Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Three hundred and ninety chapters: a wealth of talents

Sure enough, after three days, Uncle Blind suddenly broke through the realm of "living dead", and Gu Yang also rushed from Minglun Martial Arts School to Su Jie's laboratory in City B, and everyone gathered together.

At present, Su Jie's research room has really assembled the masters of the seven realms of the living dead.

Liu Long, Pi Youdao, Ma Fengnian, Luo Weiji, Kang Gu, Gu Yang, Uncle Blind.

These seven masters, together with Su Jie, form a team that is definitely a top-notch force in the world. Of course, the value of force alone cannot control the situation, because in today's society, personal force has actually been weakened infinitely, and now is the era of hot weapons.

Even in the era of cold weapons, masters can't resist the army.

For example, when a master was arrested in ancient times, dozens of well-trained soldiers, wearing armor, bows, arrows and shields, marched forward step by step, and the master was helpless.

As early as before the Ming Dynasty, when Qi Jiguang was fighting against the Japanese pirates, when facing the kendo masters among the Japanese pirates, he used a mandarin duck formation to fight against the enemy. Several people formed a formation, some with shields, some with spears, and some with knives. Some of them use wolf whisks and after a few months of training, they can directly capture Japanese pirates who have been trained by Japanese kendo masters for decades.

Let alone now.

Su Jie has actually seen some limitations of the human body, but he also believes that with the development of science, the limitations of the human body will be broken one by one.

It is also true that the average physical fitness of people today is higher than that of ancient people.

In ancient times, the average human life expectancy was less than 40 years old. Now the average human life expectancy is 70 years old and up, which is twice as long. The life expectancy may be doubled again, and it is not certain.

Su Jie set up this research association not for the purpose of fighting and killing, but studying the mysteries of the human body is the key.


In the secret room of the research association, a person was sent flying.

It's Liulong.

Liu Long was fully armed and wore all kinds of specially made protections to protect all the vital points. Together with Kang Gu and Gu Yang, he besieged the young man in the dragon mask.

And everyone else is watching.

The young man with the dragon mask used ruthless tricks against Kang Gu, Gu Yang, and Liu Long, coming and going like the wind, wishing to beat the three of them to death.

Even if three people besieged him alone, they were suppressed to death by him.

If the three of them hadn't been wearing thick special armor, they would have suffered heavy casualties. Fortunately, the armor was strong enough, and the strength of the three of them was extremely strong. They had gained a lot of experience in the battle.

"Happy!" Liu Long got up and screamed loudly: "Practicing like this for a minute is almost better than my practice for a year. When it comes to our situation, the most difficult thing is to find an opponent, let alone find someone who is better than us." A higher-level opponent."

He has improved a lot these days.

The young man in the dragon mask was trying to kill him, and it could be said that he was killing him. Although he was wearing special protective gear, Liulong felt the threat of death every time.

Uncle Blind, Master Ma, Master Luo, Pi Youdao, etc.

The people didn't do anything, because although they have some kung fu, they are mainly doing scientific research, not martial arts masters, and they rarely fight. Even though Pi Youdao was born as a traditional martial artist, he is also good at teaching, not good at fighting. He has a deep understanding of the essence of Chinese Kung Fu, but after all, he is old and is only suitable for teaching and research, and he is still not good at fighting with people.

On the contrary, Kang Gu benefited the most from the battle with the young man in the dragon mask. He is the youngest, and his mind is simple, and he has made rapid progress. He is improving almost all the time during the fight, and he is restrained by Liu Long and Gu Yang , He can play to his heart's content, pushing all his kung fu to the extreme, and various coups emerge in endlessly.

Su Jie was also watching from the side, and he kept nodding his head, knowing that he had done the right thing in bringing back the young man in the dragon mask as a target to train Kang Gu and others.

"I'm still a little short, and I can't advance to this realm at all. Why?" Zhang Jinchuan was also watching from the sidelines, and he was very distressed. According to the logic, his talent and wisdom should have broken through this realm a long time ago, but now he is still stuck on this threshold, and there is no loosening at all, which makes him feel anxious every time he thinks about it.

His age is about the same as Su Jie. In terms of realm, Su Jie is already the ninth sense, and he is the sixth sense. One is the sky and the other is the underground.

But two years ago, Su Jie was far below him, not his opponent at all.

That is to say, in just over two years, Su Jie has become one of the strongest figures in the world, and he is even on an equal footing with giants like "Mr. Honey Badger". It would be wrong to say that Zhang Jinchuan is not jealous in his heart. It is possible, but he is more confident, because Su Jie is also a human being, and what he can do means that the limit of human power is possible.

Every time he saw Su Jie, Zhang Jinchuan felt more hope and confidence deep in his heart.

Su Jie gave him great encouragement.

However, he doesn't dare to go out to fight the dragon mask youth now, because his level is too low, he is no match at all.

The difference between the sixth sense and the seventh sense is really too great. People below the realm of the living dead can be said to be mortals. One is extraordinary, the other is mortal, it is impossible to compare.

Only when he breaks through the realm can he proceed to the next step.

"I will help you break through." Su Jie understood Zhang Jinchuan's mood very well, and patted him on the shoulder: "I have now found some methods that can stimulate your brain nerves, and release more energy in an instant. It’s just that some problems have not been solved. In fact, the seventh sense of human beings sounds very mysterious, but it is not very difficult after thorough research. The difficulty is mass production. For example, I helped Liu Long, Master Pi Youdao, and even Luo Ma to promote the feeling of the living dead and successfully obtained the seventh sense, but in fact their own accumulation is very strong, that is, climbing When I reached the peak position, I was just a step away. If I were an ordinary person, I would work so hard, and it would be impossible for them to get the seventh sense. With a ninety-percent certainty, you can gain a seventh sense."

"This kind of breakthrough is not achieved by oneself. Will there be some obstacles in the future?" Zhang Jinchuan asked.

"That's not necessarily the case. Science is science. It doesn't pay attention to the process, but only to the result." Su Jie said: "If a person wants to go to the sky, he doesn't fly up by his own strength, and that won't affect anyone.

what. The reason why people are human is that they can use tools. By the way, how are you doing in the Mingxia Group? How is Jiang Zhiyan recently, is she still against you all the time? "

"Since you went to meet her last time, she seems to have restrained a lot, but I don't think she gave up. Although she didn't blatantly scold me in various meetings, she actually used a lot of tricks secretly to make her My project and company are also constrained everywhere, and the development is not very smooth. And I hope to persuade Xia Shang to invest in our research laboratory, but he never said so." Zhang Jinchuan is still not very smooth in the company.

"It doesn't matter." Su Jie said: "Now that I have secured a lot of investment, it doesn't really matter whether I invest next summer or not. The top priority is, I'll help you solve the problem of the seventh sense, as long as this problem is solved The problem is, you will really gain a firm foothold in the Mingxia Group, and you can also defeat Jiang Zhiyan."

Among the two best groups in the country, among the Hedao Group, the person sent by Tifeng is Wen Ting, who has been squeezed out now, and in the Mingxia Group is Jiang Zhiyan, who hides so deeply that it is difficult to be found.

"Then what do I need to prepare now? Will you do the surgery for me?" Zhang Jinchuan said.

"In your current situation, if you want to reach the seventh sense, you don't need surgery, you just need to do a psychological stimulation to reach that critical point." Su Jie had already thought up a plan: "I'll take you to meet the two Personal negotiation, with the help of these two people, it should be possible for you to break through this realm."

"Which two people?" Zhang Jinchuan asked.

"Wen Ting, Feng Hengyi." Su Jie said two names.

"Are you going to find the two of them?" Zhang Jinchuan was startled, but then looked forward to it: "These two people have stopped a lot recently, but they are actually playing some tricks, but even if they are found, the most they can do is beat them up." Dayton, it is difficult to cause substantial harm to them, should we kill them?"

"My grasp of people's nerves is already very subtle. With any method, their motor nerves can be weakened or destroyed, resulting in a decline in their motor ability. In simple terms, it can even abolish their martial arts and let them They lose their ability to work." Su Jie said: "Of course, I don't have to do this, I just give them a warning, and hope to convince them at the same time."

"Convince them? It's impossible. These people are stubborn. Even if they are killed, there will be no change. For example, the current Su Long, he will never turn back." Zhang Jinchuan didn't think Wen Ting and Feng Hengyi will change, but dogs can't change eating shit.

"No matter what, let's go first." Su Jie said: "I want to get Typhon's secret from these two people. If these two people don't tell me, I have a way to deal with them."

"If you leave, no one can subdue this Su Long." Zhang Jinchuan said: "Once this person loses control, we are afraid that we will suffer heavy losses."

"So I brought this person with me." Su Jie suddenly shouted: "Stop!"

Immediately, Liu Long, Gu Yang, and Kang Gu retreated abruptly.

The young man with the dragon mask also stood still. In the past, he definitely would not listen to Su Jie, but now he knew that if he did not listen, Su Jie would deal with him and make him suffer a lot.

He is not Su Jie's opponent yet.

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