Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 416: True Training

Chapter 416 Really Training the Chief Who Knows Good and Evil

Mr. Honey Badger saw it.

Ou Deli's level is a level higher than Su Jie's, but it's not enough to cause crushing power.

Of course, Odley may have stronger means, but that's about it for conventional combat power.

In this battle, both Mr. Honey Badger and Su Jie learned a lot. Su Jie, in particular, felt his own shortcomings from Ou Deli's body. In fact, there is still a lot of room for improvement in his physical fitness, spirit, movement, charm, and perception of heaven and earth.

In particular, Ou Deli's purely natural use of the surrounding environment, light, wind and airflow in an instant also inspired Su Jie a lot.

Of course, Su Jie can also make perfect use of the environment, and he can also use what Odley can use.

It's just that in terms of artistic conception, it's not as natural as Odeli.

If it is said that Ou Deli's degree of unity between man and nature is 99.99%, then Su Jie just lost a nine after the decimal point.

Odley is moving his hands, every move is in perfect harmony with nature, he is a part of nature, he is a mountain, he is water, he is wind, he is rain, he is thunder, he is lightning, he is river, he is sea, he is nature. The sky is the universe.

And Su Jie always felt that he was still a little worse.

Heaven, earth and man did not completely fit together and become a perfect whole.

This is where I am lacking.

Even, Su Jie had a feeling that if he could reach this level, then the leader of Typhon would not be able to kill him easily.

Of course, I will go to a higher level and see more different scenery from the spiritual level.

Odley sat down again, and said to the little foreign boy, "Frey, have you seen clearly?"

"See it clearly." The little foreign boy named Frey nodded, "I've written it all down."

Odley nodded: "Su Jie, I want to hand Frey to you. He has been studying with me longer than you. It was only in the last two years that I brought him with me. Now he has learned everything from me. It's almost done, I want to go all over the world, and your laboratory is just a good place to settle down."

"I have no problem, what does he mean?" Su Jie didn't treat Frey like a child, but wanted to listen to his opinion.

Frey nodded, but did not refuse.

Under the training of Odley, this Frey is a real supernatural power, and now he actually has a seventh sense, and his basic skills are extremely solid. Although he is not strong enough in combat now, he is young after all, but as his body grows in the future, he will definitely be A real master.

Su Jie can see Frey's future, even if he continues to practice like this from now on, without any progress, he can completely surpass Feng Hengyi.

Ou Deli is actually sending talents to Su Jie's laboratory.

Moreover, Su Jie could see that this kid, Frey, was very good at Chinese. Not only did he have no problem communicating, he even understood Chinese culture and traditional culture better than most Chinese people. Such a kid was easy to take care of.

"Su Jie, in the near future, you will confront the big boss sooner or later." Odeli said: "With your current level, coupled with your careful research and the support of huge funds and technology, after five years, I will be able to fight against the big boss." I like you better."

"How old is the chief?" Su Jie asked.


It's almost fifty. "Odeli said: "Although it is difficult for people like us to leave traces on our bodies, we are no match for the laws of nature after all. "

"Five years?" Su Jie calculated, and he was able to guess the true strength of the chief from Odeli's words.

The big boss and Odley should have played against each other many times,

Both sides are familiar.

In contrast, Mr. Honey Badger has fought against the big boss once, and the image of the big boss in his impression is definitely not as detailed and profound as Odley.

"Coach, I need you to train me again for a period of time, and tell me the various kung fu and skills of the big boss." Su Jie made a request. As the number one coach in the world, you are also eager to cultivate Come out alone to defeat the number one character in the world. "

Su Jie knew what Odeli was thinking deep in his heart.

It can be said that in this world, the person who is most familiar with the big boss is Ou Deli.

Su Jie wanted to bring all Ou Deli's information about the big boss into the depths of his mind, as the saying goes, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles.

In fighting competitions, generally speaking, the preparation is to obtain the opponent's latest weight, arm span, height, punching strength, squat, running, endurance, cardiopulmonary function and other data. In addition, it is also necessary to analyze His mental state in various games, what he is good at, whether he is an offensive or defensive player.

Without these all-round analysis, even if we barely make countermeasures, we will have disadvantages.

Even if Su Jie is now as strong as the big boss, based on the intelligence of the two, Su Jie is sure to lose.

Su Jie even knew that all the information about him had been collected by the Tifeng people, and sent to the chief, who analyzed him thoroughly.

The big boss must know everything about himself. At present, Su Jie's strength and statistics can even be said to be transparent in front of the big boss.

As for Su Jie, he was blind to everything about the great leader, and he had no idea who the great leader was, what he was good at, his boxing skills, and his stats.

"Three years later, I will train you again." Odley smiled: "Anyway, I will stay here for a while, hoping to meet the person who can steal the secret data from Typhon. Honey Mr. Badger, if you are interested, how about studying together?"

"That's what I mean too." Mr. Honey Badger had no chance to study with Odley before.

While Honey Badger and Typhon are enemies, he and Odley are not.

Under Su Jie's matchmaking, Mr. Honey Badger was also very happy, and he paid more attention to Su Jie in his heart, not only Su Jie's strength, but his luck and connections.

Among Typhon, the four giants are the most important.

Mr. Honey Badger is most afraid of the big boss, followed by Odley. As for the fool, Mr. Honey Badger thinks he can suppress it. Now it seems that the factor of Odley has been ruled out, so the only one is the big boss. Reduced a lot of stress.

What's more, Su Jie is very likely to bear the pressure of the big boss in the coming days.

Oudley said that after five years, he would be able to contend against the big boss. Mr. Honey Badger felt that if he said such a thing from Oudley's perspective, it should be almost indistinguishable.

If Su Jie can compete against the big boss, and Oudley doesn't care about Typhon's affairs, then Mr. Honey Badger feels that it is not difficult for him to take a lot of fat from Typhon's mouth.

Su Jie and Mr. Honey Badger lived in this small courtyard.

No one expected that in the current world, the three strongest masters would live and practice in a small courtyard among the fields on the outskirts of Minglun Martial Arts School.

In the next few days, Su Jie and Odley competed again, fought against each other many times, and fought against Mr. Honey Badger many times, and Mr. Honey Badger also fought against Odley many times.

The three of them fought more than ten times almost every day.

Every competition was recorded by Su Jie, and analyzed later. This was an extremely rare experience. Sure enough, as he guessed, every time he came to Minglun Martial Arts School during the summer vacation, there would be unexpected gains.

It was the first time I met Odeli and practiced kung fu. In the second Hefeng Hengyi competition, he realized the realm of the living dead. The third time I came here, that is, last year, I competed with Zhang Hongqing, a real life-and-death fight, but I gained an eighth sense. But this time when he came here, he met Odeli again and accepted his training.

In the past few days, the Fool and Mr. X did not show up, and I don't know where they went.

Su Jie didn't care about them either. In fact, he didn't care about these two masters anymore. He now wholeheartedly accepts Odeli's training and knows more about the strength of the great leaders.

"The big leader's kung fu knows everything, is good at everything, and each one is indescribable. Chinese kung fu, Japanese martial arts, muay thai, jujitsu, boxing, gladiatorial combat, even hunting, fighting in the army, tracking, no one in the world can do it. More than him, many powerful national army agent technologies are developed by him."

That night, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse, and it was as cool as water in the courtyard.

Ou Deli and Su Jie stood face to face: "The core idea of ​​the big boss is that he believes in reincarnation. Cutting me is just one of the reincarnations. He believes that the human soul is a drop of water that condenses from the sky and falls to the ground. , Contaminated with a lot of material and dust, it is the whole life of a person. When this drop of water evaporates into the air and forms water vapor, it means death. People are like water, which goes back and forth and never ends. His killer weapon, I am now Let's simulate it and attack you. From now on, I am the big boss."


After a few days of training and exchanges, it was only on the right track tonight that Odeli replaced himself as the big boss and launched a real attack on Su Jie.

Su Jie raised all his energy.

The moon is shining above the head, the wind is blowing all around, the insects are buzzing in the fields, and there is the aroma of harvesting rice.

At this moment, Su Jie melted his heart into the bright moon breeze, and even his body melted.

At this time, Odley changed.

He's not Odley.

It was an incarnation of darkness, the strongest dark breath emerging from his body. Terrible, hell-like horror, the power to control the cycle of life and death, not belonging to the human world, but the most evil breath of the demon world, immediately filled the courtyard.

At this moment, there is no breeze, no bright moon, and there is only thick darkness. Hell has come to the world, devils are roaring, and ghosts are wandering on the earth.

However, in an instant, Odley's aura changed again, it seemed that there was some light in the darkness, which finally made it difficult for people to tell whether he was good or evil, light or darkness.

This is Chief Typhon. His appearance brings swords and disputes to this world, and of course it also brings progress and improvement.

Su Jie suddenly thought of a sentence.

"I have come not to bring peace to the earth, but to bring swords to the earth."

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