Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter three hundred and ninety-six

Chapter 396 Mastering the skills and rich experience to help others understand

Su Jie got Wen Ting and Feng Hengyi's information about Tifeng, and immediately knew a lot of things, such as where some of Tifeng's strongholds are, what is the internal training system, what medicine is used, and so on.

What made Su Jie gain the most was that Tifeng's entire training system was included in it.

For example, how did Feng Hengyi become such a tyrannical master at such a young age, what kind of drugs were injected from the fetus and mother, how to conduct prenatal education, and how to conduct training in childhood after birth.

Don't look at Su Jie becoming such a tyrannical character in just two years, but his experience cannot be copied.

In other words, even if Su Jie was reborn on his own, or if he cultivated people now, it would be impossible for him to become a master of the ninth sense again. Because Su Jie relies on constant comprehension, the burst of brain potential in a flash of inspiration, just like the sudden enlightenment of Zen Buddhism, it is necessary to pay attention to chance.

Su Jie encountered a lot of opportunities, so he comprehended again and again in a short period of time, activated all the potentials in his brain, and reached the current point.

Su Jie's own experience cannot be copied, but Feng Hengyi's can.

Tifeng has developed a whole set of education system that can make people become masters of the seventh sense in their youth. Under such circumstances that can be replicated, a large number of master youths are mass-produced, which is extremely terrifying.

Of course, although a master like Feng Hengyi can be copied, the cost is relatively high.

According to Su Jie's information, Feng Hengyi spent at least 100 million U.S. dollars from the time he was condensed in the fetus until he was 16 years old.

An ordinary family spends at most about one million yuan to raise a child to adulthood, which is still relatively wealthy middle class.

However, in Su Jie's view, Feng Hengyi can be built at a cost of 100 million US dollars, which is simply worth the money, and all rich people will cultivate it.

It's just that many of the richest people in the world don't have this channel, nor do they have this qualification.

After Su Jie mastered this training system, he gained a lot of experience, which was of great significance to his practice and research.

Of course, the most important thing is that many strongholds of Typhon Training Camp are nodes on the dark web, which cannot be captured by search engines at all, and can only be accessed through secret data channels and some keys.

It took Su Jie some time to grasp the secrets. His computer skills are relatively weak, and of course he is equivalent to a second-rate hacker in the world. The main reason is that he spends all his time on human body research, but after this period of time passes, he will , and then take a good look at computer technology.

Drip, drop, drop.....

Just when Su Jie obtained this network node, a red alarm suddenly came out, it seemed that the intrusion failed, and a large amount of data was destroyed.

Su Jie quickly activated defensive measures to block all kinds of viruses.

"It seems that the computer technology is still insufficient." Su Jie sighed, "The dark net built by Tifeng is very high-level, I want to exchange information with my elder sister through some channels of the dark net, it seems that it is very difficult to do arrive."

Su Jie’s elder sister is working on artificial intelligence technology in Tifeng, and there must be traces left on the Internet. If Su Jie’s level is higher, the two can bypass some of Tyfeng’s restrictions and have a conversation on the Internet. It's a pity that Su Jie's network technology is not high.

A real super hacker is a god on the Internet, calling the wind and calling the rain, much more powerful than the real world.

In the real world, even the super expert Tefeng the leader has to run away from the army. But super hackers can break through a country's defense system on the Internet and obtain many secrets, even state agencies know nothing about it.

There have been many such things in history.

Browsing the Tifeng information obtained on the computer, Su Jie made a summary. In the past six months, he has obtained a lot of information, including a complete training system and a lot of information on medicines, but there is no news about artificial intelligence. , I don't know where the old lady is.

But the advantage is that he has a further in-depth understanding of Typhon's entire scale.

"Su Jie, a lady named Tang Yunzhu outside wants to see you." At this moment, a message came from the guard.

"Let her in." Su Jie issued an order.

The surrounding area of ​​this laboratory base is very tightly guarded. Special occupational security is used for defense according to the military organization. There are cameras everywhere, which are connected to the defense system. As long as there is a problem with the picture on the camera, the alarm and defense will be activated immediately. .

This laboratory base was established by Zhang Jinchuan. It took a lot of hard work and money, but everything was worth it. It is very safe in this domestic environment, and it is extremely difficult for even a master to sneak into it.

The young man in the dragon mask was trapped in this base, and he basically couldn't find any chance to escape.

After a while, several security guards took Tang Yun to sign in Su Jie's laboratory.

According to the theory, it is impossible for ordinary people to enter Su Jie's laboratory, but Su Jie also wants to absorb Tang Yun's lottery into the research team. This girl is a genius. Under Zhang Jinchuan, it was even higher.

"Tsk tsk..." Tang Yun signed a glance at Su Jie's laboratory: "Su Jie, you have made a fortune. The various costs of building this laboratory-level base are at least more than one billion, and there will be more and more in the future. Investment, I am afraid it will cost a lot.”

"What's a billion dollars? It's not as good as one-tenth of a real estate developer's newly opened real estate. He sold ten or twenty high-end real estate in city b and returned." Su Jie smiled.

One billion is a lot in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of some businessmen, it is really just a drizzle, a small goal.

For example, last year, Liu Shi announced that the Hedao Group invested 100 billion in artificial intelligence research institutes.

Liu Shi promised Su Jie that as long as his life science laboratory is established, he will invest three billion yuan every year. This is not bragging, Liu Shi can show it.

"No wonder you have been busy with the construction of this experimental base without any movement in the past six months?" Tang Yunzhi asked.

"The construction of this laboratory was arranged by Jinchuan, and I'm just doing research." Su Jie said: "And I only own a small share of this laboratory, less than 10%."

"But you have the absolute right to decide and control." Tang Yun signed.

The shareholding system of the company is normal. For example, in Liu Shi’s Hedao Group, his entire management team owns very few shares, but they have absolute control. As early as the early stage of investment, their voting rights were magnified. Big capitals have given up their voting rights, and let them manage the entire company as long as they have the right to pay dividends.

The same goes for the agreements signed between Su Jie and Honey Badger, Larich, De Bayer, Dracula, and Liu Shi.

It's very simple, whether you like to invest or not, if you don't, there are many people who are willing to invest.

These magnates have taken a fancy to Su Jie's potential, so they would rather suffer a loss than get on this car.

Larich, in particular, has gained a lot of benefits from Su Jie. Even if Su Jie's conditions are harsher, he still has to make large-scale investments.

"You came to me today because you want to join my laboratory and study together?" Su Jie asked, he didn't peep into Tang Yun's mind, it was pure speculation.

"Shouldn't this be you who invited me?" Tang Yun signed: "If I go to apply for a job, I don't know how many big companies will rush to ask for it."

"Then I will invite you to join my laboratory now." Su Jie said, "Your reward is that I will help you gain the seventh sense."

"The seventh sense!" Tang Yun signed, "Did Zhang Jinchuan already have the seventh sense? Did you help him get promoted? My father once showed Zhang Jinchuan a picture and said that he was very intelligent, but he was much wiser." Injury to life, it is very difficult to reach the realm of the living dead, and you will be stuck at this pass and cannot advance. You actually helped him break through the barriers in numerology?"

"Numerology is nothing more than a diversity in the concept of time. Time is diverse, uncertain, and diffuse." Su Jie said: "People walk according to a fixed program, but when this program was originally designed, there are infinite possibilities. rather than uncertain factors.”

"It's hard for me to understand what you're saying." Tang Yunzhi looked at Su Jie in a white coat, a typical image of a scientific madman: "When we first met, you gave me the impression of a master, but now It's the temperament of a great scientist."

"To put it simply, I have speculated through various experiments that the trajectory of life and our every move are all programmed at the moment of the Big Bang. Including our current speech, it is actually in In the design of the program. But this program design is very complicated, with infinite diversity, beyond the signs we can imagine. For us, the fate of people is both predestined and not predestined." Su Jie Said: "A fish swims into the sea, it thinks the sea is boundless, but in fact the sea has a limit."

"Okay." Tang Yunzhi knew that Su Jie's realm was extremely advanced, and she couldn't get in touch with theoretical knowledge at all while studying. Although she was also a top student, she could no longer keep up with Su Jie's thinking: "I have decided now to join your team. Lab, but how are you going to pay me?"

The salary Tang Yunzhi mentioned was that Su Jie helped her gain the seventh sense.

"You are now at the peak of your sixth sense, and there will be a breakthrough from time to time." Su Jie could easily see through the state of Tang Yun's lottery: "Actually, your realm is higher than that of Jinchuan, and your The aptitude is also very good, and the foundation is strong. Therefore, if you are completely stable in the seventh sense and your thinking does not retreat, you must have a strong stimulus, just like when you jump high, someone pushes you violently, so that you can completely step on that. Steps, so you won't fall down."

Su Jie already had a lot of experience at this time.

He is like an experienced old doctor helping people to treat diseases. He can tell at a glance what your disease is and how to prescribe the right medicine.

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