Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 419: The Way of Heaven and Man

Chapter 419 The Way of Heaven and Man Blooms in the Center with Strong Enemies

The increase in martial arts in the entire town is actually due to Su Jie's contribution.

It wasn't that Su Jie defeated so many people wearing the Wukong mask and spread it widely on social media around the world. The popularity here is definitely not so strong now.

Moreover, Su Jie has long seen that the number of people studying martial arts in this town has increased dramatically, but most of them are foreigners.

Not to mention the Minglun Martial Arts School, even the many martial arts gyms in the town are dominated by foreigners.

Around the town, many newly built homestays are also full of foreigners.

Among other things, the local tourism economy has been fully stimulated, and more foreigners live here for a long time, and some foreigners even regard kung fu as a kind of religious belief.

Local monk clothes, Taoist clothes, Tai Chi clothes, and Tang suits are all sold out.

Everything with Chinese ancient style was sold out.

Some handicrafts of swords and spears are also sold in large quantities.

Under the night, the lights around the town were brightly lit, and even the roadsides around the Minglun Martial Arts School were full of martial arts practitioners running, exercising, practicing, and even shouting.

Many foreigners carried big bags and tied lead weights on their legs, forming a team one by one, running and exercising on the road.

Some of these foreigners are from Minglun Martial Arts School, and some are from nearby martial arts schools.

Su Jie, Ou Deli, and Mr. Honey Badger walked on the road, heading towards Minglun Martial Arts School.

"Huh?" Mr. Honey Badger looked at a group of foreigners passing by. They were all young people, all of them had strong physiques, and their energy seemed to explode. Each of them carried a weight of 20 kilograms on their backs, walking like flying, and there were two large characters printed on their bodies and clothes.


"Isn't this your Chinese martial arts school?" Mr. Honey Badger asked.

"I don't know either." Su Jie said: "In my memory, there doesn't seem to be such a martial arts school. And this martial arts school obviously has a Western style?"

Matthew was a Western saint who preached the Gospel.

However, in the West, there is one of the most famous phenomena, which is suitable for many fields such as finance, psychology, science, education, etc., and that is the famous "Matthew Effect".

The "Matthew Effect" is just that in this world, the strong are getting stronger and the weak are getting weaker, an extreme polarization.

This comes from a classic in the Gospel of Matthew: "Whoever has, he will be given double to make him redundant. Whoever has nothing, even what he has will be taken from him."

This is a cruel philosophy that must exist. It seems to violate the balance of yin and yang, but it is the case. This is a bit contrary to the Chinese doctrine of the mean, which emphasizes balance, and things must be reversed when they are extreme. So if you have more, you should give less.

From these foreign teenagers, Su Jie felt a kind of artistic conception that the strong will always be strong. Their core is that after becoming strong, they don't use it to help others, but use their own strength to take things from the weak.

This is the Matthew Effect.

"These people's personalities are extremely aggressive." Mr. Honey Badger said: "It's incompatible with the people around you. I remember a saying you pay attention to in China is the way of heaven, what is damaged is more than what is lacking. The way of man is what is not enough. There is more than enough. Human nature is greedy, and the strong take the weak. So you pay attention to the way of heaven and suppress human nature. When people become strong, they pursue the way of heaven to make up for the deficiency."

"This is a sentence in the Tao Te Ching." Odley said: "The way of man is to sacrifice what is insufficient and give what is more." It is also the sentence in the Gospel of Matthew' whoever has, give him twice as much. Superfluous. If there is nothing, even what he has will be taken away.' Thoughts are the same. They both talk about the greed of human nature. So no matter in the East or the West, this kind of philosophical thinking was born. Many people also believe that this must be the case in this world ,

Otherwise it will be destroyed. "

"This martial arts school seems to be a joint venture." Su Jie said, "Unexpectedly, foreigners also set up a martial arts school here. It's really interesting. It will really become more and more lively in the future."

"That's why I came back here again." Odley said, and walked into Minglun Martial Arts School with Mr. Su Jie Honeybadger.

The gate of Minglun Martial Arts School is always open, there are no security guards, and the students themselves organize patrols.

In fact, Minglun Martial Arts School is the safest school in the world, no gangster dares to break into it.

Minglun Martial Arts School has expanded a lot again, and the playground has been expanded several times to accommodate more people.

In the martial arts school, there are still many tourists with backpacks, and of course there are members of the short-term study class exercising on the playground.

Su Jie discovered that the number of short-term traditional martial arts classes had increased, and there were at least a dozen traditional martial arts coaches leading groups of foreigners to practice on the playground.

Coach Gu Yang didn't lead the team anymore. In the research base in City B, he was originally an excellent coach, but now there are some masters of traditional martial arts in Minglun Martial Arts School, obviously Liu Guanglie's latest recruitment.

Originally, the Minglun Martial Arts School did not place much emphasis on traditional martial arts teaching, but on modern combat combat, but now it seems that the teaching strategy has been changed.

Odley also noticed it.

"People in Europe, America and the West are interested in fighting and boxing, but they yearn for Eastern martial arts, Qigong." Odeley said: "But after they learn it, they will find that the word Qi is too profound. , It’s hard to comprehend. In the end, after learning for a long time, I only learned some routines, and they couldn’t beat the fighting skills of confrontational practice. So they will lose confidence. Instead, they think that Eastern Kung Fu is a deception. This is taught in Minglun Martial Arts School Still pay attention."

"From now on, they seem to be looking for a joint point." Su Jie said: "Let's go and watch the small group arena."

At the beginning, Su Jie played group arena every night here to make money, and he actually won more than 200,000 yuan in one summer vacation, which is simply a huge profit. Of course, that's also because Odley trained him to make him stronger quickly, so that he could defeat one student after another.

According to the normal situation, he would not make any money at all, and would still lose the registration fee.

And if the fighters in Europe and America want to hire Odley for a month of special training, they probably won't be able to pay a million dollars.

The boxing champion asked him to train him for special training, and he gave half of the bonus, tens of millions of dollars.

"He won again, Pacqui won again. He has won ten games in a row today. He still has strength." As soon as the three entered the arena of the small ring, they heard a burst of surprise.

Su Jie saw a young foreigner on the stage fighting against a player from the Minglun Martial Arts School.

This young foreigner was of medium stature and didn't look strong, but his movements were quite fast. He shook his arm, and with a sudden punch, he knocked his opponent to the ground. The moment he seized the fighter, he was as precise as a computer.

"These days, the people from Matthew Academy have an absolute advantage. It's really disappointing. Don't the people from Minglun Martial Arts School and other martial arts schools have no masters? In our hometown of martial arts, foreigners are showing off their power every day. What do foreign friends think when they come here? Doesn’t it damage the reputation of our Chinese martial arts?”

"That's right, Xu Qiang, you've won prizes in provincial competitions, go up and challenge him."

"I can't do it. All these people in the Matthew Academy have the level of a professional national team. I will definitely be hanged and beaten when I go up."

"Let them fight here every day, not to mention the money they win, it mainly hurts our confidence. It is really abominable. Where are the masters of Minglun Martial Arts School? Where is the person wearing the Wukong mask? "

"Yes, every day I talk abroad about how powerful I am, but they all come home. Why don't you take action to put an end to the other party's arrogance?"

Hearing these conversations, Su Jie and Mr. Honey Badger Odeli glanced at each other, and he already knew the whole story in his heart.

There is another martial arts school opened in the town, it is run by foreigners, it is called "Mataiyuan", and it is full of masters, and some people are sent here to play small group arenas, winning every day, dominating the limelight, and more Large-scale publicity can be carried out.

You must know that everyone can participate in the small group arena of Minglun Martial Arts School, including students and coaches from other martial arts schools. It also carried out live broadcasts, connected with major live broadcast platforms, and promoted it on the Internet. It was very popular, and the copyright could be sold for a lot of money.

This newly established martial arts school "Mataiyuan" clearly took this opportunity to enter the old nest of the hometown of Chinese martial arts and blossom in the center.

This is similar to breaking into the martial arts gym and kicking the gym directly.

I don't know why no one from Minglun Martial Arts School came out?

However, Su Jie saw that the young foreigner on the ring was called Pa Kui. His strength is very strong, if Su Jie is not mistaken, he should be similar to Liu Long before he was promoted to the realm of the living dead.

Although on the surface, this person's strength is not very strong, but he has not shown his true strength.

In his body, there is still a very strong force hidden.

Liulong, who was not promoted to the realm of the living dead, was also the number one fighter in the country, and even defeated Muay Thai champion Benjaron.

What "Matthew Court" sent such a person is to slap and kick the hall.

Su Jie thought about it, in the Minglun Martial Arts School, there was really no student who surpassed Liu Long before, otherwise he would have won the national championship.

In fact, in the world, there are very few people like Liu Long. What is the origin of Matthew Court? Su Jie was rather curious.

He looked at Odley.

Ou Deli said: "The Matthew Court was not opened by Tifeng. Tifeng and Liu Guanglie have some cooperation. They won't come to compete for business. It may be a mysterious organization layout, which has taken a fancy to the martial arts here."

"There are a lot of mysterious organizations in this world." Mr. Honey Badger also said: "Not to mention Mr. Cain's organization, there are about ten or more mysterious organizations with extremely strong high-end strength. They are also rapidly deploying, and they have to catch up." Come on us. Even Typhon, if he doesn't work hard, he will be surpassed in the future."


While the three of them were talking, suddenly the audience booed.

It turned out that there was an opponent on stage.

This opponent is actually wearing a Wukong mask, and he wants to fight Pa Kui from Mathews.

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