Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 368 Brain Structure Research breakthrough is just around the corner

Chapter 368 A breakthrough in brain structure research is just around the corner

An ordinary life is indeed very comfortable, but sometimes, knowing too much of the truth of the world will only increase troubles.

Su Jie even had a thought in his heart that his son would not let him touch these things in the future. But just as the thought surged up and dissipated, he just shook his head and smiled.

"This is a good opportunity. If I can take this opportunity to obtain some of Typhon's secrets, it may be helpful to rescue my sister. But there is one more thing, I have to tell my dad that I have already dueled with Zhang Hongqing and won Without him, there is no need to continue the life-and-death duel between him and Zhang Hongqing." Su Jie was thinking deep in his heart.

While discussing with Zhang Manman, he called his father Su Shilin.

Dad Su Shilin has been talking about it lately, sometimes he is still working as a security guard for Zhonglong Group, and sometimes he goes abroad, saying that he is a security guard for the multinational business of Zhonglong Group, but no one knows what he is doing.

All in all, it was after Su Jie successfully cultivated that he discovered some of his father's secrets.

Called several times and found that I was still unable to get through.

Su Jie frowned: "Could it be that he went to a certain place abroad with Zhonglong Group?"

The transnational business of Zhonglong Group is very large, and it has contracted the construction business of many countries. Song Longhua, the chairman of Zhonglong Group, goes out almost every month, which is much more frequent than Liu Shi's going abroad.

Now Su Shilin often goes abroad with Song Longhua, as his bodyguard, responsible for his security issues.

Sometimes it was a secret operation, and it was reasonable that Su Jie couldn't get through the phone.

"Forget it, let's send a message." Su Jie compiled the message and sent it out.

"A week later, we will meet the person in charge of delivering the medicine." Zhang Manman fixed the time, "The medicine is a box, which is extremely important. It is said to be very formal raw materials, and there are some medical data and clinical reports in it. It should be delivered in the original paper form, because it is easy to be intercepted by people when it is transmitted through the information network."

Su Jie nodded. He knew that this is the Internet age, and everything must be transmitted through the Internet. Mastering the Internet is tantamount to mastering 80% of the power in the world.

Some real technical stream hackers, calling the wind and rain on the Internet, are the real gods.

Because of this, Larry Wizards, which manufactures mobile phone systems and search engines, is the most valuable Internet technology company in the world.

The old lady is also a true technical master, as long as she is on the Internet, she is equivalent to a master like Su Jie, and there are very few technicians in the world who can compete with her.

Now some of the app programs she developed are still running perfectly, with automatic error correction and automatic data collection to make up for it, and no one is required to operate it.

There is no such advanced technology in China.

Sometimes, in order to preserve the secret, it has to be spread in the most primitive way.

Some super hackers can even invade the government and military institutions of some countries, obtain intelligence, and then sell it on the black market to obtain a large amount of virtual currency, which can then be exchanged for wealth such as gold dollars.

"You arrange the time. Fortunately, there is a week. I can tailor a training plan for you again. After the battle with your father, I have a great understanding of me. I need to retreat and think for a day." Su Jie said to Zhang Man Mando.

"Okay, you rest here." Zhang Manman nodded and left, leaving Su Jie here alone.

Su Jie started working immediately, recorded his body data completely, and then did various experiments, using himself as a living body, analyzing the changes of various tissues in the brain, and comparing it with the previous body data.

Under the big data analysis in the laboratory,

A waterfall of data flow appeared on the screen, and even senior researchers might not be able to see what it was, but Su Jie could fully understand some of the differences.

After comparing for half an hour, Su Jie found that many data in his brain were quite different from before, and the activity and secretion of many brain tissues had changed.

"The electrical signals of the neurons in the brain are more than doubled, and the chemical reactions in the brain are also speeding up, but the stability of the cerebellum and brainstem has increased." Su Jie is now an absolute expert in the study of the human brain, with a deep understanding , has surpassed 99% of brain experts in the world.

He found that the electrical impulse signal of the neurons in the brain was much stronger, which accelerated the chemical reactions inside and directly transmitted to many parts of the body.

The most basic thing in the brain is bioelectricity as the power, urging various tissues to produce chemical reactions, and after the reactions, many chemical substances beneficial to the body will be produced, such as amino acids, amines, peptides, and fatty acids.

Of course, there are also chemicals that are harmful to the body.

It depends on the mood of the person.

When the mood is depressed, the frequency of bioelectricity inside will become disordered, thus destroying many chemical reactions. When the mood is cheerful, the chemical reactions will be stable and accelerated. When the mood is calm, the chemical reactions will become peaceful, which is equivalent to recuperating.

Su Jie discovered that the whole person's body is a country, and the brain is the decision-making level of the central organization. Various policies come out, either to stimulate production, or to rest with the people, or to extort money, or to fight against the outside world.

When people's thoughts come together, electrical signals will be generated.

This electrical signal masters chemical reactions deep within the brain through bioelectrical pulses.

But Su Jie found that this series of reactions can be checked with scientific basis, even in his current state, control emotions, change thoughts, and make the chemical reactions of his brain stable if they want to be stable, intense if they want to be intense, and soothing if they are intense Soothing, even through scientific methods, using the mood to transform the body.

But where do people's thoughts come from?

He never understood this.

Ideas seem to appear suddenly from the void. Sometimes people will have some ideas inexplicably. What is the source of these ideas?

Su Jie thought hard about this point, but couldn't come up with a reason.

Although many sages and philosophers in ancient times also discussed this issue and guessed various conclusions, it was of no avail because no scientific logic was found to prove that his theory was correct.

But this problem is an eternal mystery, and it seems impossible to explain it with current science.

Su Jie still puts his research on the physical body and electrical signals.

"What is the state of mind of the baby? Under their mood, what chemical reaction will the brain's electrical signals cause the human body to produce? What is the frequency of this reaction? If adults imitate the baby's emotions, will the body rejuvenate, or will the effect be different? Weaken?"

Su Jie is using supercomputers and artificial intelligence to study large amounts of data.

He has long issued instructions to Larich, hoping to collect a lot of data from the hospital, as well as data on various psychotherapy diseases, and then use artificial intelligence to filter and sort them out, so that he can come up with a comprehensive As a result of the research, use yourself as a live experiment.

If instead of relying on Larich's large databases all over the world, Su Jie collects and studies them one by one by himself, he may not be able to collect them in ten thousand years.

This is the advantage of big data. In the era of network technology, data is the most important wealth.

Larich's internet search and mobile phone systems are connected to people all over the world, and a large amount of data information is transmitted in every moment. Even "God" may not be able to accept so much information.

The only thing that made Su Jie feel that there was a flaw in the research was that the developed artificial intelligence was still a bit dull, and when collecting, analyzing and summarizing medical data, it couldn't keep up with his thinking, and still wasted some of his time.

Hundreds of millions of pieces of data, some are useless, some are useful, some need to be analyzed and calculated, and thousands of answers can be obtained. There is only one truth in this answer. The human brain cannot complete this work, only artificial intelligence only then.

At this time, spiritual artificial intelligence is needed, which can save a lot of research time and even inspire people. Because sometimes, the human brain will have unexpected places.

"It would be great if my sister would study with me. I will study life sciences. She will develop the most suitable artificial intelligence based on my research. Our cooperation will definitely speed up my research several times." Su Jiexin Said: "It's better to get Tifeng's data and combine it to be more professional."

Tifeng's data is very professional, and their research is all targeted, unlike Larich's database, which has a lot of messy things and needs to be refined.

To use a metaphor, Larich's database is a gold mine, and he has to mine, dig, transport, refine, and finally get the finished gold.

And Tifeng's database is the bank's treasury, all of which are refined and extremely high-purity gold.

One is a gold mine and the other is a treasury.

Su Jie is now a miner.

However, even if the conditions were "simple", Su Jie still came up with some good research results. At least in one day of research, he thoroughly figured out the condition of his body, and he made a decision based on his condition. A series of thinking strategy makes the body stronger.

How to combine the ups and downs of the brain's electrical signals with the surrounding environmental electromagnetic field through the change of thoughts to strengthen the characteristics of the "non-Newtonian fluid" of the human body. Su Jie's research results have made some small progress.

This is explained by the scientific method.

From the perspective of kung fu, it means that Su Jie improved his inner strength and mental method meditation again, which made his horizontal kung fu practice a step further, reaching an unprecedented level.

He began to improve his "Thirteen Taibao horizontally practicing the golden bell cover iron cloth shirt dragon tiger diamond hard qigong".

Theoretically speaking, the human skin and muscles are tense to the limit, and the blood flows. If you cut it with a knife, it is really difficult to break the skin, and only white marks will be left.

Of course, this is a theory. The theoretical life span of a person is still 150 years old, and it is not seen that people can live so long.

However, Su Jie feels that if his research goes further, there is really such a possibility.


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