Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 407: Direct Threat

Chapter 407 Direct Threats

Su Jie and Mr. Honey Badger visited City B for a day, and they visited many parks. Especially at night, there were martial arts enthusiasts practicing in many parks.

"The atmosphere of Kung Fu in City B is really strong, but the park faction does not have professional and systematic training after all." Mr. Honey Badger said, "The real kung fu should be in various martial arts gyms. After all, these martial arts gyms have a place for research. How about When we visit the major martial arts halls, we don’t want to learn their kung fu, but to see the thousands of years of martial arts inheritance and enrich my thinking and emotions.”

"Mr. Honey Badger, in our martial arts world, if a martial artist doesn't go to apprentice or go to the martial arts gym, he is kicking the gym. Regardless of success or failure, it is a kind of offending thing, and it is a deep hatred. It is difficult for a lifetime. Eliminate it, forget it." Su Jie quickly waved his hand: "It doesn't matter the sects in the park, they are just playing tickets, and they don't rely on this to make a living, but it's different when they open a martial arts hall."

"This kind of culture is interesting." Mr. Honey Badger is actually very clear in his heart, and he is savoring it carefully.

After the two walked around, they returned to the laboratory base.

In the training ground of the laboratory, Liu Long, Gu Yang, Zhang Jinchuan, Liu Guan, Pi Youdao, Kang Gu and others communicated with each other and practiced with each other to improve their skills and physical fitness.

It is difficult to make a difference behind closed doors. A large group of masters must communicate with each other and form a research team, and various kung fu and experiences will be born.

In the ancient feudal society, the reason why all the martial arts in the world came out of Shaolin was because there were so many monks in Shaolin, and the land was rich, and many masters came here to become monks and study martial arts together, and their level improved very quickly.

Now in Su Jie's research club, everyone is a master. If it comes to the real level of martial arts, it has already surpassed all kinds of ancient sects by a lot, and even Tifeng is a little afraid.

"Su Jie, you're back. Who is this?" Liu Long was the first to meet him. He looked at Mr. Honey Badger, and couldn't see through this foreigner at all.

Gu Yang pulled Liulong fiercely, as if he felt extreme danger. With his extraordinary keen sense of life and death in the dark world, Gu Yang felt that the foreigner in front of him was more terrifying than the devil.

"Hello, Inquisitor." Mr. Honey Badger seemed to know Gu Yang: "Your organization is still looking for you, but don't worry, I will tell them, and your wanted list will be cancelled."

"You are?" Gu Yang was a little puzzled.

"Let me introduce you." Su Jie said, "This is Mr. Honey Badger. Cooperate with me and conduct research."

"You are Mr. Honey Badger?" Gu Yang was taken aback, even though he had reached the realm of the living dead, he couldn't hold back the shock in his heart.

In the dark world, Mr. Honey Badger is the real overlord king. Almost a word can set off a bloody storm in the dark world. Not to mention that he is a super strong man, but the terrible thing is that he holds powerful power in his hands. Many mercenary organizations It was cultivated by Mr. Honey Badger, and there are countless agents, killers, and spies, forming an extremely huge network.

Who Mr. Honey Badger wants to kill is actually a matter of one sentence.

Now this legendary figure actually appeared in front of him.

"Mr. Su Jie, there are indeed many masters in your research club." Mr. Honey Badger took a look and knew why Su Jie's new laboratory was so feared by Tifeng.

Take the characters of the seventh sense as an example, there are more people than the honey badger training camp.

Although there are three giants in the honey badger training camp, there are not as many people with the seventh sense as there are around Su Jie.

"Fortunately, there will be more and more in the future." Su Jie's words were not empty words.

He is confident that Zhang Manman and Qin Hui can also activate the seventh sense, and he can also turn Liu Guan into a master of the seventh sense.

"You are Mr. Honey Badger?" Liu Guan was very excited and came forward to shake hands: "My coach is Master Blackwater. He has mentioned you many times, saying that you are the real God of War in the dark world."

"You came from the Blackwater training camp?" Mr. Honey Badger nodded with a smile: "It's rare, your father is a huge rich man, and you are able to give up your pampered life and go to the Blackwater training camp for brutal training."

Liu Guan was very happy in his heart, and he truly admired Mr. Honey Badger.

Although his father, Liu Shi, started from scratch and established a huge business system, he was still worse than Mr. Honey Badger. Not to mention the difference in strength, but in terms of wealth accumulation, the Hedao Group is not as good as the Honey Badger Group. Besides, the Honey Badger Group controls people's life and death, while the Hedao Group only makes money.

There is an essential difference between the two.

If Mr. Honey Badger becomes enmity with Liu Shi, then the global business of the entire Hedao Group will lose its vitality in an instant, and it will even be severely hit.

Fortunately, Mr. Honey Badger is a friend, Liu Guan is very happy in his heart, and at the same time, he is completely convinced by Su Jie's energy.

He had stayed in the Blackwater training camp and knew many things about the dark world. Because of this, the more I know the powerful relationship among them.

"Su Jie is simply too powerful. I know that he has cooperated with Honey Badger, but I never thought that Mr. Honey Badger would actually come to communicate with him in person. This is tantamount to acknowledging Su Jie's equal status with him." Liu Guan thought in his heart. Thinking: "It seems that when I go back, I have to discuss it with my father, re-establish the policy, and once again focus on getting closer to Su Jie."

Seeing Mr. Honey Badger talking and laughing happily with Su Jie, Liu Guan almost overturned his three views.

"Mr. Honey Badger, thank you. I just want to live a safe and stable life in the future, and I don't want to get involved in the dark world anymore." Gu Yang was also very happy.

He belongs to a certain mysterious organization, and this organization is still secretly hunting him down because of his withdrawal. Although it is relatively safe in the country, accidents are inevitable. But Mr. Honey Badger put a guarantee, so he was at ease.

Gu Yang is now only studying martial arts in Su Jie's laboratory, practicing with peace of mind, and living a very good life. He really doesn't want to get involved in everything in the dark world.

Mr. Honey Badger nodded.

"Everyone sit down." Su Jie greeted everyone to sit on the ground in this training ground, as in the usual training state: "Mr. Honey Badger came to China this time to study kung fu with me, and it will take about half a year. Hope to improve. You can ask him any questions, and from now on, Mr. Honey Badger can be your coach for half a year."

"Really?" Liu Guan still couldn't believe it.

"Of course it is true." Mr. Honey Badger nodded: "Of course, as a coach, I may not be better than Mr. Su Jie. In fact, in my opinion, Mr. Su Jie is the best coach. Said, Mr. Su Jie is more suitable to be a coach than me."

These words really couldn't be more praiseworthy for Su Jie.

"Today is relatively late, and our training starts tomorrow." Su Jie talked with the people present for a while, and then dismissed.

Mr. Honey Badger lives in his training camp.

Liu Guan returned home.

He immediately told his father Liu Shi what happened today.

However, after returning home, he found that his father was visiting.

In the living room of the courtyard, a foreign man was sitting opposite Liu Shi. He was a white man with a pale face. He was a little scary under the light, and his demeanor was very gloomy, which made Liu Guan shudder.

Facing this man, Liu Shi also looked a little unhappy, but he was trying his best to suppress his anger.

"Mr. Liu Shi, I wonder if you would be interested in my proposal just now?" The white foreigner's tone was gloomy, as if he hadn't seen the sun for a long time. Liu Guan looked at this man from a distance, as if he saw a Vampires who have been sleeping in coffins for a long time only come out at night.

"I have to think about this matter, it's too important." Liu Shi didn't refuse, nor did he make a statement: "Besides, I can't make decisions about the Hedao Group alone, the most important thing is to get the approval of the board of directors. "

Both are speaking in English.

"Mr. Liu Shi, I know you are delaying time." The vampire-like white man showed a smile, and the whole person looked even more gloomy. Don't say it was at night, even during the day, Liu Guan would feel his scalp tingling: "You can't delay for long. We are bound to win the Hedao Group. If you are unwilling to agree to us, then we don't mind changing someone."

"This is China, you are too arrogant." Liu Shi finally couldn't help it: "Your people have set foot on this land many times and disappeared mysteriously. Are you still not vigilant?"

"So this time I came here in person." The vampire-like white man said: "Mr. Liu Shi, join us, you will still be the chairman of the board, and you can also obtain the most advanced technology and longevity, and you will benefit a lot. In fact, your life in this country is not very satisfactory, why don't you join us and create a better future together?"

"Mr. X, as I said, this matter needs to be considered, and it will not be so fast. Even if I promise you now, it is impossible to fulfill your request immediately." Liu Shi is still procrastinating.

"Well, I'll wait for you for three days." The mysterious Mr. X stood up and said, "Give me an answer within three days, otherwise, we will give up on you completely. At that time, you will know it is What consequences."

"I will reply you in three days." Liu Shi nodded.

The mysterious Mr. X turned around and left here. When he came out, he happened to see Liu Guan with a sinister smile on his face, but he didn't say much and just passed by.

"Dad, what happened? This foreigner is so arrogant?" Liu Guan asked, "Who the hell is he?"

"He said he was Wen Ting's coach." Liu Shidao: "Suddenly appeared at home and asked me to join them. At the same time, let Wen Ting be the CEO of the group and train him with all his strength."

"Tifeng's people have finally made a move, and they are such a naked threat, do they really dare to cause trouble in the country?" Liu Guandao: "Dad, are you okay?"

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