Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 379: Quantum Entanglement: Ghosts and Phantoms Demonstrating Superpowers from a Distance

Chapter 279

Su Jie didn't know the name of the mysterious organization behind the dragon mask.

And among all the news and intelligence, this organization has no name, it is an anonymous organization.

Moreover, Su Jie couldn't find out where the organization's specific base was, and he couldn't even find out what the organization relied on to make money, and what the structure of its financial income was.

The first thing any organization needs is money.

Without money, it is impossible for any organization or institution to continue to operate. Typhon Group, a behemoth, has benefited from the dividends of virtual currency and used blockchain technology to capture loopholes in international financial currencies. At the same time, it has established many dark webs and black markets. Only then can money be spent on scientific research and personnel training to make technological progress.

And Larich relies on Internet technology to make money.

Even Haoyu relies on industries such as film, game, real estate and entertainment.

But the organization behind the dragon mask can't find any financial sources. It seems that many powerful people have been born out of thin air. The powerful forces seem to come from another dimension.

This made Su Jie feel very miraculous, and also an insoluble mystery.

No matter what, the organization behind the dragon mask blocked him, so he had to move away one by one.

Su Jie's current goal has been set, to rescue his sister first, to form his own forces and companies in the process, to accumulate funds and capital, to create qualified scientific research institutions in the country, when the time comes, he will have money, technology, and data , There are talents, and the siblings study together, and they will definitely be able to make major breakthroughs in scientific research projects.

The same is true of Su Jie's original goal. He is a good student himself and has a desire to explore knowledge.

The deeper the cultivation, the greater the desire for the world behind.

Many secrets are waiting for him to explore.

In the earliest days, he established Dian Dao martial arts, which was actually for the research of martial arts. All kinds of movements and actual combat techniques had to be tested one by one by people to discover the advantages and disadvantages of them.

But later, when he conducted life science research, he found that the previous research on martial arts movements was too superficial. Various researches such as the endocrine electrical signals of the human body's mental brain cells can really improve the human body's potential. Martial arts meditation alone is really good. Is it too shallow, or a primitive means.

Su Jie's current strength has improved so quickly, in fact, it also relies on real science.

Emma faced the young man in the dragon mask and hid the box behind her back. She knew how much damage this young man had caused the company these days.

"The De Bayer Group finally found a decent bodyguard. No wonder I chased and intercepted all the routes, but I couldn't find any traces at all. You are perfect and have avoided one dangerous area after another. If I didn't intercept it personally, I'm afraid I would have let you You have passed." The young man with the dragon mask said again.

"Please get out of the way." Su Jie smiled. Before, he had a competition with this young man, and it could be said that he was evenly divided, but now he has improved several times compared to that day, and he has developed by leaps and bounds. Invincible posture.

"Give me the box." The young man with the dragon mask said, "I don't want to kill you. After all, you are the son of the previous generation of the dragon mask. I owe him something and I haven't paid it back. After I pay it off, I will pay you back." will kill you, but

and then killed him. "

Hearing this, Su Jie understood something.

"Dragon Mask is a code name." Su Jie said: "It is rumored that the heirs of each generation of Dragon Mask come out of it after fighting and killing countless companions, just like raising Gu. Let some vicious Gu insects fight and devour each other, The strongest existence that was born in the end is the king. You are very good, but you are still not good enough.

Last time you asked me to compete with you, it seemed that you were very unconvinced, so I will try again today, I just want to catch you and ask you about some things about your organization. "

Su Jie decided to capture the young man with the dragon mask alive.

Since this person was cultivated by his father, he must know a lot of his father's secrets. Su Jie must ask clearly so that he can be more clear about his future plans.

The young man in the dragon mask in front of him is much stronger than when he fought against him more than a year ago. It is not impossible to capture alive.

Su Jie had a duel with Zhang Hongqing more than a month ago. The two were evenly divided in terms of punches and weapons, but Zhang Hongqing lost to Su Jie in the final trump card.

But generally speaking, Zhang Hongqing and Su Jie are actually pretty much the same, it just depends on who plays better.

However, that was Su Jie a month ago, and Su Jie is much more terrifying now than a month ago.

During this month, Su Jie, relying on his breakthrough ninth sense, used the advanced science and various new medicines of Larich Life Science Laboratory to conduct research on himself, and made a breakthrough, using his ninth sense to treat his own body "Add points" to the nerves in each part, and the cultivation base will make rapid progress.

Su Jie at this moment, given time, could already be comparable to tyrannical characters like Mr. Honey Badger and Typhon's Fool, and might even reach the realm of Odley.

So facing the young man in the dragon mask, Su Jie also felt relaxed, because he knew how much he weighed, and also knew how strong the opponent was?

All the changes are fully understood, like the eyes of the sky.

"You say that, it seems that you are very confident in yourself. I also have the confidence to kill the dragon mask of the previous generation, let alone you are his son. Even if he trains you again, without our resources, it will not help. "The young man with the dragon mask said: "Alright, I'll let you know what the real gap is."


A gust of wind came.

The young man with the dragon mask had already arrived in front of Su Jie.

On his hand, there is an extra short blade. This short blade is very strange, with patterns on it, and some notches, like sawtooth. The front is extremely sharp, and there are some barbs in the middle, which seem to be used for locking For enemy weapons.

This is a strange weapon.

In traditional Chinese martial arts, many strange weapons are extremely useful. For example, the weapons used in Baguazhang are the Ziwu Yuanyang Yue, the lock weapon, and the short to break the long. There are also Emei thorns, nine-section whips, and meteor hammers.

However, this weapon has never been seen in the ancient traditional Qimen weapons. It seems to be a modern transformation, suitable for hand-to-hand combat.

If both of them use daggers, then this short blade has a huge advantage.

The short blade reached Su Jie's neck, but with a slight sway, the barb underneath actually caught Su Jie's clothes,

causing his body to lose its balance.

Even a slight gap between masters can lead to death.

But Su Jie didn't care, even if the opponent's weapon was in his hand, it wouldn't cause any harm to him. Su Jie's current state was already unpredictable, truly incredible.

With a slight movement of his body, the strange weapon fell into the air, and then with a finger, it reached the armpit of the young man with the dragon mask.

This move is a very common white snake catching birds. It is a traditional martial arts technique. It uses finger force to pierce through. It seems simple, but it usually has no power after practice. After three to five years, or even ten years, the ability to drill through bricks with flesh and blood fingers can truly bring this trick into play.


The young man in the dragon mask seemed to feel extremely dangerous, but his arm seemed to have no bones, so he turned it over suddenly, and cut Su Jie's finger with the weapon.

Su Jie smiled, shrank his fingers, and seemed to disappear. It seemed that his entire arm had never appeared. He was a disabled person without arms.

This is the reason he learned from his peerless body technique of avoiding Zhang Hongqing's bullets. He uses his ninth sense to enhance his motor nerves and control every part of his body.

Zhang Hongqing's fatal bullet hit Su Jie's head.

But at that moment, Su Jie's head seemed to disappear, becoming a headless man, which completely violated the laws of the human body, but Su Jie did it.

Now the young man in the dragon mask is the same. Wherever he attacks Su Jie, any part of Su Jie seems to disappear. It seems that Su Jie in front of him is a holographic projection, a virtual character, which is a highly coordinated motor nerve and various parts of the body. Mutual resonance, resulting in an unconventional outbreak.

Just like action at a distance in physics.

There is a phenomenon in physics that if you observe an object in one place, even if the object is light-years away, it will change its own properties. This is the phenomenon of entanglement in quantum physics. Einstein was very skeptical of this phenomenon in 1935, calling it "ghostly action at a distance".

Of course, Su Jie already understood this phenomenon of quantum physics. His body seemed to be entangled with the consciousness of the young man in the dragon mask through some mysterious channel.

As soon as the opponent's consciousness rises, his body will respond perfectly accordingly, causing the opponent's weapon to fail.

According to the theory, there is a huge difference between having weapons and not having weapons. When he fought Zhang Hongqing that day, even if Su Jie had used his weapons after Zhang Hongqing used them, he would have to use his own weapons. Otherwise, he would definitely be beaten to death with his bare hands.

But now, Su Jie was able to deal with bare-handed swords. This kind of martial arts realm would be called inconceivable wherever he went.

If the current Zhang Hongqing saw this scene, he would probably have extinguished his thoughts of fighting against Su Jie, hiding as far away as possible.

The mood of the young man in the dragon mask fluctuated obviously, because he saw that Su Jie didn't have any weapons in his hands, and he was able to deal with his attack calmly. This kind of state was obviously more than one level higher than him, and he didn't even believe it. There are such people in the world.

"Impossible." The young man with the dragon mask was shocked: "I already knew his strength more than a year ago, how could it be possible to reach such a level?"

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