger Security Board of Directors or not? Once I do, I can get a lot of resources, which will expand my project dozens of times. "

"You don't want to pick it up, but you can put someone in through negotiation. Do you have any reliable candidates?" Su Jie asked.

"I can't suppress the situation for the time being." Zhang Manman shook his head.

"Then let Qin Hui go." Su Jie suggested.

"Qin Hui?" Zhang Manman was surprised: "Now this person is loyal to you on the surface, but he is a fool. He first took refuge in Wen Ting, then secretly took refuge in my father, and then he took refuge in you. If the servants of the three surnames continue to use him, I am afraid that they will feed tigers into trouble. I think this kind of person should be suppressed all the time, and only rely on his talents, and there is absolutely no way for him to have a chance to stand up."

"If you suppress him, he will be dissatisfied and develop all kinds of strange thoughts. If you give him room to develop, then you can always grasp his psychological needs." Su Jie smiled: "Actually, Qin Hui It is also a living body of my psychological test. Any physiognomy master who looks at Qin Hui has a vicious heart and will use any means to betray anyone. For the sake of profit, even the closest person can stab a knife in the back. This person is submissive Virtue, in the words of cultivating Taoism, has a devil in his bones. No one will believe him, and even if he meets a hero, he will be executed immediately, such as Cao Cao killing Lu Bu. But I am different. This kind of person’s mental state It is more worthy of research. If he can turn his psychology around by various means, it will be a great experiment. Even if it is unsuccessful, I can understand human nature better through him. Isn’t the Buddha able to save the devil? I seem to also Can."

"It turns out that you want to gain experience in psychological quality from Qin Hui, so I can rest assured that you should have all his psychological activities in your heart, and he can't escape your palm." Zhang Man Man breathed a sigh of relief: "However, people like Qin Hui are indeed worthy of study."

"If he escapes my control, then I will be happier." Su Jie said: "This shows that my psychological quality research is flawed, and it is worth improving. It can make my research go further. The most feared thing in research is not making mistakes, but If there are no mistakes to make, it is difficult to improve."

"I'll accept your training for a month first to see what level I can improve to. During this month, are you trying to convince my dad?" Zhang Manman asked.

"Yes, in three days, I will take Qin Hui to find your father." Su Jie had already planned, "Qin Hui will replace your brother as a member of the board of directors of Honey Badger Security. This is a big event. Not only you Dad doesn't agree, and your brother Zhang Kaitai won't agree either.

But this is the general trend. If there is Zhang Kaitai among the members of the board of directors of Honey Badger Security, then our cooperation with Honey Badger Security will be blocked everywhere, and the cooperation will be meaningless. "

"Indeed, since my brother went out independently, he has regarded me as an enemy and obstructed him everywhere. He even resorted to tricks a few times, causing me to almost go bankrupt, but I endured it." Zhang Manman said: "What's more, he They bribed some robbers to rob our security goods, and even bribed local warlords to seize our goods, but I knew about it in advance and avoided losses. I really can’t figure it out, I’m his own sister, and he actually wants to put me in Death."

"In this case, in three days' time, come with me to the Zhang family's ancestral hall." Su Jie didn't expect that Zhang Manman and the Zhang family would still have these fights. Zhang Manman never mentioned it before. Su Jie was busy with scientific research and practice. Didn't care about these things either.

Su Jie has been doing research for the past three days. He spends very little time abroad. This time he went abroad with great difficulty. He did some research in Larich's life science laboratory and memorized all the research results. In the mind, after the country, it is precipitated, brewed, and practiced.

In three days, Qin Hui also rushed over from China.

He already knew that Su Jie asked him to replace Zhang Kaitai as the seat on the Honey Badger Security Board.

This made him almost ecstatic and flattered.

He used to do things with Zhang Kaiyu, that is, he wanted to use the power of the Zhang family to do some foreign trade business. As for the huge power of the Honey Badger Group, he had no intention of getting involved.

Now that Su Jie actually let him obtain such a high and powerful position, it simply made him ascend to the sky in one step.

"Boss, I'm afraid I won't be able to handle this matter." Facing Su Jie, Qin Hui immediately respected him, and he was more convinced than before.

"Your strength is not inferior to that of Zhang Kaitai, and even surpasses him. After my long training, you will soon enter a new level." Su Jie said: "But you have to think about this matter clearly. It’s not easy to sit. First of all, Zhang Hongqing will kill you and squeeze his son down, and he will never let it go. This is a test for you.”

"Boss, don't worry, I can definitely sit securely in this position." Qin Hui knew that there were many dangers, but he refused to let go of this opportunity no matter what. "

"So I'll take you to see Zhang Hongqing and negotiate with him." Su Jie said, "Zhang Hongqing is also very powerful among the honey badgers. If you put your heart and soul into making things difficult for you, you will be in a lot of difficulties. I originally negotiated with Mr. Abubi , it was Zhang Manman who took the place, but I chose you in the end. Let me tell you now that Zhang Manman may be plotted against if she goes, and she is Zhang Hongqing's daughter, and Abubi and the mysterious Mr. Honey Badger will also be on guard It would be much better for you to hold her hand. You are neither Zhang Hongqing's nor mine."

Seeing the change in Qin Hui's face, Su Jie waved his hands, not asking him to "show loyalty": "You will definitely be wooed by others if you go to the Honey Badger security, but I don't care who you are facing. As long as you can cooperate, you can make things better." Just do it."

Qin Hui didn't speak anymore, he was silent, he could no longer understand Su Jie's meaning, and felt that Su Jie was unpredictable.

"Let's go, let's go to the Zhang family's ancestral hall. Zhang Hongqing must be having a meeting with members of the family right now. Because the top management of the Honey Badger has issued an order for Zhang Kaitai to automatically resign from the board of directors." Su Jie said.

This is Zhang Manman's news.

Although Zhang Manman left the Zhang family, there are still some eyeliners in the Zhang family, especially among the younger generation of disciples, everyone is surnamed Zhang, and those offshoot children who have left the Zhang family are living a good life. Everyone wants to step on two boats, so the news will naturally leak out.

There were many times when the news that Mrs. Zhang did something against Zhang Manman was first passed on to Zhang Manman from the inside, and only then did she avoid one danger after another.

The Zhang family also cleaned up several times, but they still couldn't clean up Zhang Manman's eyes and ears.

Su Jie, Zhang Manman and Qin Hui came directly to the Zhang Family Ancestral Hall.

At this very moment, there was indeed an internal meeting in the Zhang Family Ancestral Hall.

A group of people including Zhang Hongqing and Zhang Hongyuan were among them. As elders, they did not speak, and Mrs. Zhang presided over the meeting.

At this moment, Zhang Manman's elder brother, Zhang Kaitai, has a very ugly face, but his majesty remains, as if he was cultivated by holding power in his hands, and his kung fu has improved a lot.

However, people under the Zhang family were talking about it, especially Zhang Kaiyu, Zhang Kaiyuan and other juniors, with gloating expressions in their eyes.

They all already knew that Zhang Kaitai was asked by Honey Badger Security to resign from the board of directors.

This means that Zhang Hongqing's plan to support his son in power has failed.

Of course, they are at ease in their hearts. As for the prosperity of the family, they don't care about it, as long as they get benefits for themselves.

However, in their hearts, they were still secretly shocked by Zhang Manman's ability to pull Mrs. Zhang Kai down.

You know, in the Honey Badger Group, Zhang Hongqing is one of the three actual controllers. It is reasonable and reasonable for Zhang Hongqing to put his son in the board of directors of a department, and it is difficult for anyone to stop him.

But now that such a thing has happened, it is simply unimaginable.

"I know that many of you are taking pleasure in other people's misfortune today. Some people even tipped off Zhang Manman. Every time I take actions against her, she will know in advance that there must be an inner ghost." Zhang Kai's face is as frosty, " The purpose of my meeting today is to investigate the inner ghosts. If any of you have tipped off the news, then stand up and I can make a difference. If you don’t stand up and let me find out, I’m afraid life will not be so easy. You guys Don't even think about someone interceding, today the leader and several law enforcement elders of the family are here, whoever leaks the news will have their limbs cut off and be disabled for life. Our Zhang family does not keep anyone who cheats inside and out."

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